Astrolore’s Weekly Astrology Weather: February 22, 2016 through February 28, 2016

Astrolore’s Weekly Astrology Weather: February 22, 2016 through February 28, 2016

February is the coldest month of the year here in New England. February’s cold is a very different kind of cold than what we have in December. It tends to be dry and sharp. Personally, I hate being cold, but there is something in the sharpness that wakes me up and makes me feel as alive as the heat of August.

Blue Building by Willy Fick via Wiki Commons

Blue Building by Willy Fick via Wiki Commons

This week begins with a Full Moon in Virgo. What has been illuminated in your life over the past two weeks? Are you caring for yourself and your physical energies in a new, more contemplative manner?
On Tuesday, Jupiter opposes Chiron encouraging us to look with open clarity at our deepest personal beliefs and how they support our lives.
On Thursday, Mercury is sextile Saturn, offering stability to your thinking and your projects.
On Friday, that same stability encounters new ideas, excitement, and the desire to open your mind in new directions. Perhaps, you are planning a trip or a new educational endeavor; or perhaps you should consider doing so!
Over the weekend, energies deepen as the Sun conjuncts Neptune on Sunday. You may be feeling lost, confused, or divinely inspired. If you do not have a pathway for inspiration to find you, let music take you there. Put on headphones, listen with new ears, and allow yourself to be moved.
Are you concerned or unclear about your path ahead? Let Astrolore help you see your life and your path forward from a perspective that will change everything. Allow more joy and love into your life.
Make your appointment today!
Together, we will work with your individual horoscope to explore your hopes, dreams, goals, your current path, and the reality of your life purpose.
Our conversation will offer you a profoundly renewed perspective on your life and circumstances.
Monday, February 22, 2016:
On Monday morning, the Moon enters Virgo at 6:25 AM EST. We are instinctively drawn toward organization and efficient work. You may have a clear sense of your purpose and the skills you must develop in order to fully embody that purpose.
Monday’s Full Moon in Virgo reminds us to consider how far we have come since we began this lunar cycle two weeks ago at the Pisces New Moon. Whatever project or contemplation began at that time is fully released now into the reality of this world. This speaks to the release of creative energy and provides us with a clear view of how far we have come.
Many of us are deeply aware of a strong buzz at the Full Moon. You may have a clear sense of energy that has been building and now needs to be released. Allow yourself to celebrate this powerful, expressive energy.
Pay attention to what has been building in your life over the last two weeks. Enjoy where it has brought you. If your spiritual practice has been growing and evolving, you will find great satisfaction with where you find yourself now.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016:
Very early Tuesday morning, the Moon, still in Virgo, opposes Neptune. You must understand and accept the reality of living in a human body even as you stay true to your higher idealized vision of spiritual wisdom.
With the Moon opposite Neptune, it may be difficult to accept hard, cold reality at the same time as you open to the spiritual wisdom that aligns on a much deeper level with your soul. We must learn to release the need for perfection in order to find spiritual magic.
An opposition from Jupiter to Chiron encourages us to look clearly at our belief system and understand how our suffering allows us to connect with compassion for those who suffer just as we do.
Make no mistake; suffering is a significant and very human experience. If we use our suffering to understand the suffering of others, and we use that understanding to be of service to others, we will live a rich life indeed.
As the Virgo Moon trine Pluto and conjunct Jupiter on Monday evening, your ability to open your mind to new spiritual and emotional horizons is deeply empowered.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016:
Фотография картины Игоря Орлова by Ujalov via Wiki Commons

Фотография картины Игоря Орлова by Ujalov via Wiki Commons

Wednesday begins with the Moon still in Virgo and forming a sextile to Mars. Beginning the day with physical activity would be ideal. Go for a run, get to the gym, or go for a spirited walk in the woods. Consider this physical activity to be a significant part of your day. Put real energy into that activity, no halfhearted efforts.
The rest of the day is likely to be quiet and uneventful. Do not start any significant activities or projects. This is the day to catch up on routine details; clean out your e-mail box, organize your files, or get the laundry caught up.
With the Moon in Virgo, it may not be easy, but please have low expectations for yourself and others.
When the Moon enters Libra at 5:42 PM EST, the energy will change significantly. How about turning this long, uneventful day into a delightful, spontaneous ‘date night’ or an evening with friends? Make the most of Wednesday evening.
Thursday, February 25, 2016:
Thursday and Friday of this week are important days to be consciously aware of your habitual communication patterns and thought processes. It may feel as though you have a little dance going on inside your mind. This dance is playing out between the need to stabilize your thinking even as you are taking risks to explore outside the box of your standardized thinking.
Take the time to consider what began in November 2015. At that time, Mercury conjunct Saturn, beginning the current cycle between them. Now, as Mercury sextile Saturn, we are given an opportunity to explore changes that have come directly from a line of thought or communication that began in late November 2015. There is no action required (yet), there is simply an opportunity to see things with new eyes and to understand more fully the importance of where our thoughts and communications bring us.
Explore different ways to communicate what feels important. Take your communications and your mindscapes seriously, even as the sextile between Mercury and Uranus (exact on Friday) wants to tell a more exciting, unusual, and innovative story.
Friday, February 26, 2016:
After Thursday’s sextile from Mercury to Saturn, on Friday, we have a sextile from Mercury to Uranus; both speak of opportunities, possibilities, and explorations for the mind.
If you are feeling mentally heavy or serious and you have a partner or friend that is exploring more unusual ways of thinking that are outside your comfort zone, pay attention. Certainly, it could be the other way around with you playing in an innovative, exciting space while your friend or partner is very seriously or conservatively inclined.
Right now, we have very different energies playing out in the arena of the mind. Oftentimes, it is easier to ‘see’ one side of this equation as coming from someone close to us, rather than the confusion that can happen when we try to hold both sides of the issue that are really each a part of us.
This could manifest in issues of study, conversations, or communications of all kinds. You may consider this as an opportunity to explore serious study opportunities… AH! This is the perfect time to begin a serious study of astrology!
Both Uranus and Saturn are honored in astrological study. The serious (Saturn) and the innovative and unusual (Uranus) are brought to the mind for study (Mercury).*
Allow space to pay attention to your thinking, your ideas, and your mental gymnastics. Enjoy the opportunities and the potential for quirky, yet serious thinking.
*Contact me for learning opportunities. 🙂
Coucher de Soleil by MedBerkane via Wiki Commons

Coucher de Soleil by MedBerkane via Wiki Commons

Saturday, February 27, 2016:
You may notice a considerable change in your emotional state as the Moon enters the quiet, secretive realm of Scorpio on Saturday at 6:27 AM EST. While the Moon is in Scorpio, we are aware of our deep emotions on a very personal level. Whatever we feel, we feel intensely. We are interested in what is beneath the words that are spoken.
With the Moon in Scorpio, we understand that knowledge is power and we know how to get to the bottom of things. We have no interest in conversations or interactions on a superficial level. We want to understand the depth and extent of our own power and what holds us back. The Scorpio Moon encourages intimacy and passion, deep passion.
Maintaining clarity regarding your own integrity is crucial. Manipulative tactics may offer themselves as a possibility, exposing a very immature side of Scorpio. Rise to the level of highest integrity. Remember, that the true symbol of Scorpio is the phoenix. The phoenix is a mythical bird of great longevity. When her life cycle is complete, the phoenix sacrifices its current self through fire and renews itself three days later.
This speaks to your need to sacrifice parts of yourself in order for deep and true transformation to occur. Consider what needs to be burned out of your own soul in order to reach the heights that you are being called to.
Sunday, February 28, 2016:
Once each year, the Sun meets with Neptune (exact at 10:46 AM EST). This begins the annual cycle between them. The Sun brings warmth and light to areas of your imagination, inspiration, sensitivity, or confusion.
It is a good idea to pay attention to how you start this cycle, as it will lay the groundwork for your spiritual growth or your artistic endeavors throughout the year. If you are on a path of spiritual growth, take extra time in meditation on Sunday. If you are an artist of any kind, pay attention to what artistic endeavors you begin now.
If you feel lost in fog, or if you have a hard time understanding the difference between reality and fantasy, simply allow that confusion. Do not try to fight against it. Approach any difficulties with humor, deep compassion, and love.
* In these weekly reports, I am exploring the major aspects formed by transit between the planets. I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and are often fleeting moods. I will consider the final major aspect formed by the Moon prior to its VOC* time, as that aspect holds its influence throughout the VOC*.
* The aspects under consideration: conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions.
* The planets I work with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Astrolore’s Weekly Astrology Weather: February 23, 2015 through March 1, 2015

Astrolore’s Weekly Astrology Weather: February 23, 2015 through March 1, 2015

She Rushed Out of the Palace and Came to the Upper World by Warwick Goble

She Rushed Out of the Palace and Came to the Upper World by Warwick Goble

This is a busy week with much activity!
Early this week , the Sun square Saturn encourages us to take a serious step forward on whatever began in November.
On Tuesday, Venus trine Saturn stabilizes the same issue and showing us clearly how far we have come since that time.
On Wednesday, Mars trine Saturn brings stability to the places that are edgy and hot within us, and to our situation.
We also begin a new cycle between the Sun and Neptune. This is a one-year cycle bringing us to the closure of a dream, fantasy, or suffering that began last year. Even as this cycle ends a new one-year cycle, with a new dream begins!
The first two days of the week offer a time to say goodbye, to let go, to prepare for starting the new cycle.
As we reach toward the ending of the week, we are able to tap into higher energies to move us forward.
Monday, February 23, 2015:
Monday brings us a very active Moon in Taurus going VOC* at 9:58 PM EST following a square to Jupiter. This is a day of deliberation, a day to explore the path ahead from a seriously considered position.
At 8:55 AM EST, the Sun squares Saturn and asks that we look at a story that began in mid-November 2014. Pull out your calendars and/or journals and ask yourself what of significance began in your life at that time. The storyline that began then now asks you to make a commitment to taking a definitive step forward. If you know your chart, look at what planets you have near 4° of mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces). This is where you will most strongly feel this energy. The Sun is at 4° Pisces and Saturn is at 4° Sagittarius. You may feel compelled to take serious action in a certain direction or you may feel that something or someone is holding you back. Do you feel your freedom is being restricted?
This is a serious day, asking for serious action and resulting in serious accomplishment. The results of the actions you take now will be clear in late May 2015.
Do your best on Monday to step out of your own small self-concern. Try to make eye contact with others and offer a helping hand. The smallest kindness can change the entire course of a person’s life. This is not time to get stuck in your own solitary concerns. Show kindness even if the other person doesn’t.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015:
Tuesday the Taurus Moon is VOC* all day until she enters Gemini shortly before midnight. This is a day that begs for relaxation and self care.
On Monday, we sought action on what began in November 2014. On Tuesday, we will be working with the same story, only our perspective shifts slightly. If you haven’t determined and executed a deliberate forward action, don’t delay.
Venus trine Saturn at 9:57 AM EST asks us to consider the steps to be taken and clearly acknowledge how far we have come and how much growth has occurred since November. Has the growth involved a new relationship, your personal values, or something else that holds great value to you? Rest in the knowledge that you are on a path with deep purpose.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015:
Wednesday is a busy day with the Gemini Moon highly activated with her engagement with many of her sister planets. At 12:14 PM EST, the First Quarter Square between the Sun and the Moon is exact. You may experience conflict between your analytical mind and your desire to simply fantasize, imagine, and feel your way through the day.
As the evening approaches, we have two significant aspects (impacting us for several days) becoming exact.
She Took Up the Jewel in Her Hand by Warwick Goble

She Took Up the Jewel in Her Hand by Warwick Goble

At 10:08 PM EST, Mars trine Saturn and we are provided with powerful energy and courage to calm and stabilize our more serious situations. With each of these planets in Fire signs, there may be enthusiasm, courage, and fun involved. If what you see is high drama, walk the other way. This cycle began in August 2014; if we encountered a restriction at that time, now it opens and the path is clear.
Just before midnight, the Sun conjuncts Neptune and we begin a new cycle of illuminating our dreams and bringing warmth to our suffering. The cycle that is ending now began in late February 2014. Where is 7degrees Pisces in your chart? This is where a new dream begins.
Allow yourself to dream and encourage the dreams of others. If you are suffering, practice self-compassion. If others are suffering, rest with them in a state of open compassion. Listen.
Thursday, February 26, 2015:
Thursday we are likely to remain in a continued state of dreamy compassion associated with Wednesday’s Sun conjunct Neptune.
The VOC* Moon lasts the entire day from 3:43 AM EST until the Moon enters Cancer at 7:50 AM EST on Friday.
Our continued dreaminess could develop into nostalgia for the past. What are you releasing out of sheer necessity and yet the releasing brings deep suffering?
As we let go of what has been important in our lives, we experience a mixture of excitement for the future and deep sadness for the past. Whatever it is you are releasing, let it go with love and acknowledgment for the importance and value it has brought you. Releasing something or someone is a matter of opening your hands and letting go. You do not need to push it away, hold onto resentment or anger. Say goodbye with love and gratitude. Release.
Friday, February 27, 2015:
After the very long VOC* Moon yesterday, we are relieved to have the Moon enter Cancer at 7:50 AM EST. As we alternate between these long days of Moon VOC* (created by so many planets being in the early degrees) with days without, it may create difficulty maintaining consistency in certain areas of our lives. We have days that we’re moving forward just fine and then days it feels like were swimming through mud. Expect Friday to be a fine day.
Keep close to home this evening. The Cancer Moon encourages us to slow down, spend time with family and love ones, and enjoy quiet activities of connection during the evening hours. With so many planets now in Fire Signs, and the building energy of the Uranus Pluto Square, life is moving very quickly. Changes come without warning. If love, compassion, and care for others are your top priorities, you are on the right path.
Saturday, February 28, 2015:
With the exact connection between Uranus and Pluto so close (March 16), the energy of change, power, and transformation is strongly activated each time the Moon transits a Cardinal Sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn). The Moon is in Cancer throughout the day squaring Uranus at 11:50 AM EST and opposing Pluto at 12:53 PM EST. This is intensely powerful energy that will require you to hold steady and simply ride the wave of change.
The Moon becomes VOC* following the opposition to Pluto at 12:53 AM EST until she enters Leo on Sunday evening at 6:34 PM. This is an extremely long VOC* Moon. If possible, keep close to home, engage with those you love, and maintain a strong sense of compassion and kindness toward others. Something may come to light that is unexpected and difficult to get your mind around.
Compassion and kindness toward yourself and others is more important this weekend than you realize.
Saturday is the last day in February and we are so close to the final culmination (for now) of this part of the Uranus Pluto story. This story is bigger than our lives. It began in 1965 and has been struggling to push forward for several years now. It will come to full illumination in 2046.
Pay attention to what you encounter now, any internal or external struggle will be with you powerfully over coming weeks.
Sunday March 1, 2015:
The Moon is VOC* in Cancer until she enters Leo at 6:34 PM EST. Keep your senses open and aware for an unusual opportunity that may be offered. Look for a new perspective on the area of your life that has expanded over the past 6 to 8 months. The first week of August 2014 brought huge expansive energy to our thoughts, our spirit, and hearts. If you look at what began at that time, you
Urashima by Warwick Goble

Urashima by Warwick Goble

will see an area of full illumination now.
Also, look back to April 2014. Can you remember something that was stimulating, aggravating, or brought anxiety or excitement to your thoughts and awareness? Whatever began at that time, you have come a long way since then. Now you are able to work with the energy of final releasing. Explore ways to release in a healthy manner, to let it go for the next cycle of growth within your mind that will begin in April 2015.
If you know what these cycles represent, I would love to hear from you. Please tell me how this is playing out in your circumstance and your life.
This week: The VOC* Moon:
VOC* (void of course) refers to the period of time between the final aspect that the Moon makes while in one sign until she enters the next sign. This can consist of several minutes or many hours. These periods are best handled with little expectation of accomplishment; times ideally suited for rest and contemplation.
Block off these times in your schedule and avoid making significant decisions or working on important projects during these times. During VOC* Moon, focus on routine tasks. You will be surprised at how this one change will smooth the edges of your life!
Do you have questions about what is appropriate to do or not do during the VOC* Moon? A simple way to think about it is to ask a simple question: Do I hope that this activity will amount to something? If the activity does not need to amount to anything, go ahead with it! If you have an expectation or desire that this action is going to amount to something, do not do it while the Moon is VOC*. Think about the time you bought a book you were certain you were going to love and you never could finish it! Think about the time you bought the perfect article of clothing that you ended up never wearing; that is the Moon VOC*!
Monday, February 23, 2015 the Moon is VOC* (in Taurus) following a square to Jupiter at 9:58 PM EST and ending shortly before midnight on Tuesday when she enters Gemini.
Thursday, February 26, 2015 the Moon is VOC* (in Gemini) following a sextile to Jupiter at 3:43 AM EST and ending on Friday at 7:50 AM EST when she enters Cancer.
Saturday figure 28, 2015 the Moon is VOC* (in cancer) following an opposition to Pluto at 12:53 PM EST and ending on Sunday, March 1, 2015 at 6:43 PM when she enters Leo.
* In these weekly reports, I am exploring the major aspects formed by transit between the planets. I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and are often fleeting moods. I will consider the final major aspect formed by the Moon prior to its VOC* time, as that aspect holds its influence throughout the VOC*.
The Aspects I consider: Conjunctions, Sextiles, Squares, Trines, and Oppositions.
The Planets I am working with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Weekly Astrology Forecast