
Nothing but the dailies this week!
Monna Rosa by Dante Gabriel Rossetti via Wiki Commons
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Monday, May 23, 2016:
I hope you took my advice to have a quiet evening and an early bedtime on Sunday night. It will make Monday work much better for you. There is not a lot of activity among the planets on Monday, but what there is may take us off guard.
In the past weeks, we have had an abundance of planets in the Earth signs. This has supported us in developing stability and consistency within our internal process. Venus and Mercury remain in Taurus even as the general movement flows toward the excitement and action of Fire and Air.
The freedom loving Sagittarius Moon forming a trine aspect to the intensity and defiance of Uranus (11:37 AM EDT) alerts us to the need to express our most unique individuality. If you are living far from the mark of your most authentic self, you will feel either terribly excited as you push in that direction or you may experience deep levels of anxiety as you struggle against the tide that pulls you there.
Being that this is a short-lived transit, nothing huge needs to come out of it. Pay attention to where it calls to you, even in its smallest voice. That voice will return with the same message repeated over time.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016:
Tuesday morning, we may wake feeling a return of the stability we had before the Full Moon last Saturday.
The Moon enters Capricorn in the wee hours of the morning. The anxiety we experienced on Monday seems like a dream as it has now moved on with only a minor trace left behind.
But, what we really need to talk about here is Venus. Venus is the planet of love, money, and all that we most deeply value. Venus provides what is necessary in order to create meaningful connection to another and to deepen our ability to experience authentic pleasure. Venus has been moving through Taurus (one of her favorite places to be) since April 29th. During this time, our inclinations for pleasure have been grounded and body focused.
On Tuesday, Venus enters Gemini, where she will remain until June 17th.
During her time in Gemini, Venus focuses on communication and intellect. She wants us to explore how our intellect and communications can draw pleasure, love, and resources more deeply into our lives.
Emotions may be running high and we are likely more aware than usual of what brings us meaningful pleasure. Passion is close at hand and can readily express itself through words and action. Awareness and expression is the key.

Банный день by Зурбаган via Wiki Commons

Банный день by Зурбаган via Wiki Commons

Wednesday, May 25, 2016:
With both the Sun and Venus firmly in Gemini and the Moon waning on the other side of full, we would really like to have a moment to catch our breath. But, please don’t try and wait for it!
With the Moon in Capricorn, we are emotionally supported by our more serious and ambitious nature. We really want to ‘get stuff done’.
Long before you start the day, the Capricorn Moon forms an Earth Grand Trine with Jupiter (the planet of expansion and wisdom) and Mercury (the planet of communication and verbal expression). This offers a powerful opportunity to bring practical ideas to light. Watch how easily you are able to articulate what is on your mind early in the day.
If you have any writing to do this week, I recommend getting up very early on Wednesday morning to do that work. It will save you a ton of time later in the week.
If you are still writing at mid-morning, your communications will head into darker waters at the Moon conjuncts Pluto at 10:21 AM EDT. Do not shy away from topics of intense depth. However, in actual conversations with real people, exploring deep topics could be more problematic.
Remember, this is a transit of the Moon. It will not cause difficulties if you are able to simply be patient with your own mind and allow the energy to pass. You do not need to express everything that stimulates your mind. At 9:19 PM EDT, the Capricorn Moon squares Uranus challenging you to work with this challenge from a more humanitarian perspective.
Challenge yourself, your work ethic, and your integrity. Are you on a path that highly honors these principles? If not, you have work to do.
This evening is a good time to sit with yourself and get crystal clear on the true state of integrity in your work and in your life. No matter where you find yourself it is fine. No self-criticism necessary.
Simply take action to move in the direction of increased integrity and authenticity.
Thursday, May 26, 2016:
Jupiter squaring Saturn is exact at 8:27 AM EDT which is one of the major influences of the year 2016. This is a long-term transit, which first came into effect in August 2015. Consider that Jupiter wants to teach us to expand and grow in wisdom and understanding. Saturn, on the other hand, requires that we form boundaries; hold onto stability with self-discipline and structure.
When these two planets form a challenging aspect, we struggle to understand which way to go. Structures and long held beliefs may feel restrictive and no longer sustainable. Areas in your life that you always assumed would maintain an air of freedom and openness my need to be reeled in and controlled in some way. Where does your freedom feel curtailed? Where does your stability feel threatened by growing understanding?
Being pulled in these two directions can result in uncertainty and lack of clarity. How can we move forward when we are being asked to move in two directions that are at cross purposes to each other?
It is easy to see how this is reflected in the world culture and politics as well as in individual lives. In your personal life, learn to respect and love both sides of this dilemma. There really is no need to choose sides.  We each must learn to recognize and reject false dichotomy wherever we see it. Holding dichotomies is a practice well worth your time. Recognize that there are always options in the grey space between what seems clearly divided in two. There are always more options that what we initially see.
At 10:27 AM EDT, the Moon enters Aquarius. This highly supports this conversation about dichotomies. Aquarius opens us to a bigger picture of what is possible and is not narrowed to situations of individual significance. Opening your mind to a humanitarian perspective will allow you to see this internal struggle as a necessary part of learning to move forward in a truly healthy way. Moving forward requires both the expansion of Jupiter and the structural hold of Saturn. We are now learning to hold both realities in our lives together.

Friday, May 27, 2016:
When Mars turned retrograde on April 17th, we talked about bringing our thoughts and attention to our most dynamic energies. During this phase (Mars will turn direct on June 29th), we are asked to bring deep integrity and high purpose to our power of will and our use of sexuality. Mars sometimes forgets what is important and can get caught up with aggression and selfishness simply in order to get his own way.  Where have you used your direct energy without integrity, hurting yourself and others with an unhealthy use of your strength or determination?
On Friday, Mars backs out of Sagittarius and returns to Scorpio. Whereas we have been considering these ideas since mid April, now we must go deep and get real about our own responsibility and need to develop more solid values to inform our integrity. Take a risk and probe deeply into your motivations and desires.
Remember, we can only make improvements to our circumstances and ourselves by first getting very clear on the reality of where we are now. While Mars is retrograde in Scorpio, allow deep vulnerability as you face yourself unflinchingly.
The Moon remains in Aquarius throughout the day, helping us to remain clearheaded and easygoing as we face that vulnerability.  It is all a part of the path forward and Aquarius can move forward with easy detachment.
Free Will by Alberto Bertoldi via Wiki Commons

Free Will by Alberto Bertoldi via Wiki Commons

Saturday, May 28, 2016:
When you wake up on Saturday morning, it may seem like a good idea to plan a social evening. I would encourage you to think twice before you set that in motion. The morning begins under the very exciting energy of the Aquarius Moon sextile Uranus. Think outside the box and get a party together for breakfast! Go for an early morning hike with friends. The early part of the day may hold much delight.
However, at 4:19 PM EDT, the Moon squares Mars. When your feelings get hurt or anger arises seemingly out of nowhere, allow the feeling without the reaction. There is no need to ruin a perfectly fine Saturday evening. This is a Moon transit, thereby a quickly passing issue. Breathe deeply to manage your reaction and take time alone until it passes. Do not play the story attached to the initial anger or hurt over and over in your mind. Let it go.
At 5:05 PM EDT, the Moon enters Pisces allowing us to easily let go of the slight that had us so worked up just a few hours earlier. Suddenly, our priorities have changed and our harsh edges soften. Our compassion and empathy are heightened and we choose to avoid turmoil and stress.
Ultimately, you can enjoy a quiet evening with friends, make art, watch a movie, or meditate. You may be more sensitive and intuitive than usual. Your soul will respond beautifully to poetry, music, or film.
You may have an inner sense of the surreal; don’t grasp too tightly to the form that it takes. Allow your imagination room to expand into creativity.
Sunday, May 29, 2016:
The Third Quarter Moon phase is exact in Pisces at 8:12 AM EDT. This brings the Moon to the closing phase of the lunar cycle even as she is in the last sign of the zodiac. The focus is on the process of release, bringing to an end, and closing.
Consider all that must be released in your life in order to move into the new phase of growth that you know is just ahead.
At 2:13 PM EDT, the Moon joins Neptune, offering assistance in the letting go process. However, when the Moon square Saturn at 4:00 PM EDT, our resistance to letting go shows its face. The opposition to Jupiter at 5:30 PM EDT confirms that the process requires not only more effort than we had hoped, but also an effort that can be deeply challenging.
As the Pisces Moon impacts Neptune, Saturn, and Jupiter, she is shining a light on the long-term T-square between the three of them. Here, we are encouraged to look under the surface and acknowledge the importance of challenging habitual patterns and moving beyond fear and intolerance.
Finally, as the day comes to an end, the Moon forms a sextile aspect to both Mercury and Pluto. This is a happy way to end the day – and the week. Anticipate the opportunity to more deeply understand how powerful your mind is and your ability to put that power into service for the highest good for yourself, your community, and the world.

Are you concerned or unclear about your path ahead? Let Astrolore help you see your life and your path forward from a perspective that will change everything. Allow more joy and love into your life.
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Together, we will work with your individual horoscope to explore your hopes, dreams, goals, your current path, and the reality of your life purpose. Our conversation will offer you a profoundly renewed perspective on your life and circumstances.
* In these weekly reports, I am exploring the major aspects formed by transit between the planets.  I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and are often fleeting moods.  I will consider the final major aspect formed by the Moon prior to its VOC* time, as that aspect holds its influence throughout the VOC*.
* The aspects under consideration: conjunctions, textiles, squares, trines, and oppositions.
* The planets I work with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Weekly Astrology Forecast