
“For all its complexity, however, astrology remains fundamentally simple. It offers a time-honored system of symbols that sum up key aspects of human life while providing profound insights and practical guidance.” ~Anne M. Nordhaus-Bike

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Are you settling into the changes that Uranus entering Taurus has brought into your life over the past few weeks?

Femme Sortant de la Douche by Elodie Guiraud Caizergues via Wiki Media

Monday, June 4, 2018:
A very quiet Aquarius Moon is with us throughout Monday. You can stay home and get just as much accomplished as if you go to work or the other way around. Because the Moon is VOC* all day, there really is nothing you need to accomplish.
This is a day best suited for wild, innovative thinking and gathering with others of like mind. With the Moon in Aquarius, you will do well to seek insights and genius ideas in the company of others. Your emotions generally will not get in the way as you are able to set them aside and view your life from a more detached viewpoint. You are more interested in the plight of humanity and in the big picture of others than in your own pesky emotional state.
I find that long VOC* Moon periods can feel a bit frustrating as I can’t seem to settle into anything and feel a bit like I am aimlessly spinning my wheels. Feel free to have a different experience.
The Aquarius Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from 1:09 AM EDT until she enters Pisces on Tuesday morning at 6:54 AM EDT. This is a VERY LONG VOC* Moon. Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; it is not good or bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.
Tuesday, June 5, 2018:
The Moon has entered dreamy Pisces by the time Tuesday gets underway but don’t expect a passive or quiet day due to a build-up of significant interplanetary transits perfecting before the day’s end.
At 10:01 PM EDT, Mercury joins with the Sun in the mid-degree of Gemini, shortly before a powerfully stressful opposition from Venus to Pluto.
Pay attention to what you say and what is said to you. Make sure you understand what is bubbling beneath the words. If you had a significant relationship or financial issues that began in the first two weeks of January 2018, notice how that story has played out and is being expressed now.
You could encounter difficult power dynamics in a love relationship or financial situations. Keep this issue in mind for Wednesday as well; these issues will not vanish overnight.
Wednesday, June 6, 2018:

Les Dames du Marché by Bernard Cadène via Wiki MediaWednesday, June 6, 2018:

As Wednesday begins, you are still working on the difficult underlying story regarding power dynamics in love or financial concerns. You may be somewhat successful in sweeping those issues under the rug due to the challenge from thoughtful Mercury to dreamy Neptune, along with another square building from the Sun to Neptune.
Clarity is not forthcoming over the next few days. With the Sun and Mercury still in chatty Gemini, there is a lot that you would like to say. Don’t rush into anything that involves trying to explain yourself or your position. Watch as confusion and lack of clarity are expressed in conversations all around you. Expect interesting communications as folks try to talk about things they either know very little about or they are unable to articulate what they do know.
Neptune does not support understanding, so it is probably best to wait before speaking your mind about sensitive issues. Neptune does support meditation and dreams. The Moon is in Pisces all day further heightening your connection to spirituality, lack of clarity, and imagination. So spend the day with soft concerns. Rest and dream.

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Thursday, June 7, 2018:
Thursday continues with the same challenge to clarity that was with us on Wednesday. Utilize this sense of watery spaciousness by delving into music, poetry, meditation, or other spiritual concerns. Use your imagination and take the opportunity to dream.
All this Neptune activation should fall away rather dramatically when the Moon leaves passive, quiet Pisces and enters aggressive, loud Aries at 5:26 PM EDT.
It may feel like you have been suddenly been released from a fog or having had bandages removed from your eyes. It’s a relief. Of course, this depends on your circumstances. If you are an artist, a poet, or a mystic. this may very well not be a welcome shift.
Most of you will be more than ready to face the next few days with more assertiveness and energy to take action and move forward. Spend the evening on your own doing something physically active. Go for a run, bike ride, enjoy the strength of your body and your ability to use it to whatever extent you are able.
The Pisces Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from 2:35 AM EDT until she enters Aries at 5:26 PM EDT. This is a VERY LONG VOC* Moon. Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; it is not good or bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.
Friday, June 8, 2018:
You should wake up on Friday morning feeling strongly driven and able to tap into fierce determination and courage. Find a way to use that energy before it slips into impatience or combativeness.
At 6:56 AM EDT, the Aries Moon makes a positive aspect to Mars. If you are feeling short-tempered or aggressive, it is best to go for a run, have a hot sexual encounter, or masturbate. Move the forceful, excitable energy of Mars (Mars rules Aries) through your body.
When the Moon is in Aries, it is time to take on a challenge, be competitive, take a risk, prove something to yourself. This is not a time for empathy or romance, better to go for a direct passionate exchange.
“Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again.” ~ Og Mandino

Sleeping Beauty by Joseph Edward Southall via Wiki Commons

Saturday, June 9, 2018:
If you are an early riser, you will want to be aware of the tough square aspect from the Moon to Pluto at 7:43 AM EDT. Anger and power struggles could easily arise. Do what you need to in order to sidestep whatever issue arises with it.
By the time the Moon sextiles Mercury at 12:04 AM EDT, you are able to release those reactive feelings and settle into a conversation that can support the rest of the day.
Don’t make rash decisions regarding love or money in the afternoon under the influence of the Moon square to Venus, as what you need and what you desire may be strikingly at odds. This won’t last long and the evening is fully salvageable.
Make plans to go out dancing or spending time with others engaged in physical activities. Plan something fun and engaging. The day will have its ups and downs but should end on a high note.
The Aries Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from 3:37 PM EDT until she enters Taurus shortly after midnight. Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; it is not good or bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.
Sunday, June 10, 2018:
You will wake to a new day with the Moon, now in steady Taurus, joining in the early morning hours with exciting Uranus. Finding excitement in stability or finding your own steadfast core in the midst of anxiety may be the task at hand.
You may encounter some frustration mid-afternoon as the Moon squares Mars at 1:22 PM EDT, again, find your internal strength, maturity, and resoluteness.
This is a good day to spend in the garden, the earth will soothe the places that feel unsettle and frightening. Bring flowers into your home, create beauty around you. Show love in tangible ways. Cook a meal for your loved ones. Offer healing touch.
“We use astrology most constructively and creatively when we gain from it a sense of what is possible for us at the highest levels of our potentialities. Seeing that, the challenges is then to keep our eyes open to life itself, to be able to respond appropriately when some event or change of circumstances…”
~ Dane Rudhyar, Astrological Aspects – a Process-Oriented Approach, 1980.
* In these weekly reports, I am exploring the major aspects formed by transit between the planets. I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and are often fleeting moods. I will consider the final major aspect formed by the Moon prior to its VOC* time, as that aspect holds its influence throughout the VOC*.
* The aspects under consideration: conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions.
* The planets I work with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Weekly Astrology Forecast