Laurie Farrington – Master Astrologer
Having long since passed the threshold of 10,000 hours of focused study, Laurie Farrington is clearly a Master of her craft.
Laurie began her fascination with astrology the first time she saw the glyphs (symbols) on those little horoscope booklets that were common by the grocery store check-out counters in the early 1960’s. She began to seek serious study of astrology in 1970 at the age of 15.
Following many years of self-study, Laurie began her formal practice of astrology in 1994. In the years since she has had the honor of working with thousands of folks using the tools and gifts of astrology. Supporting her clients, mentoring students, and writing mundane astrology forecasts has been the continued focus of her work/ life.
Laurie’s goal is to assist her clients in expanding their understanding of themselves, to empower them to explore, improve and transform their lives through new perspectives.
Laurie has lived a complex, full, and varied life; she brings her extensive wisdom and life experience to each client and student. Laurie is able to speak to any issue with open acceptance and objectivity no matter how delicate or difficult your circumstances may seem.
Your astrological chart is a powerful tool and Laurie has the ability to see the reality of your path beneath your circumstances; she easily welcomes your reality and holds full acceptance.
The wisdom of astrology, in the hands of a skilled guide/ coach, will assist you in living your life with balance, awareness, and compassion to yourself and others.
In recent years Laurie’s focus is turning toward teaching the language to others who will carry on her work. Don’t pass up the opportunity to work with this Master Astrologer.
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