Scroll Down for Individual Impact of this New Moon, New Moon Ritual & Video with Jennie & Laurie
Libra is the Cardinal Air sign bringing your attention to issues of diplomacy, charm, social graces, and possibly romance. The area of your life (house) that holds the New Moon is determined by your rising sign. If you do not know your rising sign, read for your sun sign or simply go on instinct. Where in your life are you looking for more beauty and pleasure?
The New Moon is exact at 13degrees Libra at 7:05 AM EDT on October 6, 2021
In reading these small morsels of information, read the one for your Rising Sign and your Sun Sign.
If you have Aries Rising the Libra New Moon falls in your 7th House. Plant a metaphorical seed to increase balance and cooperation in your romantic and/or business relationships. Determining to bring charm and impartiality to others will support deep connection.
If you have Taurus Rising the Libra New Moon falls in your 6th House. Plant a metaphorical seed to bring more balance and harmony to your daily routines, habits, and chores. Determining to focus on beauty and refinement in self-care practices will support health and vitality.
If you have Gemini Rising the Libra New Moon falls in your 5th House. Plant a metaphorical seed to express love romantically or gracefully. Alternatively, you may plant a seed to begin an artistic project of creativity and beauty.
If you have Cancer Rising the Libra New Moon falls in your 4th House. Plant a metaphorical seed to bring a more cooperative harmony to your interactions with your family. Alternatively, you may plant a seed to bring more artistic beauty to your home.
If you have Leo Rising the Libra New Moon falls in your 3rd House. Plant a metaphorical seed to encourage the growth of cooperative harmonious communication. Begin a writing project or connect with a sibling for an impartial conversation.
If you have Virgo Rising the Libra New Moon falls in your 2nd House. Plant a metaphorical seed to bring a sense of elegance and refinement to your use of money and personal resources. Using your money to increase personal beauty and social charm will build your self-worth.
If you have Libra Rising the Libra New Moon falls in your1st House. Plant a metaphorical seed to create more beauty and charm in your personal self-expression. Allow others to see you at your most charming and/ or romantic.
If you have Scorpio Rising the Libra New Moon falls in your 12th House. Plant a metaphorical seed for the growth of inner balance and harmony. Begin a healing journey to support deeply unconscious issues through work with a sympathetic therapist.
If you have Sagittarius Rising the Libra New Moon falls in your 11th House. Plant a metaphorical seed to find, develop, or grow a community that is in service to artists or otherwise connected to the development of beauty and social charm.
If you have Capricorn Rising the Libra New Moon falls in your 10th House. Plant a metaphorical seed to focus your attention on bringing more charm and harmony to your career or your reputation. Begin updating your resume or planning your retirement if there is not a sense of beauty and balance in your career.
If you have Aquarius Rising the Libra New Moon falls in your 9th House. Plant a metaphorical seed to increase your ability to enjoy the beauty of other cultures and a more impartial worldview. Go to a local cultural center, offer to help.
If you have Pisces Rising the Libra New Moon falls in your 8th House. Plant a metaphorical seed to develop a deeper appreciation for the way that others live their lives. Be willing to navigate the boundaries between yourself and others with charm and cooperation. Help others to understand those who have different values to your own.
Libra New Moon Ritual
Perform your ritual within 24 hours of the New Moon. The first thing to do is determine where this New Moon falls in your personal astrology chart. This is determined by your rising sign /ascendant. If you know that you can find the house (see the listing on the previous page). With that information you know where to plant a seed for new growth in your life. If you do not know your rising sign, read for your Sun sign or simply go on instinct. Where in your life are you itching for change and something new.
Now, write down what you would like to see an increase or develop in the next 2 weeks. You can extend that desired growth to the next 6 months.
The Libra New Moon suggests this is the time to plant a seed of diplomacy, charm, cooperation, and grace. What skills of diplomatic cooperation do you aspire to? Bring the qualities of Libra to your individual path now. Plant this metaphorical seed in the area of your life indicated by the house that holds Libra in your chart.
Have two candles available. Light the first to represent yourself, as you are right now. Light the second candle as inspiration for the change you want to create during this cycle.
Take a moment to focus on your intention as you light each candle. Imagine drawing the change you desire toward you as you physically bring the two candles just a bit closer together. When you are done with the ritual blow out the candles, you will come back to them to perform the same ritual each day for two weeks.
At the Aries Full Moon on October 20th, you will bring the candles together where they will touch for the first time. Now you see clearly and acknowledging what you have created.
The energy you infuse into this cycle also begins the larger cycle that will bring illumination at the Libra Full Moon on April 16, 2022.
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