As a child I learned that idealism was something to strive for, something wonderful. That if only we could hold an idealistic vision of ourselves and the world around us it would somehow protect us from the reality of a difficult life.
It was an ongoing joke in my family that our mother wore rose colored glasses and blinders to keep the view of difficulties out of her site. She was never able to see what was right in front of her or all around her.
I never thought of idealism as a defense mechanism until the topic came out in my astrological studies with Noel Tyl.
Think about the connections between the Sun, Mercury and/or Venus. How does this connection play out in an individual’s life? Expand this idea and bring Jupiter into the mix as well. What behavior or attitudes can we anticipate?
When our logic, our perception and our ability to reason (Mercury) are warmed by or combined with the heat of our vital creativity (Sun) our experience becomes one of positive hope (idealism). The Sun is so bright and so warm; if it is making close contact with Mercury, how could it do otherwise than to brighten the energy of thought?
Irrespective of the reality of our situation, our thoughts brighten and on go the rose colored glasses!
Similarly, when our thought processes (Mercury) are combined with our manner or sense of aesthetics, attraction and social graces (Venus) our thinking takes on a manner of beauty, balance and diplomacy that will potentially view the world similarly, with a lack of reality. We see the beauty that we want to see!
Now, if we are to bring Jupiter into the mix as well, we will experience an expansion of confidence (Jupiter), we will perceive our thoughts and manner of thinking (Mercury) as having an element of wisdom, trust and faith in life! With that we will often add the experience of Spirituality to the mix.
Idealism can be so powerful and beautiful and can assist us with the difficulties of our lives. It can bring us the encouragement that we need to carry on, to continue moving forward in the face of, even extreme, difficulties. This is the side of idealism that is most useful, it tells us, “yes” we are able, and nothing can stop us! Confidence pushes us forward!
If we are heading in the right direction, with the right intensions and a solid support system, this energy can propel our lives forward beautifully. If, on the other hand, we experience the sense that nothing can stop us when we are not heading in the right direction, when we do not have what it takes energetically, when we do not have the necessary support, we can get ourselves in all manner of trouble!
Idealism can bring us into areas we have no business being, possibly even bringing us into serious situations and extreme danger. In certain circumstances, idealism can move us through fantasy and toward disillusionment while we may not even notice that there is a problem. Life can crash down around us while we are deep in allusion and simply not paying attention to reality
It is very common for those of us who had the experience (privilege or disadvantage) of coming into our early adulthood during the turbulent, and very idealistic 1960’s to have serious issues if we have this signature of idealism in our horoscopes!
How many of us have struggled to find a realistic reality to build a productive life on after coming of age in the midst of a time of such a level of unrealistic idealism? How many of us have spent varying amounts of time and energy stuck in the past with all of its beautiful fantasy? Ah, it was a beautiful dreamy time! Having to face the real world after growing up in such a time has been a challenge for so many!
Has the experience of disillusionment been so strong that many of us have closed ourselves off to the good within idealism? Alternatively, have we been able to find a place to express/experience the idealism of that time and still move forward into a reality that has been able to support our adult lives?
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