Astrolore’s Weekly Astrology Weather: July 2, 2018 through July 8, 2018

Astrolore’s Weekly Astrology Weather: July 2, 2018 through July 8, 2018


How is Mars Retrograde impacting your life? Do you feel a build up of frustration, passion, or anger? Isn’t it time you got serious about the cosmic messages that the planets provide?
Contact me today for a consultation.


Image via Pixabay.

Monday, July 2, 2018:
Monday begins with a quietly quirky VOC* Aquarius Moon. There’s no need to hurry into this week and attempting to do so will simply leave you frustrated and feeling bad about yourself. Allow quiet and slowness to lead the way.
At 1:31 PM EDT, the Moon enters mystical, poetic Pisces. If you could take today off from work and simply rest, that would be the best use of this day.
At 5:39 PM EDT, the dreamy Pisces Moon forms a sextile aspect to Uranus. You may finally be ready to engage with others and with the world in general. Your dreams and ideals may be sharp, brilliant, and unusual, leading you into fascinating, forward-thinking conversations.
Bring as many people as possible together to share in your new ideas and listen to the ideas they are willing to share as well. Enjoy the evening’s surprises.
The Aquarius Moon is VOC* (the time between the last major aspect made in one sign until the Moon enters the next sign) all morning until she enters Pisces at 1:31 PM EDT. When the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from whatever is begun. This is neutral; simply suggesting that whatever occurs will not have a significant future impact.
Tuesday, July 3, 2018:
Here, in the U.S, with tomorrow being our Independence Day, perhaps you were able to take today off as well. It seems a shame to waste such a sweet and dreamy day at a job unless of course, you are lucky enough (as I am) to do work you truly love.
The Moon is in Pisces throughout the day, forming a lovely Grand Trine with the sensitive Cancer Sun and Jupiter in powerful Scorpio. This configuration offers the opportunity to block out the parts of our lives that are overwhelmingly difficult and simply enjoy the sweetness that is also present in each day.
Go for a walk in nature and open your eyes and your heart to the natural world. Have you listened recently to the trees sing?
Wednesday, July 4, 2018:
These first few days of the week are relatively easy ones. Clearly, that depends on how some of the heavier planets are impacting you directly. We certainly can’t forget that Mars (retrograde in Aquarius) will reach a state of considerable difficulty on Thursday. You may feel the energy of agitation building throughout Wednesday.

Image via Pixabay.

The Pisces Moon will help you go with the flow and perhaps even let challenges bypass you altogether. Thursday is soon enough to deal with what is poking at you! Does it feel like a pebble in your shoe that you can’t stop long enough to remove?
For now, spend the day with your rose-colored glasses firmly affixed.
Here in the U.S., this is a holiday, perhaps you are with family and friends. If you feel anger, impatience, or frustration building, take time for meditation or go ahead and have that extra glass of wine. Whatever it takes to help you to maintain ease.
The Pisces Moon is VOC* (the time between the last major aspects made in one sign until the Moon enters the next sign) from 5:47 AM EDT until she enters Aries in the wee hours of Thursday morning. When the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from whatever is begun. This is neutral; simply suggesting that whatever occurs will not have a significant future impact.

Are you concerned or unclear about your path ahead?
Let Astrolore help you see your life and your path forward from a perspective that will change everything.
Together, we will work with your individual horoscope to explore your hopes, dreams, goals, your current path, and the reality of your life purpose.
Our conversation will offer you a profoundly renewed perspective on your life and circumstances. Make your appointment today! 

Thursday, July 5, 2018:
If you had Wednesday off from work for the July 4th holiday, it may actually be a relief to get back to your desk on Thursday. Thursday morning brings the assertive Aries Moon along with a hard aspect between Mercury and retrograde Mars. Find a way to release energy that will not come back to bite you.
You may feel angry and have a difficult time controlling your desire to speak your mind with little or no tact. Watch the words and the tone of what needs to be said. Perhaps, writing your thoughts (pause & think before hitting the ‘Send’ button) will help to organize your thinking and make clear what needs to be said.
There is a tendency to blurt out immediately what comes to mind. Hold on and wait or go for a run and release physical energy. That will help.
Remember, before you speak, ask yourself: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind? If you follow this, very little will be said and you will get through the day with your relationships intact.
Friday, July 6, 2018:
Friday brings us to the 3rd Quarter Moon phase with the sensitive Cancer Sun being challenged by the aggressive Moon in Aries. Where are you feeling pulled to move forward with more courage than you feel you have? Where is your distrust of your own strength holding you back?
At 2:55 PM EDT, with the take-charge Aries Moon squaring powerful Pluto, you are given the opportunity or the expectation to dig deeply into hidden corners of your psyche. Find a level of courage you are not accustomed to working with. Take a step forward, face your fears, and let go of something that has been holding you in a position of victimhood. Freedom exists on the other side.

“Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again.” ~ Og Mandino


Saturday, July 7, 2018:
Try to sleep until the Moon enters Taurus at 8:51 AM EDT on Saturday morning and approach the day with a perspective of slow, sensual awareness. Enjoy cuddling with your partner, enjoy a hearty breakfast, and a walk in nature.
When the Moon joins with Uranus at 12:46 PM EDT, you may have a new surprising awareness regarding your relationship or what the natural world has to teach you. Try to absorb this awareness without moving too quickly.
At 5:59 PM EDT, when the steady Taurus Moon trines Saturn, stabilize those ideas and consciously bring kindness to all in your circle of influence. Saturday provides a great evening for small, intimate gatherings or quiet time with a deeply loved partner. Given that it is a summer Saturday night, sleeping outdoors would be a lovely adventure.
The Aries Moon is VOC* (the time between the last major aspects made in one sign until the Moon enters the next sign) from 3:09 AM EDT until she enters Taurus at 8:51 AM EDT. When the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from whatever is begun. This is neutral; simply suggesting that whatever occurs will not have a significant future impact.
Sunday, July 8, 2018:
A lovely Sunday in the forecast and it’s perfect for a day for the beach, time in nature, or if the weather doesn’t cooperate, an afternoon matinee.
At 10:41 AM EDT, the Sun forms a flowing trine aspect to Neptune, allowing you an open-hearted and compassionate view of your life and circumstances.
In considering the full cycle of the Sun and Neptune, a cycle of dreamy, inspirational growth, think about what inspiration began in the first week of March of 2018 and also required attention in the first week of June. Now, the path opens allowing flow that will bring you to an open illumination and spiritual understanding in early September.
Follow the path of compassion, imagination, and love. You can smile internally as your understanding of oneness grows.

“We use astrology most constructively and creatively when we gain from it a sense of what is possible for us at the highest levels of our potentialities. Seeing that, the challenges is then to keep our eyes open to life itself, to be able to respond appropriately when some event or change of circumstances…”
~ Dane Rudhyar, Astrological Aspects – a Process Oriented Approach , 1980.


* In these weekly reports, I am exploring the major aspects formed by transit between the planets. I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and are often fleeting moods. I will consider the final major aspect formed by the Moon prior to its VOC* time, as that aspect holds its influence throughout the VOC*.
*The aspects under consideration: conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions.
*The planets I work with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Astrolore’s Weekly Astrology Weather: July 2, 2018 through July 8, 2018

Astrolore’s Weekly Astrology Weather: May 21, 2018 through May 27, 2018

“Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again.”
~ Og Mandino

Image via Pixabay.

“For all its complexity, astrology remains fundamentally simple. It offers a time-honored system of symbols that sum up key aspects of human life while providing profound insights and practical guidance.” ~Anne M. Nordhaus-Bike
Monday, May 21, 2018:
Monday is a quiet day with the creative Leo Moon forming no major aspects to any planets throughout the day.
While the Moon is in expressive playful Leo, it may be difficult to focus on a job or other practical endeavors. You would probably prefer to play with children or engage in creative pursuits. Keep in mind that the higher purpose of Leo is the development of generosity and open-hearted love. Pay attention to your interactions with others; pay attention to the generosity of your own heart.
At 10:02 PM EDT, the Moon enters Virgo which will make Tuesday an easier day to get back to the practical realities of the work week.
The Leo Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) all day until she enters Virgo at 10:02 PM EDT. Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; it is not good or bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.
Tuesday, May 22, 2018:
Tuesday’s practical Virgo Moon helps you focus on simple productivity throughout the day. This should be an easy day to work with detailed information and mundane tasks. With the Moon trine Saturn at 12:20 PM EDT, you are able to see clearly what needs to be done and face the responsibilities at hand.
A sextile aspect forms from Mercury to Neptune as the evening approaches. Your focus will shift as conversations and ideas take on a softer tone. This is a good evening to soothe any harsh edges that may recently have been created between yourself and others. It will be easy to express a gentler more sensitive perceptive. This will be a great evening for any project that entails creative writing or the expression of your dreams.
Head to sleep early and you can avoid a tendency to say more than is advisable. Watch that pillow talk as Mercury opposes Jupiter in the early hours of Wednesday morning.
Wednesday, May 23, 2018:
In the early morning hours, pay attention to what should and shouldn’t be said or openly expressed. The opposition of Mercury to Jupiter could have you saying what you didn’t mean to say. Once the day is in full swing that won’t be a problem.
The Moon remains in Virgo forming supportive aspects that will provide a smooth, effective day.
You may want to stay up late on Wednesday night to give a mighty push forward on a project or other endeavors.

Image via Pixabay.

You very well may have too much energy to fall into an easy, gentle sleep. At 10:39 PM EDT, a gratifying trine aspect forms between the talkative Gemini Sun to assertive Mars, now in Aquarius. Your ability to creatively use your mind and communication skills is powerful. Engage in an active discussion, debate, or lively conversation. You should be able to get your point across.
The Virgo Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from 10:56 AM EDT until she enters Libra Thursday morning at 2:51 AM EDT. Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; it is not good or bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.


Are you sick of feeling like a fraud?
Do you long to be respected and fulfilled as a working astrologer?
Have you studied astrology for years but still don’t know how to have a meaningful conversation with a client?
Do you want to work with clients but are unsure how to move forward?
Let Astrolore help you move from where you are to where you long to be. Contact me TODAY for a FREE STRATEGY SESSION.

Thursday, May 24, 2018:
Your spirits feel quite buoyed as you begin the day on Thursday with the Moon newly in peace-loving Libra. A Grand Trine is formed as the Libra Moon lines up to a trine aspect to both Mars and the Sun before 9:00 AM EDT. This is a lovely way to begin the day!
The afternoon and evening bring some challenges as the Moon forms difficult aspects to both relationship oriented Venus and restrictive Saturn. You may notice yourself or others being moody or downright cranky.
Don’t let these quickly passing influences change your course. Continue moving forward utilizing the Libra Moon’s ability to see both sides of all situations, and engage in kindness and diplomacy. Focus your attention on bringing beauty and love to all people and situations you encounter.
Friday, May 25, 2018:
You awake Friday morning with the gentle reassurance of where you find yourself in your life. At 5:52 AM EDT, expansive Jupiter forms a flowing trine aspect to dreamy Neptune. Your higher understanding and spiritual awareness support expansion and unconditional trust in the higher purpose of your life.
Shortly thereafter, another trine aspect forms between Mercury and Pluto. There are powerful truths to be told. These may entail difficult conversations, perhaps the need to speak of things that are normally kept undercover in your family or social circle. However, you are feeling the strength in your opinions and are willing to stand strong in what needs to be expressed.
At 5:04 PM EDT, with a square aspect from the Libra Moon to Pluto, anger may arise. This is a Moon transit and will pass quickly, do not let it push aside the benefits of what you have accomplished earlier in the day. You may want to spend an hour or two alone in the early evening. Keeping with your own good company will prevent tempers from quick unproductive flare-ups.
With an overnight opposition from Venus to Saturn, Friday night and Saturday may show clearly where hidden rifts reside in your intimate partnerships. Look reality in the eye and allow for deep vulnerability. Do your best to see the situation from the perspective of each person involved. Allow vulnerability; cultivate trust.
The Libra Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from 5:04 PM EDT until she enters Scorpio on Saturday morning at 9:39 AM Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; it is not good or bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.

Image via Pixabay.

Saturday, May 26, 2018:
While you were sleeping, Venus (the planet of love, money, and personal values) opposed Saturn (the planet of reality and stabilization). This provides the ability to clearly see what you have recently developed in your partnerships, finances, and other areas of deeply personal values. The cycle between Venus and Saturn is a cycle of stabilizing love and personal values. This cycle began in late December 2017; consider what began at that time. The growth of what was planted then is now clearly visible.
Make adjustments that are needed now. Look clearly at any mistakes and make changes now. Look clearly at your successes and continue forward with determination. Your understanding of these things may be very different from the perspective of others. Embrace the ambiguity of opinions.
At 9:39 AM EDT, the Moon enters Scorpio, profoundly deepening your emotions. Superficial connections and conversations will not cut the mustard. Go deep. Connect profoundly.
The Libra Moon is VOC* until she enters Scorpio at 9:39 AM. Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; it is not good or bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.
Sunday, May 27, 2018:
Sunday’s Scorpio Moon offers a day for delving deeply into complex emotions and deep connections. The Moon touches off sweetness and expansion throughout the day providing a sense of mystery and dreaminess. You have the patience and concentration to dig deep and find the rich compost beneath what may appear unsightly on the surface.
This is a great day to tackle tasks or conversations that require a clear and focused mind. Look below the surface, dig deeper. You may be surprised to find solutions to long unresolved issues.
Throw away what is no longer needed or useful in your life. Make space for what delights you. Allow change.
* In these weekly reports, I am exploring the major aspects formed by transit between the planets. I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and are often fleeting moods. I will consider the final major aspect formed by the Moon prior to its VOC* time, as that aspect holds its influence throughout the VOC*.
*The aspects under consideration: conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions.
*The planets I work with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Astrolore’s Weekly Astrology Weather: January 1, 2018 through January 7, 2018

Astrolore’s Weekly Astrology Weather: January 1, 2018 through January 7, 2018

“For most of life, nothing wonderful happens. If you don’t enjoy getting up and working and finishing your work and sitting down to a meal with family or friends, then the chances are you’re not going to be very happy. If someone bases his/her happiness on major events like a great job, huge amounts of money, a flawlessly happy marriage or a trip to Paris, that person isn’t going to be happy much of the time. If, on the other hand, happiness depends on a good breakfast, flowers in the yard, a drink or a nap, then we are more likely to live with quite a bit of happiness.” ~ Andy Rooney

Erato, Muse of Poetry by Edward Poynter via Wiki Commons

2018 is here! It is time to get an overview of how the planets are impacting the coming year! Get on Astrolore’s schedule now!
Contact me today. Saturn in Capricorn is changing all the rules. Life has turned on a dime. Let Astrolore help you manage this new deeply serious state of affairs.
Monday, January 1, 2018:
The year begins with the focus squarely on family and emotional security with the Full Moon at 11° Cancer. If you are not able to be with biological family, make sure you are engaged in connections with others that have a similar familial quality.
You may notice yourself unusually interested in creating or deepening powerful loving bonds. Family bonds are not easy and require work to be supportive and provide the safety you are looking for. Do not shy away from the necessary effort.
This sensitive Cancer Moon has serious conversations with Saturn, Venus, and the Sun, suggesting the work and effort bring what is necessary into focus.
The evening brings a lovely Neptunian dreamy quality that helps you to release the seriousness of the early part of the day and engage in loving dreams of the future.
Tuesday, January 2, 2018:
As the Capricorn Sun inches closer to powerful Pluto, we feel the intensity of the year ahead. Love and compassion may not come easily with the Full Moon opposing Saturn, Venus, and the Sun but are much required going forward.
The serious Capricorn Sun forms a sweet sextile aspect to Neptune early in the day, allowing the possibility of making contact with a mystical or imaginative side of yourself. This will be a great day to work on any project that fully engages your creativity and the softer side of your imagination. Perhaps, it is time to re-engage your meditation practice, yoga practice, writing practice, or any other daily practice that puts you in the presence of your own divinity.
Uranus turns direct at 24° Aries after being retrograde since August 3, 2017. If you have planets between 22° and 24° Aries, you can expect excitement, unexpected news or upheaval. Something has been on hold since August that will now move forward, shifting your life along with the direct motion.
If you were born between April 11 -14, July 14 – 17, October 15 – 18, or January 12 – 15, your Sun is being affected. As much as possible, go with the flow that presents itself and do not fight against the change that is in front of you. This is a major life transformation that takes at least a year to navigate. Your best life is on the other side of this transit. A full consultation will help you understand how to go with the flow involved and avoid the fear-based tendency to fight against it. Please contact me.
The Cancer Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from 5:46 PM EST until she enters Leo at 2:23 AM EST on Wednesday morning. Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; it is not good or bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.
Wednesday, January 3, 2018:
By the time the day begins on Wednesday, the Moon leaves the sensitivity of Cancer behind to enter Leo, where she encourages you to express yourself unabashedly through play, generosity, and creativity.

A Russian Beauty by Alexei Harlamov via Wiki Media

At 12:38 PM EST, comfort-seeking Venus forms a lovely sextile aspect to Neptune, the planet of romance and mysticism. This aspect mirrors the transit between the Sun and Neptune that occurred on Tuesday. Again, you are encouraged to make contact with a very sensitive, perhaps deeply spiritual side of yourself.
You are also reminded to re-engage any daily practices in your life that you have been neglecting through this holiday season. Get back on the meditation cushion, yoga mat, get back into nature, or open your writing journal once again.
This is a great day to shop for clothes or other items of decoration for yourself or your home, as your sense of beauty is highly engaged.
When Venus and Neptune dance together, they also encourage romance, love, desire, and sensitivity.
You deserve flowers on the table and a candlelit meal with a loved one or even on your own.
Thursday, January 4, 2018:
Thursday’s Leo Moon encourages warmth, generosity, and full undiluted expression of your most authentic self. From another perspective, you (or those around you) could possibly get stuck in arrogance and easily hurt feelings. If you focus on what you can offer others, rather than what you can get for yourself, this will be a fun day with lots of potential excitement and unusual conversations.
The optimistic Leo Moon forms a Grand Trine to communicative Mercury and humanitarian, quirky Uranus in the evening. Creative social activities can prove highly positive. Your feeling nature may seem a bit over the top as your dramatic nature is apt to reveal itself with grand feelings and gestures.
Enjoy fun times with folks that appreciate you for your most unique wild side. If you have children in your life… take them sledding or find some way to engage on their level. Give of yourself through play.
The Leo Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from 6:10 PM EST until she enters Virgo at 3:11 AM EST on Friday morning. Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; it is not good or bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.
Friday, January 5, 2018:
Friday begins with the Moon in diligent, self-contained Virgo. The unabashed self-expression of the past few days brings you up against the need to become more competent and to pay more attention to details.
If you pay attention, you will realize how much easier it is while the Moon is in Virgo to take on a serious endeavor that requires efficiency and putting your nose to the grindstone.
The Virgo Moon will bring you face to face with your inner perfectionist and critic. Be aware of your tendency to expect more from others that they may be capable of. If you express expectations that someone is unable to deliver, you may inadvertently push them into old spaces of guilt, shame, and critical self-judgment.
Be kind to yourself and others. It is more important now than you realize. Please be kind.

V starom dome Rakitinyh by Nikolay Anokhin via Wiki Media

Saturday, January 6, 2018:
Two significant aspects occur on Saturday that has a wider range of impact than a simple moon transit. At 6:38 PM EST, Mercury (the planet of mind) forms a flowing trine aspect to Uranus. This suggests delightful and innovative thinking, communications, and ideas. Watch for unexpected epiphanies, unusual, or exciting communications, and unique progressive thoughts.
In May of 2017, Uranus and Mercury joined together, beginning a cycle of creative and innovative thinking. In October, there was likely a result of that new way of thinking or communicating. Try to identify what occurred in May, what was revealed about it in October, and now needs to be expressed to others. What have you learned that can be beneficially shared with others?
Perhaps, this is the time to create that podcast or blog that you’ve been thinking about? Perhaps, it is time to allow someone to understand your mind in a new way; to create a new form or method of communication? In some way, it is time to reveal your progressive thinking in a public way.
Also, dynamic Mars conjoins with expansive Jupiter at 17° Scorpio, beginning a cycle of assertive growth, courageous generosity, or frustrated idealism. If you were born between November 7-10, February 3-6, May 5-8, or August 7-10, this will have a powerful personal impact on you. Set an intention to courageously expand your personal reach toward self-growth. This is a significant year for you to reach beyond the places you have been stuck. Contact me – let’s talk.
The Virgo Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from 9:51 PM EST until she enters Libra on Saturday morning at 7:14 AM EST. Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; it is not good or bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.
Sunday, January 7, 2018:
With the Moon passing through cooperative, graceful Libra on Sunday, your focus will be on creating order through diplomacy and pleasing interactions with others. You will also want to create a beautiful environment within which those interactions can occur. You are more able than usual to set aside your own agenda in order to avoid confrontations and achieve the peace you long for.
It may be difficult to make clear decisions without the input of others as you do not want to lose the approval of those around you. This is a good day to engage in cooperative activities that require teamwork.
You may hit a snag when the Moon squares Saturn at 11:09 AM EST. Stay with it, work your way through that snag in order to learn a great deal about yourself and your ability to work constructively with others.
Create beauty in your home and your relationships; spend time creating art or visiting a museum. It will be deeply soothing to bring as much beauty into your life as possible.
The Virgo Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) until she enters Libra at 7:14 AM EST. Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; it is not good or bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.
* In these weekly reports, I am exploring the major aspects formed by transits between the planets. I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and are often fleeting moods. I will consider the final major aspect formed by the Moon prior to its VOC* time, as that aspect holds its influence throughout the VOC*.
* The aspects under consideration: conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions.
* The planets I work with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Astrolore’s Weekly Astrology Weather: August 7, 2017 through August 13, 2017

Astrolore’s Weekly Astrology Weather: August 7, 2017 through August 13, 2017

“We use astrology most constructively and creatively when we gain from it a sense of what is possible for us at the highest levels of our potentialities. Seeing that, the challenge is then to keep our eyes open to life itself, to be able to respond appropriately when some event or change of circumstances…”
~ Dane Rudhyar, Astrological Aspects – a Process Oriented Approach

La Petite Esméralda by William Adolphe Bouguereau via Wiki Commons

The big news of this week comes on Saturday at 9:00 PM EDT when Mercury turns retrograde at 11° Virgo. Take time to prepare for the upcoming three weeks. Mercury will turn direct once again on September 5th. If you have followed my writing over the years, you’re familiar with the best ways to work right through retrograde.
4 Simple Steps to Managing Mercury Retrograde:

  1. Don’t be afraid, worried, or concerned!
  2. Get a notebook and a pen. Make a list of everything that you have begun but haven’t completed in the past few months.
  3. During the retrograde, get to work! Accomplish what is on this list and only what is on this list.
  4. Don’t be tempted to start new projects, or take on new commitments, new relationships, or new jobs.

Mercury retrograde brings us a great gift, the perfect opportunity to wrap up loose ends!
Have you studied astrology for years but are still unclear about how to have a meaningful conversation with a client? Are you contemplating working with clients but unsure how to move forward? I would be honored to help you move toward your desire to help others with the powerful language of astrology.
Monday, August 7, 2017:
Monday is one of the most powerful days of the incredibly transformative summer of 2017.
This morning brings an opposition from the Aquarius Moon to aggressive Mars and with it the possibility of being angered by someone’s attempt to curb the direction of your opinions and ideas. Let it slide. It is of little importance in the big picture.
At 2:11 PM EDT, we come to the Aquarius Lunar Eclipse. A Lunar Eclipse is a dynamically potent Full Moon. At this time, you are offered the space and opportunity in your life to deeply shift your awareness and change your reality.
Given that this eclipse is in intellectually sharp Aquarius, it offers you an understanding of the necessity to release and clear out thought patterns that no longer serve you. One of the great gifts of Aquarius is the ability to be fully objective and not get stuck trying to please others. You know what is right for you and are willing to stand in opposition to the opinions of others as you move in the direction that spirit presents.
At this Full Moon Eclipse, allow yourself to clearly see how your unique contribution moves all of humanity forward. Consider what you need to release to allow your inventive or revolutionary gifts to increase in effectiveness and impact.
A lovely trine aspect between the Moon and Jupiter at 7:06 PM EDT releases tension and opens a pathway to hope and optimism.
Tuesday, August 8, 2017:
On Tuesday, the quirky Aquarius Moon forms lovely sextile aspects to both stabilizing Saturn and eccentric Uranus. Yes, these are quickly passing Moon transits but we are wise to engage with them. Consider ways to bring stabilization to the areas of your life that are (or seem to be) a bit unpredictable.
Your wild side may move your life forward in significant ways if you are able to define and structure it. The most restrained parts of your life will not be emboldened if you allow some inspiration and unconventional thought into the mix.
At 5:56 PM EDT, the Moon enters empathetic Pisces and you are able to let go of the powerful tension that has encased all of us. Allow yourself to move into an undefined state of sensitivity, dreaminess, and deep compassion. This is a great evening for meditation, music, and even an extra glass of wine.
The Aquarius Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from 3:08 AM EDT until she enters Pisces at 5:56 PM EDT. Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; it is not good or bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.

Chanson de Printemps by William Adolphe Bouguereau via Wiki Commons

Wednesday, August 9, 2017:
Allow yourself to float unencumbered through Wednesday. The Moon continues on her journey through mystical, fanciful Pisces and asks that you listen to your intuition and allow space for dreamy sensitivity. You may notice your imagination is more active and the boundaries between yourself and others don’t hold up too well.
Pisces wants to merge, blend, and dissolve whatever separates you from others. This can translate to romantic connections as feelings that are deeply powerful, connecting, and soft.
Reality may simply be too harsh and, for the moment, you don’t have to look at it. Spending time in meditation, prayer, or on water is ideal; float, daydream and let the water wash away your concerns.
Thursday, August 10, 2017:
If you start the day early, you can take advantage of Mercury sextile Venus at (5:03 AM EDT) with sweet pillow talk and expressions of love and appreciation.
There may be a bit of a glitch when the Moon squares restrictive Saturn at 9:38 AM EDT and you must face reality and move into the workday.
However, that transit will pass quickly and the afternoon’s Sun sextile to expansive Jupiter at 5:24 PM EDT will imbue the evening with the possibility of fun, pleasure, love, and romance. These have not been easy days; it is important to enjoy this one!
With the Sun in generous, playful Leo and optimistic Jupiter in relationship-oriented Libra, you are supported in the growth of love within all types of partnerships.
The Pisces Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from 9:38 AM EDT until she enters Aries in the wee hours of Friday morning at 1:22 AM EDT. Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; it is not good or bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.
Friday, August 11, 2017:
In the wee hours of Friday morning, the Moon enters impetuous, energetic Aries. Following this determined step forward, the Moon then makes no major aspects throughout the day. This is a day of high vitality where you may feel ardently compelled to act on your feelings. You have a strong desire to begin something new… on your own. This is a time for individual action rather than partnership or group action.
Keep in mind that each astrology sign has a particular lesson to teach. Aries teaches courage. No one learns courage by sitting languidly on the couch or taking a meditative walk in the forest. You learn courage by facing your deep fears and the most stressful issues of your life. What can you face with courage today?
Keep an eye on the possible tendency to take irrational, impulsive action that has not been thought out. Consider what you are learning and find a way to stay safe even as you learn determination and bravery. Do not start anything you cannot finish up over the next few days. Aries is impulsive but has little staying power.
This is a great evening for physical activity and biking, dancing, or making love will fill the bill. Enjoy the abundance of Fire.
Friday night will be colored by the trine between Venus and Neptune at 1:17 AM EDT on Saturday morning. This aspect adds sweetness and a little romance to begin the weekend.

A Day Dream by Sir Edward John Poynter via SightsWithin

Saturday, August 12, 2017:
Saturday begins with the sweet, soft influence of sensual Venus trine dreamy Neptune. These two lovely planets began their cycle in mid-January of 2017. What seed of mystic beauty or inspirational love was planted at that time? Do you feel a resulting flow into your life experience now? Open to the harmony and pleasure provided.
However, the forceful Aries Moon brings conflicting messages as she re-engages the square between Jupiter and Pluto. This leaves us wondering where that sweetness went. Don’t be discouraged, the afternoon will bring us back to earth as a Grand Fire Trine offers flow and support as the Moon trines both the Sun and Saturn.
Hold steady. One foot in front of the other and accept offers of kindness and connection.
The big news of the day is that at 9:00 PM EDT, Mercury turns retrograde at 11° Virgo. Take time to prepare for the upcoming three weeks. Mercury will turn direct once again on September 5th. If you have followed my writing over the years, you’re familiar with the best ways to work right three retrograde. Here is your reminder:
4 Simple Steps to Managing Mercury Retrograde:

  1. Don’t be afraid, worried, or concerned!
  2. Get a notebook and a pen. Make a list of everything that you have begun but haven’t completed in the past few months.
  3. During the retrograde, get to work! Accomplish what is on this list and only what is on this list.
  4. Don’t be tempted to start new projects, or take on new commitments, new relationships, or new jobs.

Mercury retrograde brings us a great gift, the perfect opportunity to wrap up loose ends!
Sunday, August 13, 2017:
The Moon leaves hot-headed Aries behind and enters Taurus at 6:39 AM EDT, ushering in a lovely day of rest. There are no aspects to concern you, just the slow, steady movement of an unruffled Taurus Moon.
While the Moon is in Taurus, your emotions long for sensual delights and find deep satisfaction in earthly pursuits. You may want to work in the garden, go for a hike, organize your budget, do some cooking, or get a massage. Whatever you choose to do, make sure it is done slowly and with simplicity. Right now, there is no need for hurry or complexity.
The Aries Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from 4:00 AM EDT until she enters Taurus at 6:39 AM EDT. Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; it is not good or bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.
* In these weekly reports, I am exploring the major aspects formed by transits between the planets.  I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and are often fleeting moods.  I will consider the final major aspect formed by the Moon prior to its VOC* time, as that aspect holds its influence throughout the VOC*.
* The aspects under consideration: conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions.
* The planets I work with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Astrolore’s Weekly Astrology Weather: May 1, 2017 through May 7, 2017

Astrolore’s Weekly Astrology Weather: May 1, 2017 through May 7, 2017

Have you studied astrology for years but are still unclear about how to have a meaningful conversation with a client? Are you contemplating working with clients but unsure how to move forward? I would be honored to help you fulfill your desire to help others with the powerful language of astrology.

Windswept by John William Waterhouse via Wiki Commons

Monday, May 1, 2017:
The week begins with a continued sense of sensitivity which held sway through most of last weekend. Getting up and out of bed on Monday morning may present a challenge. With the Moon continuing through sensitive, emotional, and moody Cancer, you may notice yourself either wearing your heart on your sleeve or trying desperately to hide that vulnerability.
The aspects formed by the tender Cancer Moon on Monday bring up the difficult and sometimes dark side of family and the connection we have to the past. This is a day to spend time in deep reflection. Sitting with a skilled therapist or a truly trusted friend may bring powerful insights to your most powerful inner processes.
Pay attention to how you treat others. Notice how you treat the waitress or the grocery store cashier. Make eye contact, offer a word of kindness, and acknowledge your shared humanity with that person. Everyone you encounter feels the same vulnerability that you recognize in yourself. Express kindness.
The Cancer Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from 4:23 PM EDT until shortly after midnight when she enters Leo. Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; not good, not bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.
Tuesday, May 2, 2017:
When you wake up on Tuesday morning, you will notice that the sensitivity of the previous days are behind you. You are ready to get up and get started and ready to enter a day of self-expression and enthusiasm. Notice the areas in your life where you want to show up, to be seen as the truly authentic, fun person you know yourself to be. This is a day to allow your playful, creative expression to exert itself. However, bedtime may bring a different energy; you may feel less enthusiastic and even a bit low.
At 10:47 PM EDT, the playful Leo Moon forms a difficult square aspect to the stable Taurus Sun. This is the First Quarter Square of the Lunar Cycle.
Consider the seed that you planted at the New Moon on Wednesday, April 26th, now you can expect to encounter a restriction or blockage in that cycle. It is likely to be a relatively minor issue on the path; the important thing is to take a step forward to move beyond the restriction. What action needs to be taken to move your process in the direction you want to go? Consider that question as you fall asleep Tuesday night and you will have your answer and be ready to take action on Wednesday.

Destiny by John William Waterhouse via Wiki Commons

Wednesday, May 3, 2017:
Oh, Happy Day!                                                                                                 At 12:33 PM EDT, Mercury, the planet that represents the way we think, communicate, and share information turns direct. Now, it is finally time to begin new projects, say what needs and wants to be said, and generally move forward more easily in every area of your life.
At 8:50 PM EDT, the Sun forms a lovely sextile aspect to dreamy Neptune. This offers an opportunity to engage deeply in intangible levels of imagination or mystical awareness. Take time to meditate, get lost in a good movie, music, or simply space out! Don’t hit the bottle or get lost in other unhealthy states of consciousness.
The dramatic Leo Moon forms a Grand Trine aspect configuration with unusual Uranus and hardworking Saturn late evening today/ early Thursday morning. This expands our understanding of both the enthusiastic excitement and the stable hard work necessary for the movement we need to continue moving forward.
Envision an enlightened future and commit to the requisite elbow grease.
Thursday, May 4, 2017:
When you get up on Thursday morning, you may be aware of the emotional shift that occurred while you slept. The Moon left playful Leo behind and entered competent, efficient Virgo at 5:47 AM EDT.
Thursday should provide you with a day to get a tremendous amount of work done, although you may need to remind yourself not to get too stuck in the details.
Mercury is now moving forward, the Moon is in dedicated hard-working Virgo, and there are no major aspects to get in the way of accomplishment. The work you do today must ultimately be in service to others. If you engage in too much self-focus, you may find yourself feeling fussy, critical, or judgmental of others. Keep an eye on that and get to work.
The Leo Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from shortly after midnight (12:35 AM EDT) until she enters Virgo at 5:47 AM EDT.
Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; not good, not bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.
Friday, May 5, 2017:
Friday brings another day of powerfully successful effort as the Moon continues through purposeful, devoted Virgo. You may want to get to the office early and plan to stay late!
At 10:15 AM EDT, the Virgo Moon forms a flowing trine aspect to the grounded Taurus Sun. Then, at 5:57 PM EDT, the Moon forms a trine to Pluto. This creates a powerful Grand Trine configuration in the practical Earth signs.
Set practical, productive goals and expect great achievement. You can expect powerful support for whatever goals you have set. Plan accordingly.

Am Sonntagnachmittag by Leopold von Kalckreuth via Wiki Commons

Saturday, May 6, 2017:
Saturday morning may find you having a difficult time pulling yourself away from the work mode you have been so engaged in over the past few days, or perhaps, you are simply recovering from all that work.
With the steadfast Virgo Moon forming a difficult square aspect to Saturn at 8:43 AM EDT, you may find it useful to accomplish various tasks early in the day or simply rest with the intention of conserving your energy.
You may feel that the day doesn’t really get started until the Moon shifts into harmonious, beauty seeking Libra at 2:21 PM EDT. The afternoon and evening are best spent with close, intimate partners in the service of beauty or simple connection. Go to a museum, create beauty in your home, or seek it in the world around you. Focus on consciously creating your closest relationships.
Consider your most intimate partnership to be separate from you or the other person, a separate entity that you each must love, care for, and take into consideration. Make a plan for Saturday night that will feed the needs of the relationship itself.
The Virgo Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from 8:43 AM EDT until she enters Libra at 2:21 PM EDT. Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; not good, not bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.
Sunday, May 7, 2017:
Sunday brings us to a day full of the potential of energized social interactions and inspired connections. At 11:57 PM EDT, the lovely Libra Moon forms a smooth trine to assertive Mars pushing you out into the world to meet up with your favorite intimates.
This is a lovely day for Sunday brunch. There is no reason to consider work, effort, to-do lists, or anything other than seeking harmonious connection. Create or enjoy aesthetic pleasures. If you didn’t go to a museum or art gallery on Saturday, make that a priority on Sunday.
Devote the day to romance, diplomatic cooperation, or charming socialization. Bring flowers home, open the windows, and bring beauty into your home and your heart.
* In these weekly reports, I am exploring the major aspects formed by transits between the planets.  I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and are often fleeting moods.  I will consider the final major aspect formed by the Moon prior to its VOC* time, as that aspect holds its influence throughout the VOC*.
* The aspects under consideration: conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions.
* The planets I work with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.