Sagittarius Season 2023: Optimism and Limits for All 12 Signs November 22, 2023, 9:02 am EST (adjust for your timezone)

Laurie and Jennie discuss Sagittarius season topics including the meaning of Sagittarius, Saturn’s reality influence, Neptune’s fog, and the Mercury Retrograde on December 13. Ruling planet Jupiter remains retrograde and in Taurus for the duration, helpfully lending stability. Overall, the opportunity exists to realign your life with a new direction and continue to take action while including empathy for others. We break down the season moon phase by moon phase and then discuss the personal impacts according to your Rising sign.

Sagittarius season is often a welcome relief after the depths and murkiness of Scorpio season, bringing in light via philosophy and levity. However, as each planet enters Sagittarius, it first has to contend with Saturn. Saturn serves as a border control of sorts, insisting on limits and responsibility before you can go to the party. The good news is that for the rest of the season, Saturn flows with the inner planets of Venus and Mercury, offering stability, sound concepts, and empathy in your connections. You may find yourself still in a deep process that requires full disclosure in one of your relationships. Mercury Retrograde suggests a lot of support around rebuilding some structure in your life with a recovered sense of inspiration.

Watch the first 40 minutes for a general understanding of Sagittarius season and then skip ahead to your Rising sign to watch and understand the personal impacts for you. If you don’t know your Rising sign, use your Sun sign and then email us to get more information about your Rising sign.

  • Time stamps:
  • Start: 00:00
  • Aries: 40:25
  • Taurus: 44:39
  • Gemini: 49:08
  • Cancer: 54:02
  • Leo: 59:45
  • Virgo: 1:05:43
  • Libra: 1:11:16
  • Scorpio: 1:16:49
  • Sagittarius: 1:21:54
  • Capricorn: 1:26:02
  • Aquarius: 1:30:42
  • Pisces: 1:36:08

AstroPath is the collaboration of Laurie Farrington and Jennie Date of Hidden Path Astrology. Please support our YouTube channel by subscribing and commenting! Also, please share it with others in your life. ♥