Reset Karmic Contracts October 14, 2023, 1:55 PM EDT

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The Libra Solar Eclipse kicks off a new eclipse cycle along the Aries/Libra axis. With the Sun and the Moon conjunct the south node, your attention is drawn to the things you need to let go of, bring an end to, or close down. You now have an opportunity to reset the karmic social contract in your important relationships. You know the ones we mean!

Usually, a New Moon indicates a time to plant a seed to begin a new cycle. However, the eclipse brings in a wild card, suggesting that the seeds have already been scattered and will sprout as they may. Therefore, your job during this eclipse is to attain equanimity of mind as much as possible and observe what is happening in your relationships. Identify where you are trying to control things or perhaps where someone else is trying to pull the strings. Let go of what you cannot control! Pay attention to the places where you are trying to please others or avoid something simply because it might be unpleasant. Observe how you have changed and prepare to start a new contract in your relationships.

Laurie and Jennie discuss the Moon phase cycle and the eclipse, the meaning of Libra, the impact of Pluto which squares the nodal axis, and other details of the eclipse chart. This Solar Eclipse culminates in the Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on October 28, 2023. If you like to use the longer annual cycle, then this corresponds to the Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on March 25, 2024. All throughout Libra season, the emphasis has been on evaluating your dependence on relationships. It has invited you to notice habits of being overly dependent and also to recognize who supports your independence. Please watch the Libra season video and the Aries Full Moon video for more information about those specific topics.

Find Laurie’s Solar Eclipse Workbook on Etsy! This is a wonderful and unique way to get the most out of your work with the lunar cycles

Watch the first 27 minutes for a general understanding of the New Moon and then skip ahead to your Rising sign to watch and understand the personal impacts for you. If you don’t know your Rising sign, use your Sun sign and email us to get more information about your Rising sign.

Time stamps:

  • Start: 00:00
  • Aries: 26:52
  • Taurus: 32:44
  • Gemini: 39:23
  • Cancer: 44:52
  • Leo: 48:45
  • Virgo: 53:44
  • Libra: 58:34
  • Scorpio: 1:02:26
  • Sagittarius: 1:10:10
  • Capricorn: 1:16:33
  • Aquarius: 1:21:25
  • Pisces: 1:27:53