Awakening and Expansion

Body, Mind, Spirit Festival
Saturday’s (April 20) conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus was a powerful shift in my life and in the lives of many significant people in my life (you know who you are). I spent the day participating in one of a series of events called The Body Mind Spirit Festivals. There will be two more later in the year.
I enjoyed it far more than I could have anticipated. The other presenters were incredibley welcoming and friendly, the folks I had the opportunity to speak with were delightful. It was great to get out from my tiny home/office and talk with people face to face.
I want to publicly thank my dear lifelong friend Alora, who traveled from Vermont to help me. I can’t imagine having done it without her.
The Week Ahead
Astrology reveals the beauty of our interconnectedness with the patterns in the celestial realms, reminding us that we are all part of something grand and mysterious.
If you are ready to order a recorded reading or schedule a consultation on Zoom, use the code Take15 for a 15% discount.
As the Libra Moon reaches out for tomorrow’s Full Moon, we await tomorrow’s Full Moon. You may notice yourself seeking balance in your most significant relationships. Libra urges us to develop harmony and fairness and encourages us to address imbalances in our connections gracefully. Engage in open communication and be willing to compromise as you build mutual understanding and cooperation. Reflect on ways to create more equilibrium in your interactions by listening closely and expressing yourself clearly. Embrace the opportunity to pay close attention to others.
Questions to ask yourself:
- How can I navigate conflicts or disagreements gracefully as I await the clarity of tomorrow’s Full Moon?
- What specific activities or practices support alignment and cooperation between myself and others?
Today’s Scorpio Full Moon (7:49 pm EDT) brings us to the peak illumination point of the lunar cycle. Full Moons occur at the midpoint of the cycle when the Moon is fully illuminated by the Sun. This is a time when energy culminates and we encounter a full view of what began at the most recent New Moon.
This Scorpio Full Moon, follows the powerful Full Solar Eclipse on April 8th as well as the entire eclipse season, adding another layer of intensity and significance to this lunar phase. Eclipses are powerful astrological events that bring hidden issues to the surface, revealing truths and prompting us to reevaluate aspects of our lives. As the eclipse season comes to an end, you may feel a profound shift towards deepening introspection and contemplation. Scorpio’s influence encourages you to dive deep into your subconscious, confronting unresolved issues or buried emotions. This is a time for powerful inner work as you uncover hidden insights and tap into a strength you may just be coming to realize.
- How does a Scorpio Full Moon differ from a Full Moon in another zodiac sign?
- Are there specific practices or rituals that align for you with the energy of this Full Moon?
- What house in your natal chart holds Scorpio and how does that impact your way of working with the deeply powerful emotions of Scorpio?
INNER STRENGTH – Wednesday, April 24, 2024
The Moon continues through Scorpio today, calling you to explore the depths of your emotions and tap into your inner strength. Scorpio’s energy encourages you to embrace your intuition and trust in your ability to navigate life’s complexities with resilience and grace. Allow yourself to delve beneath the surface and confront hidden fears and hidden truths that may be holding you back. Trust in your inner wisdom to guide you towards change and more personal power.
Later in the day, the Moon trines Saturn (6:52 pm EDT). This is a quickly passing influence but one that offers emotional stability and practicality. This reinforces your sense of commitment and helps you to stay focused on goals and responsibilities. Use this evening to build a solid foundation for moving forward and to cultivate lasting security.
- How can you use the powerful Scorpio Moon to bring forth your hidden strengths?
- How can you utilize the Moon’s trine with Saturn to support emotional stability and self-discipline this evening?
MERCURY STATIONS DIRECT – Thursday, April 25, 2024
At 8:54 am EDT, Mercury stations direct at 15 degrees Aries. As we travel the days ahead, clarity within your thoughts and communications will move forward once again. After some weeks of introspection and review (since April 1st), you’re now poised to move ahead with greater confidence and clarity. Take this opportunity to prepare to express yourself more freely and begin new plans and renewed goals.
As the Moon continues its journey through Scorpio, dive deep into your passions and explore the hidden realms of your psyche. Embrace transformation and allow yourself to release what is ready to leave your life.
At 9:37 pm EDT, the Moon enters Sagittarius shifting your emotions toward optimism and adventure. It is time to broaden your perspective, seek out new experiences, and embrace exploration. Expand your understanding of the world and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead.
- What whole sign house in your natal chart holds Aries? Begin to develop a plan for moving forward in this area of your life. See the listing of meanings for each house below.
- What heavy emotions can you release tonight as the Moon enters Sagittarius?
BROADENING HORIZONS – Friday, April 26, 2024
With the Moon traveling through Sagittarius today, you’re asked to embrace a sense of adventure and exploration. Sagittarius’ energy encourages you to broaden your horizons, seek new experiences, and expand your perspective. Step out of your comfort zone and embark on a road trip or an inner journey of discovery. Whether it’s through travel, learning, or simply exploring new ideas, allow yourself to embrace the unknown with enthusiasm and optimism. Trust in your intuition to guide you towards opportunities that align with your highest aspirations. Embrace the spirit of freedom and spontaneity, knowing that each new experience has the potential to enrich and change your life in unanticipated ways.
- What can you do today to tap into the adventurous energy of Sagittarius and ignite personal growth?
- How might a road trip benefit your personal development today?
ADVENTURE AND RESILIENCE – Saturday, April 27, 2024
As the Moon continues its journey through Sagittarius, continue on your road trip or embark on an adventure physically or metaphorically. Sagittarius offers a sense of curiosity within you, urging you to seek new experiences and expand your horizons. Allow yourself to step outside of your comfort zone and embrace the unknown with enthusiasm and optimism.
However, be mindful of the early morning Moon square Saturn, which may feel restrictive or emotionally heavy. Instead of letting setbacks discourage you, use them as opportunities to demonstrate your resilience and determination. Trust in your ability to navigate difficulties with grace and strength. Each challenge in this lifetime adds to your inner wisdom and fortitude. Embrace the adventure of life, understanding that every twist and turn brings valuable lessons and opportunities for growth.
- How can you maintain a sense of optimism and adventure despite momentary setbacks as the Moon squares Saturn this morning?
- Notice how you can cultivate resilience?
CONFIDENCE AND TRUST – Sunday, April 28, 2024
As you begin the day you will notice a decidedly different energy from yesterday. At 5:38 am EDT, the Moon left Sagittarius and entered Capricorn. You will notice that thoughts of adventure have been left behind. Now you find yourself embracing a practical and disciplined approach to all that you encounter. Capricorn’s influence encourages you to focus on long-term success and to take concrete steps toward achieving whatever you are reaching for.
Today is a great day to assess your priorities and establish a solid foundation for the week ahead. With the Moon trine Saturn late in the day, there is support for practical movement in aligning your emotions with your goals. This lovely aspect fosters a sense of confidence and trust in your abilities. You feel in your bones that you can manifest your dreams into reality.
- What practical and manageable goal can you achieve today?
- Pay attention to your level of self-confidence and personal empowerment this evening
The Goal of Astrology is the Alchemy of Life and Personality
Let the Change Begin with You
The goal of astrology is the alchemy of personality. It is to transform chaos into cosmos, collective human nature into individual and creative personality. – Dane Rudhyar
As you look at your own or a friend’s natal chart do you long to hear its voice speak to you? How long have you been fascinated by astrology? Perhaps the power of the Solar Eclipse is pulling you to commit yourself to a path of deep understanding.
I am excited to offer you my new mentorship program created for those committed to a deeper understanding of themselves, their loved ones, and natal astrology itself.
If you have any interest in this, contact me. Let’s start the conversation now. There are many ways I can help you move into more understanding of this powerful language. Let’s explore your needs and how I can help you now or in the future.
Developing a deep understanding of natal astrology opens the door to powerful personal alchemy.
Simple Meanings of the 12 Houses
- 1st House (House of Self): Represents personal identity, physical appearance, how others perceive you, as well as the energy that calls you forward
- 2nd House (House of Possessions): Focuses on personal resources, finances, material possessions, and your self-worth
- 3rd House (House of Communication): Governs communication, siblings, short trips, and your immediate environment
- 4th House (House of Home): Concerns regarding your home, family, roots, ancestry, and emotional foundation
- 5th House (House of Creativity): Relates to self-expression, romance, creativity, children, and pleasure
- 6th House (House of Routines): Deals with day-to-day routines, health, personal self-care, daily responsibilities, and service to others
- 7th House (House of Partnerships): Involves relationships, marriage, business partnerships, and all one-on-one relationships, including open enemies
- 8th House (House of Transformation): Focuses on shared resources, other people’s values, shared intimacy, the management of boundaries, and powerful transformation
- 9th House (House of World-View): Relates to higher understanding, long-distance travel, education, philosophy, and religion
- 10th House (House of Career): Relates to your career, vocation, public image, reputation, and worldly aspirations.
- 11th House (House of Community): Governs community, like-minded Others, social networks, and those who support your goals and aspirations
- 12th House (House of Deep Knowing): Deals with the subconscious mind, spirituality, hidden knowing, retreat from the world
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