Today we prepare for the ending of 2012!
The intense energies from yesterday’s CAPRICORN SUN CONJUNCT PLUTO, are still very much with us today.
Most simply put this represents the illumination of power and the surfacing of what has been previously hidden.
If we are living with a hidden issue, something kept secret from those who may be affected by the truth, we should be prepared for the fact that secrets have a way of coming to light.
What has long been buried deeply underground longs to reach the surface.
When buried secrets come to light great energy is released that has the power to transform lives!
Keep our eyes open, be willing to see, accept, and welcome the transformation that comes with new knowledge, understanding, and awareness.
On a lighter note, the LEO MOON puts us in a playful mood to greet of the NEW YEAR. We are ready to entertain, to be fully expressive with joy and generosity for this celebration!
Tonight has the potential to be a fun night to party, enjoy friends and social situations! With MARS SEXTILE URANUS don’t go for the same old routines that you do every year.
Find something unusual and exciting for this New Year’s eve. With this energy we will be up for all kinds of excitement and adventures! Please do make sure you are in safe situations !
Today MERCURY ENTERED CAPRICORN which will probably be useful in encouraging some caution in how we spend our evening.
Tomorrow we will begin the new year with the LEO MOON energy to bring playfulness and MERCURY IN CAPRICORN to bring ambition to the start of the year. That sounds just about perfect to me!
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