December 28, 2012:
As 2012 comes to a close we encounter one final challenge, one final emotional upheaval to remind us of what an intense year we are ready to put behind us.
Within the next few days we will be putting to rest an issue that began a year ago, culminated at the end of June and is now ready to be released.
Give that some thought and we will revisit it in a few days.
For now we want to consider today’s FULL MOON IN CANCER. Our emotions are so close to the surface.
We are given the opportunity for an emotional cleaning that will enable us to move more freely into the coming year.
The emotional issues that have haunted us throughout this year (as expressed through the SQUARE between URANUS AND PLUTO) are building; today’s FULL MOON provides a time of release.
It is important that we are conscious in this release to channel the power in a positive, life affirming manner.
This CANCER FULL MOON SQUARES URANUS IN ARIES (representing an impatient warrior) and OPPOSES PLUTO IN CAPRICORN (representing explosive, or transformed power).
These are dangerous waters if we are not awake in our lives. We must keep our eyes, minds, and hearts open to the transformational power of love, kindness, and basic human goodness.
If we allow ourselves to slip into negative, ugly spaces we will wake tomorrow with deep regret. Take time to sit in quiet meditation this morning and create a day filled with love. Honor the life of those in your world.
Give a ton of slack to anyone who is struggling. Do not expect perfection from yourself or others. For this moment, good enough is excellent!
SATURN IN SCORPIO is in a sweet supportive TRINE to this FULL MOON suggesting that we are able to go very deeply into the feelings that are presenting. Ride the waves of deep sensitivity and deep emotion, we can handle more than we may realize. We have built a structure that is able to support us.
It is not necessary to hold emotion at a distance. Feel it fully, let go of whatever story is behind the feelings, stay with the emotions, let the story go.
We are able to shift and transform pain to exquisite emotion.
Today we are presented with the opportunity to free ourselves from much of the hurt we have gathered throughout the year. Let it go. Come cleanly to 2013!
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