Hello All!

Cupid Gardeners by Konstantin Makovsky via Wiki Commons

Cupid Gardeners by Konstantin Makovsky via Wiki Commons

Another week has come and gone and a new one begins!
Don’t save all your fun and pleasures for this weekend as the best part of this week comes prior to that. The high point of the week comes on Friday when expansive Jupiter enters diplomatic, beautiful Libra. This brings some hope to the upcoming US presidential elections, as Jupiter in Libra will do her best to put some diplomacy on the table and settle us down with a bit more refinement and grace. We hope for the best.
Over the weekend, you may need to pay particular attention to the more profound and challenging side of your love life or your finances. Do not take either of these issues for granted. A willingness to be vulnerable and to take risks with those you love may be necessary. Deep love brings us to unimaginable change in our lives and, as such, requires vulnerability and the willingness to encounter great transformation.
Are you concerned or unclear about your path ahead?
Let Astrolore help you see your life and your path forward from a perspective that will change everything. Allow more joy and love into your life.
Make your appointment today! 
Together, we will work with your individual horoscope to explore your hopes, dreams, goals, your current path, and the reality of your life purpose. Our conversation will offer you a profoundly renewed perspective on your life and circumstances.
Monday, September 5, 2016:
Monday is Labor Day and a holiday for most of us in the U.S. The planetary activity is very quiet, providing the opportunity for a relaxing and enjoyable day. When the Moon enters Scorpio at 8:39 AM EDT, you may notice a bit of moodiness in yourself or others. Consider any emotional turmoil to be a clear direction for you to deepen your emotional connection with whoever you are spending the day with. If you are alone, spend time in deep emotional contemplation.
The Libra Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from Sunday evening at 8:30 PM EDT until she enters Scorpio at 8:39 AM EDT on Monday morning. Remember, when the Moon is VOC* there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; not good, not bad; it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have significant future impact.
Tuesday, September 6, 2016:
Tuesday’s intense Scorpio Moon enjoys lovely connections with the Sun, Neptune, and Pluto throughout the day. This provides a positive outlet for the profoundly powerful energy of transcendent Pluto.
With the penetratingly deep Scorpio Moon forming sextile aspects to both the Sun and Pluto, keep your eyes open for opportunities to focus with great empowerment on your goals and desires. Don’t try to be all things to all people on Tuesday. Remember, the importance of working in the silence and in the dark to birth your visions. Time alone in contemplation may bring great rewards.
Magic Circle by John William Waterhouse via Wiki Commons

Magic Circle by John William Waterhouse via Wiki Commons

Wednesday, September 7, 2016:
Powerful forces build strong foundations to develop your deepest desires today. At 1:19 AM EDT, the Sun forms a trine aspect (120 degree angle) to Pluto. The cycle between the Sun and Pluto, which is a cycle of deep internal empowerment, began when they conjoined in early January of 2016.
Consider what began at that time that is leading to a current sense of self-empowerment. The steps taken now to focus your will are able to develop with great intensity. You are building the deep roots necessary to develop the long-term results you are seeking and that are intended to sustain and stabilize your most significant intentions.
At 7:33 AM EDT, beautiful Venus forms a supportive sextile to steadfast Saturn offering an opportunity to gently stabilize your creative endeavors, your finances, or your most love entrenched relationships. This is indeed a powerful and stabilizing day. Pay attention to the intensity of the future you are creating and the opportunities offered for stabilizing that future.
The Scorpio Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) for a short period of time from 8:43 PM EDT until she enters Sagittarius at 9:20 PM EDT. Remember, when the Moon is VOC* there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; not good, not bad; it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have significant future impact.
Thursday, September 8, 2016:
With the Moon in Sagittarius all day on Thursday, we may feel some relief as our perspective feels lighter and more open to a higher level of understanding. However, as the Moon makes contact with both serious, reality based Saturn and dreamy, illusionary Neptune early in the morning, we can’t get away from the fact that we are only a few days away from the final square contact between these two planets.
We are reminded of the challenge of finding a way to balance these ‘difficult to combine’ energies. It is important to continue the effort of bringing the reality of our situations into our most spiritually transcendent vision or dream.
Combining reality and dreams has been part of our ongoing work since this combination – Saturn square Neptune began in November of 2015. We can see the struggle in so many places in our communities, cultures, and the political process; look to see its reflection in your personal life.  Seek balance.
Friday, September 9, 2016:
The generosity and expansion of Jupiter opens the morning with a delightful shift of focus. At 7:18 AM EDT, exuberant and philosophical Jupiter enters cooperative Libra where he will remain until October of 2017. The last time Jupiter was in Libra was between September 2004 and October 2005. Consider the similarities between that time and now regarding the expansion of your own ability to form relationships and create beauty.
With a square aspect formed between the Sun and Moon, we come to the First Quarter (and First Quarter Square) of the Lunar Cycle at 7:49 AM EDT. Think back to the Solar Eclipse New Moon on September 1, 2016. What was the seed that you planted? What have you begun that you want to grow to great stability to support your life? What action needs to be taken over the coming 24 hours that will support this intention as you move forward?
A trine between the Sagittarius Moon and Uranus at 8:51 PM EDT offers the energy to get out and enjoy excitement and the pleasures of friends. Find a place to dance! Go out; express exuberant energy; have fun.
The Sagittarius Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from 8:51 PM EDT until she enters Capricorn at 8:55 AM EDT on Saturday. Remember, when the Moon is VOC* there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; not good, not bad; it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have significant future impact.
The Water Garden by Childe Hassam via Wiki Commons

The Water Garden by Childe Hassam via Wiki Commons

Saturday, September 10, 2016:
The Moon enters the cautions realm of Capricorn at 8:55 AM EDT leaving the fun from Friday night behind and ushering us to the final exact square of Saturn to Neptune. This aspect has been the most significant signature of 2016. Consider, once again, the effort you have made to balance what is real and solid with your most intangible dreams and even escapist tendencies.
It may be easy to get lost in confusion and misunderstanding. Don’t get stuck there. The key is trusting that the process at work will ultimately reveal the beauty and purpose that has thus far been obstructed. This is the 3rd Quarter Square in the cycle between Saturn and Neptune.
If you are old enough to remember 1989, consider what dream you may have begun at that time. Now, you are able to see ahead to a new, similar, far more evolved dream. It is just a glimmer now, ahead in the distance; but if you are able to stand steady and not run for the first escape hatch you will build reality into the new dream over the coming years. Release your need for control; allow the process to unfold with trust and unimaginable vulnerability.
Sleep may not come easily as we push into a Venus square Pluto in the early morning hours of Sunday. Emotional intensity may move your dreams and impact the coming days.
The Sagittarius Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from 8:51 PM EDT on Friday until she enters Capricorn at 8:55 AM EDT on Saturday. Remember, when the Moon is VOC* there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; not good, not bad; it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have significant future impact.
Sunday, September 11, 2016:
Sunday is a highly emotional day. At 3:47 AM EDT, Venus square Pluto suggesting profound intensity and possibly major transformation to our partnerships and your deepest held values. Treat each other kindly. Allow change, it is more necessary than you may realize. This is not a suggestion that something significant must end; but it must change.
Consider the change that will bring empowerment to your values or your relationship. Did you begin a process in early February 2016 that can no longer continue on the path it is treading? Consider your options! Open your mind to what is possible.
By the end of the day, you will know more than you did to start, secrets and vulnerabilities may be revealed. If you have not been fully honest, now is the time to face the truth. Only when the wound is revealed can the healing begin. The evening brings the possibility of increased understanding and connection with the Capricorn Moon trine the Sun at 10:35 PM EDT.
* In these weekly reports, I am exploring the major aspects formed by transit between the planets.  I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and are often fleeting moods.  I will consider the final major aspect formed by the Moon prior to its VOC* time, as that aspect holds its influence throughout the VOC*.
* The aspects under consideration: conjunctions, textiles, squares, trines, and oppositions.
* The planets I work with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.