
Leda by Ridalfo Ghirlandaio (1560)

Leda by Ridalfo Ghirlandaio (1560)


Mercury turns retrograde at 2° Scorpio – Saturday afternoon at 1:02 PM EDT

There are times that it seems relatively easy to get a feel for the energies that are moving through us as reflected by the planetary cycles.
I tend to look at the more positive side of these cycles. I believe that we must be available to the positive expression of these transits to manifest in our lives. Focusing on the negative allows the wrong doors to swing open in our lives. Some weeks, months, and years are easier to do this than others.
In current time the mix of energies is quite extreme. You may be more strongly impacted by one of these energies, by the other, or by both simultaneously.
If your personal life is being impacted most strongly by the Fire Trine (Jupiter in Leo, Uranus in Aries, Mars in Sagittarius) your experience is bound to express itself as excitement, unexpected change, and/ or extreme anxiety. You may feel that you are residing in an electrified environment; for good or for bad.
If your personal life is being impacted more strongly by the ongoing Square between Uranus and Pluto (still!), your experience is more likely to express itself through power dynamics, intense transformation, issues of control, perhaps even issues of violence and/or shame.
It is important to remember that, depending on our individual chart/ personality makeup, different energies feel very different to different people.
I may find Uranus transits to be incredibly exciting and yet struggle terribly with Pluto transits; you, on the other hand, may struggle terribly with the anxiety of Uranus transits and deeply enjoy the depth and power of Pluto transits.
We are complex humans who respond to different energies from the perspective of our own internal makeup.

This week: The VOC* Moon!

Block off these times in your schedule and avoid making significant decisions or working on important projects during these times. During VOC* Moon, focus on routine tasks. You will be surprised at how this one change will smooth the edges of your life!


Monday, September 29, 2014 Moon is VOC* following a Trine to Jupiter at 11:29PM EDT, ending at 12:41AM EDT on Wednesday, October 1, 2014 as the Moon enters Capricorn. This gives us the entire day on Tuesday September 30 with the VOC* Moon. Wow!

Thursday, October 2, 2014 Moon is VOC* following a Sextile to Saturn at 12:18PM EDT and ending 3:59AM EDT on Friday October 3, 2014 as the Moon enters Aquarius.

Saturday, October 4, 2014 Moon is VOC* following a Square to Saturn at 2:31PM EDT and ending at 5:24 AM EDT on Sunday October 5, 2014 when the Moon enters Pisces.


Monday, September 29, 2014:

We do not want to go to work Monday morning with the Moon in Sagittarius. We long to extend the freedom of the weekend into the first few days of the week. As the Moon moves through Sagittarius she activates the Grand Trine Energy in Fire (Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Leo, Mars in Sagittarius).
Expect a highly active day, a day in which you can activate great excitement and wild changes. There is no need to hold anything back on Monday!
The flow of energy is hot, vibrant, and expansive! Whatever you began at last week’s New Moon is highly activated and growing! Take advantage of this energy to move your life forward!
At 4:52 PM EDT Venus leaves behind the precision and refinement of Virgo and enters Libra. Venus rules Libra and is delighted with the time she spends here (until October 23).
Consider the harmony, balance, love, and beauty you wish to develop in your life and your relationships. How diplomatically can you present your values to others?

Time spent in consideration of your personal sense of beauty, partnership, and resources is time well spent today.
Make a point to create something beautiful in even one small corner of your home, your office, or your heart.



Tuesday, September 30, 2014:

Tuesday marks an interesting day! On Monday, shortly before midnight, the Moon made her final aspect (Trine Jupiter) before going VOC*.
This VOC* period continues until Wednesday morning at 12:41AM EDT!
This presents us with an entire day of no major planetary aspects. This happens infrequently and can be considered a gift; a time that we can sit back and relax in this point of cosmic calm. In the ideal world you could take the day off from work; sit by the ocean, go to a movie, or play with your grandchildren! A day meant for rejuvenation!

Leda and the Swan after Leonardo da Vinci (1510)

Leda and the Swan after Leonardo da Vinci (1510)


Wednesday, October 1, 2014:

On Wednesday we awake with the Moon in Capricorn, a day that seems to be perfectly provided to make up for our lack of accomplishment on Tuesday. This is a day of serious ambition, effort, and work!
The First Quarter Moon is exact at 3:33PM EDT, encouraging us to consider what we began at the Libra New Moon (24 September). It is time to take action, moving in the direction you aspired to at the New Moon. What action is needed in order for that seed to grow healthy and strong?
We are coming close to Mercury’s retrograde (Saturday). If you haven’t already, now is the time to make sure your computers are backed up, any car repairs are complete, and all systems are go for the three weeks of Mercury Retrograde (October 4 – October 25). We will have more conversation about the Mercury Retrograde over the coming days.
When we consider the accomplishment and ambition of Capricorn it is important to remind ourselves that the serious energy of this Sign must be firmly focused on the accomplishment itself and not on seeking accolades for the self. Remember that in order for Capricorn to be healthy there must be a very high level of personal integrity. Without integrity Capricorn turns bitter, cold, and uncaring. As you allow ambition to move you forward be very clear on your own personal integrity. Remember, it is not about anyone else’s beliefs it is only your own integrity that matters.

Thursday, October 2, 2014:

You may notice a certain amount of anxiety Thursday morning as the Capricorn Moon squares Uranus, following her connection with Pluto Wednesday evening. This is, once again, a simple reminder that the transformation required of us is still in process.
The ongoing Pluto Square Uranus transit, which began in June of 2012, still has two more impact points: one in December 2014 and one in March 2015.
How is the personal transformation, that is required in your own life, proceeding? Sit with this simple consideration on Thursday. What serious steps do you need to take to bring this transformation to its natural conclusion?
Remember, as much as you are on your own individual path of transformation, you are not alone! Few are escaping the requirement for major life change.
Sure, it looks very different in our individual lives. But no matter what it looks like or what area of our lives is being transformed, we really are all in this together. Consider this when you meet strangers on the street, your mechanic, and the cashier behind the counter at the grocery store! We are all on this path and are all a bit uncertain about the way forward. We are not complete yet. Be kind to everyone you meet.
At 12:18 PM EDT the Capricorn Moon forms a Sextile aspect to Saturn (the planet of integrity and hard work). The Moon will be VOC* from this point until early Friday morning.
Thursday afternoon spend time contemplating your final steps along this journey. There is no need for immediate action; there is deep requirement for contemplation, self-respect, and determination to reach your inner deepest goals. How differently will your life look in another year when the Uranus-Pluto transformation is complete?


Friday, October 3, 2014:

When you wake on Friday morning notice that the heaviness from Thursday has been lifted. Relief!
The Moon is now in Aquarius, allowing some distance from the heavy emotional weight of the past several days. This is a great day to exercise your ability to imagine the future with more freedom for yourself and others.
Social issues of the wider community are likely to frame the day. Consider carefully how your life experience is moving humanity toward more freedom and expression of individuality. How can your life be an example of freedom to the lives of others? Do we ever really understand the importance of the example we present to others? Every time we allow freedom for ourselves, we allow others to see the path to freedom a little clearer. Every time we close ourselves into a small box we tell others it is not safe to go outside.
Please allow your full expression to provide an example to bring humanity to deep new levels of understanding.
This is a day to encounter and express deep love and understanding of our human condition. Individual love takes a backseat to our desire to encounter the true love of community.

Leda and the Swan by Pontormo (1512)

Leda and the Swan by Pontormo (1512)


Saturday October 4, 2014:

Mercury turns retrograde!
We have felt it coming… and here is: Mercury turns retrograde (2° Scorpio) at 1:02 PM EDT! For the next three weeks you can accomplish a great deal if you focus on projects that have been left undone since the time of the last Mercury retrograde in July 2014.
Do not listen to the intense negativity you will hear regarding Mercury Retrograde. This is a time that can be well utilized as long as you simply follow a few rules.

  • do not start new projects!
  • do not begin new agreements
  • do not start new communications (if the conversation has not begun before now, do not begin it until Mercury goes direct).
  • sort through the information and projects left undone on your desk and in your mind; make a list of everything that needs to be completed
  • focus all your attention on the list you just made
  • plan on needing more time than usual; adjust and schedule your time accordingly
  • be profoundly patient with yourself and others

There is more significance to this day besides Mercury turning retrograde. At 4:05 AM EDT the Sun forms an exact Square to Pluto. The energy of this aspect (which is in clear evidence throughout the week) shows us the importance of power and enables the illumination of what has been long hidden. Long-standing taboos and secrets hold power over our lives and our souls. Illuminating our secrets requires great courage and proves to be the key to our deepest personal empowerment.
My teacher, Noel Tyl, refers to the image of the blanket over a hand grenade in speaking of the contact between the Sun and Pluto. There are two ways that I consider this image. Think of the hand grenade as something about to explode and the blanket holding it down and keeping us safe. Alternatively we can think of the hand grenade as our deepest empowerment and the blanket the fear that keeps us from utilizing our power. Perhaps they are one and the same; the blanket is our fear that we imagine as our protection. Do we peek cautiously under that blanket in fear of the explosion or do we tear the blanket off, fast like a bandage, allowing the pain to be released quickly into the universe?
Consider the theme of secrets, exposure, vulnerability, and empowerment. Remember your deepest empowerment is often hidden away along with your shame and secrets.
Also, the Moon becomes VOC* following a square to Saturn at 2:31 PM EDT. The afternoon offers the time for contemplation of your most profound depths.


Sunday, October 5, 2014:


By the time we get up on Sunday morning the Moon has entered Pisces. This should prove to be a dreamy day with an edge; or perhaps it would be better to think of it as an edgy day with a dream.
Mars Trine Uranus at 12:17 AM EDT
Consider back to the spring of 2013 when Uranus and Mars connected at 8° Aries. The cycle between them, which began at that time, is important for us to consider now. This cycle brings to mind action, sexuality, drive, and revolutionary action, strong, deliberate, and decisive action.
What firm significant action did you take in the spring of 2013? What have you learned about the flow of powerful energy within your body, your soul, and your mind since that time? Allow a powerful free flow of that energy now.
This brings us into orb of a very powerful Fire Grand Trine. We are empowered to engage with courage and assertiveness in profound ways and in many areas of our lives. Don’t allow negative aggression or ego to get in the way of this energy. Use this energy to connect deeply with generosity and love.

Leda and the Swan by Correggio (1532)

Leda and the Swan by Correggio (1532)

* in these weekly reports I am exploring the major aspects formed by transit between the planets. I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and are often fleeting moods. I will consider the final major aspect formed by the Moon prior to it’s VOC time, as that aspect holds it’s influence throughout the VOC*
The Aspects I consider: Conjunctions, Sextiles, Squares, Trines, and Oppositions
The Planets I am working with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
*VOC (void of course) refers to the period of time between the final aspect that the Moon makes while in one sign until she enters the next sign. This can consist of several minutes or many hours. These periods are best handled with little expectation of accomplishment; times ideally suited for rest and contemplation.