Are you near Mid-Coast Maine? We can Now Meet In-Person for a Consultation!

Mid-Coast Maine, ocean view at low tide

I do love my new home here on the wild coast of Maine. As I sit to write, my street is quiet, the sun is shining, and the wind is causing the trees outside my windows to dance erratically. I am grateful every day that I took the risk, uprooted my life, and made a new start.

I woke in the night last night thinking about the way I worked with clients and students in the past. It has been years since I met folks in real time and place! I have done all my consulting and teaching over Zoom since the spring of 2020. Virtual meetings are a great blessing, and yet, It is time to open the door to meeting folks in real-time.

Meeting to talk about your chart is very powerful. If you are near mid-coast Maine and are interested in meeting in person, let me know! I’ll send you an application for an in-person meeting. I am excited about meeting you face to face!



seaweed and stones



Monday, September 26, 2022

Today brings us a very dynamic day. You can anticipate a wide range of desires, emotions, expectations, encounters, and activities.

The Libra Moon forms a Grand Trine with Mars in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius. This suggests a day with emotional objectivity, mental activity, and engaging conversations.

In the wee hours of the morning, Venus forms a lovely flowing trine aspect to Pluto. Venus’ impact as a transiting planet is relatively brief. You can expect the influence to last for approximately 24 – 48 hours. Expect pleasure to rejuvenate your values, relationships, and your faith in love itself. Share with your loved ones more deeply than usual, allow vulnerability and open your heart to the vulnerability you see in others. You have a powerful intensity to pour into creative projects and your most intimate relationships. Make space for passion in your life.

Mercury (still retrograde) conjuncts Venus at 1:58 PM ET. This adds your voice to the passionate rejuvenation of values and love. Speak up. Say what you feel. Because Mercury is retrograde you are learning how to speak up and say what is true with more trust and confidence. Today you will practice this skill. Tell someone you love them, and do it with specificity. Because this is occurring in Virgo you will choose your words with care as you attempt to use your voice to strengthen your partnerships. I read a book recently called Fierce Love: Creating a Love that Lasts, One Conversation at a Time by Susan Scott. She makes a very clear statement that I believe we would all do well to consider. “The conversation is the relationship.” Think about it and start a conversation today that will build strength and resiliency into your partnerships.

At 3:33 PM ET, the Sun opposes Jupiter, increasing the expansive and enthusiastic nature of today. The Sun’s impact as a transiting planet is relatively brief. You can expect the influence to last for approximately 24 hours. This is a lovely aspect during which we may seek more freedom in our lives and find opportunities to match. It is important to consider the rather delicate balance between too much and too little. You may want to expand while your partner wants to contract or the other way around. Perhaps one of you wants to go out and spend a lot of money on a big night out, the other wants to save by having a quiet night at home. This may lead to restlessness as you each hold one position and yet you understand the other. Keep talking, showing love, and considering the value of patience in coming together to a mutually satisfying decision.

Kairos – reaching the ceiling



Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The Moon continues through Libra for most of the day. Emotional stability comes through your connection to others and the beauty of your environment.

Make those two things the focus of your day. Place flowers in your sightline and create beauty wherever you are. If you are working at a desk put flowers there. If you are at home put flowers on the dining room table and by the bedside. Surround your visual sphere with a beauty that makes your heart sing. This will soften and open your heart.

At 8:56 AM ET, Mercury (still retrograde) forms a powerful flowing trine aspect to Pluto. This is the same aspect that Venus formed and continues yesterday’s theme of speaking up. The clarity of your voice and the intensity of your words support your values and understanding.

This aspect is a powerful statement of the importance of your voice. You can profoundly influence others with your words and be influenced by the words of others today. This could bring an important connection with another person that could impact how you think. Make sure that you put yourself in situations where you can engage with others. Doors could open that change your life for the better. Remember that Merucy’s impact as a transiting planet is relatively brief. You can expect the influence to last for approximately 24 – 48 hours.

At 7:15 PM ET, the Moon has had enough of pleasing others (Libra) and enters the underground world of Scorpio. Emotions are deep and yet you prefer to keep them private. As the Moon passes through secretive, sultry Scorpio you long for intense emotional connections. This is not a favorite position for the Moon. As she moves through Scorpio her needs tend to be self-protective but not necessarily trusting.

It may be difficult to show vulnerability but if you can manage it you are able to understand the profound strength that is developed in doing so. If you are unable to go to profound depths with others, time alone may be your best bet.

Kairos with a much-loved new toy. 🙂



Wednesday, September 28, 2022

The Moon is in the Fixed Water sign of Scorpio today. Emotions are deep, perhaps deeper than we are comfortable with. You may notice that your preference is to go underground and keep your emotions private. Scorpio is secretive and sultry energy, favoring intense and very deep connections. If you are not going to deep places with another, you will prefer to be on your own.

With the Moon in Scorpio, you may feel deeply sensitive and struggle with how to manage your vulnerability. You may feel pushed against a wall, having to reveal something very personal you would prefer to keep to yourself.

Learning to welcome vulnerability and understand its power is an important skill to develop.

In the wee hours of the morning Mars forms a flowing trine aspect to Saturn. Although Mars transits are typically brief influences whatever Mars is up to now brings with it an ongoing storyline. With Mars’ upcoming retrograde, this transit will return for review in late November and will conclude in late March 2023.

This is a great transit for earning self-respect or the respect of others. It is a powerful time to take serious action to reach a goal, make a commitment, or settle into new responsibilities. You are apt to feel more focused and efficient, with more endurance than usual. Remember, this belongs to an ongoing process that is ongoing through next spring.

One tree or two?



Thursday, September 29, 2022

The day begins with the Scorpio Moon in tough aspects to both Uranus and Saturn. When you hear the morning news you may feel emotional, vulnerable, and discouraged. The disturbing discord in our culture is represented by the square between Uranus and Saturn. When the Moon engages these planets those challenges bubble into our emotional reality. The good news is that the transits that the Moon makes move along and pass away quickly.

The more significant thing to pay attention to today is Venus! Venus is the planet of love, connection, beauty, and social graces. At 3:49 AM ET, Venus steps out of Virgo, where she is debilitated, and into Libra where she is in her domicile. Venus rules both Libra and Taurus. These are the two signs where she is most comfortable and can show the full expression of beauty.

Venus moves through the signs quickly and will only remain in Libra until October 23rd.

While Venus is in her home sign of Libra we embark on a search for fairness, negotiation, compromise, and social graces. Remember that although Libra is focused on partnerships this is an air sign, highlighting the intellect. This brings cool objectivity to our view of relationships. We seek intellectual connection, balance, and beauty. We avoid unpleasantness, coarse, or uncouth behavior, and conversations.

This is a time to engage in artistic endeavors, manage relationships with fairness and diplomacy, and make art.

As with all positions and placements, there are challenges to Venus in Libra. We may find ourselves avoiding essential issues to keep up appearances or to please others, to our detriment. It may be challenging to face reality as we want to keep everyone happy. If you are in a situation where you need to engage in out-and-out competition, that will be difficult as you don’t want to see someone else lose!

The sweet boyfriend



Friday, September 30, 2022

Shortly after midnight last night the Moon entered Sagittarius. This mutable Fire sign looks for inspiration, growth, and adventure. When the Moon is here, our emotions are adaptable and able to shift direction easily.

When the Moon is in Sagittarius we are likely to focus on our higher goals such as desired travels and philosophical growth. We look to these things with a sense of optimism and adaptability. Share your visions and insights freely.

The Moon’s movement through Sagittarius also provides us with a sense of humor and a desire to understand other cultures and ways of being. We may feel restless as we contemplate where to find answers to the big life questions of meaning, implications, and significance. The meaning of life is Sagittarius’ primary concern.

We are likely to feel more philosophically optimistic under this influence. Quirkiness along with an expansive vision helps us to see the silver lining in even the most difficult situations.

Another coastline



Saturday, October 1, 2022

The Moon remains in the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius today offering optimism and adaptability to all that we do. Sagittarius looks for the broadest perspective possible. The archer reaches for visions and insights that will explain the meaning of life. Humor and adventure are part of the plan to open the heart and mind to the expansion of understanding and inspiration.

When the Moon is in Sagittarius we are likely to focus on higher goals of travel, study, and philosophical growth. We seek to expand optimism and adaptability in our lives. Humor and an expansive vision help us to see the silver lining in even the most challenging situations.

At 2:11 PM ET Venus opposes Jupiter. Venus’ impact as a transiting planet is relatively brief. You can expect the influence to last for approximately 24 – 48 hours. This suggests the tendency to indulge in all things related to Venus. Express love, receive love, spend money, receive money, create beauty, enjoy things and visions of beauty.

The trouble with this transit is it can be too much of a good thing. You may find yourself lacking in self-discipline and ready with an excuse to overindulge.  Depending on your circumstance you may want to leave your credit cards at home and stay away from temptations that you are unable to resist. Just because you have been able to resist them in the past does not mean you will be able to resist them today or tomorrow.

Focus on expanding your creativity and enjoying excursions into the great beauty of the natural world. Enjoy an expanded sense of optimism, and elevate your ability to see the bright and humorous side of all things.

seagulls on a beautiful day



Sunday, October 2, 2022

In the wee hours of the morning while you slept the Moon entered Capricorn. Your attention moves toward practical considerations over the coming days. Solitary ambitions and serious concerns come to the table.

As the Moon passes through Capricorn the prevailing mood is cautious, determined, and prudent, wise, but cautious. This is a sensible hard-working sign that keeps us focused on solitary ambition and mature efforts. Keep to the point and keep it serious.

Take advantage of today’s Capricorn Moon to take care of issues that you have been procrastinating on. Spend time early in the day considering the accomplishments necessary to build a stable and secure future. You can get a good start on accomplishing those things today, move in that direction

At 5:07 AM ET after being retrograde since September 9th, Mercury stations direct. If you have struggled over the past 3 weeks feeling misunderstood, indecisive, or confused, relief is in sight. It will take a few days for Mercury to get up to speed but we can heave a sigh of relief knowing we are turning forward and the fog in our minds will clear.

Are you ready to begin moving in unfamiliar directions and beginning new projects? How do you feel about what you have accomplished during this retrograde cycle?

At 8:14 PM ET, we reach the First Quarter Square phase of the Lunar Cycle. This cycle began at the Libra New Moon on September 25th. What is being activated today is related to the seed you planted at the New Moon.

Astrologer Dana Gerhardt says that “We decide our futures at the quarter Moons. We turn toward fulfillment or failure, as an incoming tide of possibilities slams against the momentum of what we’ve already known.” Dane Rudhyar says that we are “caught in the wheel of change at these times”. This is a powerful time when the direction we turn in matters. Take a courageous and conscious action today that relates to the New Moon last week.

kitten in a basket


In these weekly reports, I explore the major aspects formed by transit between the planets. I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and give rise to fleeting moods. The aspects under consideration are conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions. The planets I work with are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.