“There is no measuring with time, no year matters, and 10 years are nothing. Being an artist means, not reckoning and counting, but ripening like the tree which does not force it sap and stands confident in the storms of spring without the fear that after them may come no summer. It does come. But it comes only to the patient, who are there as though eternity lay before them, so unconcernedly still and wide. I learn it daily, learn it with pain to which I am grateful: patience is everything!” ~ Rainer Maria Rilke
Are you up against a difficult decision, or are you questioning your current life, love, or career direction?
An astrological consultation with an open-hearted, competent astrologer will clearly show you the larger picture at play, the universal directional path.
I am taking new clients again and would love to meet with you.

Old Woman with Violet by József Rippl-Rónai via Wikicommons
Monday, October 9, 2017:
I don’t want to mince words regarding the challenges you may face as this week begins. With the Moon in chatty, light hearted Gemini, we will want to keep issues smooth and manageable. The truth is that we don’t really have that option. It will be of more benefit to look directly into the eye of any darkness in your life. Where are you questioning issues of trust and safety?
Yes, we can look at this as it applies to our personal lives, but do understand, that this is readily reflected in the culture and the world at large. In early January of 2017, when the Sun joined with Pluto, we began a cycle of deep, powerful transformation. These two planets are now at the 3rd Quarter Square aspect, and it is time to begin a process of letting go to prepare for an even deeper process in the coming year.
Pluto relates to what is powerful and hidden. It certainly makes one wonder what is going on behind closed doors in Washington. Keep an eye on the news.
On a personal level, it is important to make sure you are squeaky clean in any and all matters of honesty and integrity. Don’t cut corners or give yourself a pass.
If you feel edgy and distrustful toward others, please look internally at your own level of virtue and forthrightness as well.
Monday begins with thought provoking Mercury forming a challenging square to dark Pluto and ends with the Libra Sun squaring powerful Pluto. Bookended in between is a square aspect from the Gemini Moon to foggy Neptune which simply suggests that you would rather keep your head in the sand than look at what is squarely “in your face”.
Honor the struggle that those in your world are encountering. Take the extra step to show up with kindness and courage in all circumstances.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017:
Pluto continues to play an important role on Tuesday as we assimilate and manage the deeper issues that have been brought to the table in the past few days.
Significantly, at 9:20 AM EDT, Jupiter’s entrance into Scorpio (the sign that is ruled by Pluto) increases the Plutonian vibrations apparent in ourselves, in the culture, and on the world stage.
Jupiter spends approximately one year in each sign; her job is to expand and enlarge wherever she goes. Jupiter has been in cooperative, diplomatic, relationship oriented Libra since September 2016. Now, as she enters Scorpio, the qualities of Scorpio will expand over the coming year. Scorpio teaches us to go deep, to look into the eye of darkness, to destroy what is not working in order for full transformation to occur.
Consider what house holds 0 degrees Scorpio in your own chart to understand where expansion and transformation are building in your life during this time.
The Moon continues through Gemini on Tuesday, forming difficult aspects to assertive Mars, serious Saturn, and beautiful Venus throughout the day. It may be difficult, challenging, and uncomfortable to say the things you would like to say. You may choose to hold your tongue.
However, at 6:25 PM EDT, when the Moon forms a sextile to Uranus you may experience not only relief but a surprising lightness.
Encourage the relief you find, go out with a friend, lighten up, and have some laughs. Offer to share what lightness you find with others. We all need it.
The Gemini Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from 6:25 PM EDT until she enters Cancer at 11:39 PM EDT. Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; not good, not bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.
Wednesday, October 11, 2017:

At 9:37 AM EDT, aggressive Mars form a challenging square aspect to restrictive Saturn. This is a clear signal to slow down and resist the temptation to beat your head against the wall. You may experience frustration and aggravation as you feel that the whole world is against you. Stabilize yourself, stay steady; go for a walk, breathe into the places that feel stuck. Release what no longer works, take responsibility for each step you take.
And again, offer kindness, support, and a practical helping hand.
Thursday, October 12, 2017:
Thursday will bring an easier day of self-care and release. With the Moon in Cancer, forming a square to the Sun in Libra, this brings us to the Third Quarter Moon phase. At this phase, you need to notice what areas of your life are not working and need to be adjusted or released. What concerns have become habitual but are no longer relevant? Let them go!
Pay attention to your own needs and consider where you may be unnecessarily allowing the needs of others to overshadow your own.
Very late in the day, thoughtful Mercury sextile serious, stable Saturn, settling you into a quieter acceptance of where you find yourself. Self-care is an important part of this day. Take a bath, enjoy comfort food, put clean soft sheets on the bed, and climb in early. Rejuvenate.
Friday, October 13, 2017:
By the time you wake up on Friday, the Moon has entered Leo. If you have been reading my posts for long, you know how much I love to see a weekend with a Leo Moon high in the sky! If it is a clear night, go out and look up and feel the sense of creativity and dramatic expression. The energy that Leo brings is fiery, generous, and expressive. I’ve had folks complain that I paint Leo with colors that are too bright and happy. Perhaps, but the way I see it, Leo is ruled by the Sun and the Sun provides not only light and warmth but life itself.
Yes, like all the signs, Leo has a down side. Leo can be arrogant, pompous, and loud. However, Leo’s greatest gift is that of generosity and open-hearted love. When Leo is powerfully present, we know how to play and show the best of who we are through authentic self-expression. I’ll take that positive side of Leo for this weekend. I hope you do too.
Before you go to sleep on Friday night, set your alarm clock for early Saturday morning! Saturday is too good to day to miss a moment. Be sure you are up, with coffee and a plan for the day, before 7:30 AM EDT!
The Cancer Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from midnight until 2:41 AM EDT. By the time you wake up Friday morning, the Moon will be in Leo. Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; not good, not bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.

Figures in a Hudson River Landscape by Albert Bierstadt via Wiki Media
Saturday, October 14, 2017:
Make sure you are up, out of bed, with coffee in hand, and a plan for the day before 7:30 AM EDT! This is a lovely day. The sooner you get it started, the better the results!
At 6:11 AM EDT, Venus leaves fussy, detail oriented Virgo behind to enter the cool, delightful pleasures of charming Libra. Venus, as Libra’s natural ruler, is delighted to find herself joining the Sun and Mercury already in this social, diplomatic sign of Libra. Almost anything you choose to do today should go well, plans for socializing are particularly highlighted.
At 4:43 PM EDT, the expressive, playful Leo Moon forms a sextile aspect to the Sun and, later in the evening, she forms a flowing trine aspect to steadfast, stabilizing Saturn. Release your concerns, allow yourself to enjoy what presents itself. Look for and create beauty and love in everything you do on this lovely autumn day.
Sunday, October 15, 2017:
When you wake up on Sunday morning, you may notice an intellectual buzz and excitement pushing you toward unconventional understandings! Mercury opposed Uranus while we slept and the energy of it will stay with us throughout the day. This is an awesome day to study astrology and receive epiphanies galore!
At 7:19 AM, the Moon enters Virgo, bringing our attention to the details that support these wild flights of mind and understanding.
I am so excited that my students will be gathering in northern Vermont for a retreat this weekend. We will all learn so much under this transit! Contact me if you are ready to start a serious study of astrology. Next October, you can join us for this annual retreat! Are you ready to give yourself such a gift of learning?
The Leo Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from 1:28 AM EDT until she enters Virgo at 7:19 AM EDT. Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; not good, not bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.
* In these weekly reports, I am exploring the major aspects formed by transits between the planets. I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and are often fleeting moods. I will consider the final major aspect formed by the Moon prior to its VOC* time, as that aspect holds its influence throughout the VOC*.
* The aspects under consideration: conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions.
* The planets I work with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
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