A Time of Powerful Change
This week the Sun enters Aries (Spring Equinox) on Monday, the Aries New Moon is on Tuesday, Pluto enters Aquarius on Thursday, and Mars enters Cancer on Saturday. Let’s consider each of these important developments individually.
The vernal equinox occurs each year when the Sun enters Aries. The March equinox occurs when the Sun crosses the celestial equator going south to north. On the March equinox, the Northern and Southern hemispheres receive equal amounts of sunlight; neither hemisphere is tilted more toward or away from the Sun than the other. Spring has come in the Northern hemisphere. In the Southern hemisphere, Autumn has arrived.
The Aries New Moon occurs each year while the Sun is in Aries. This year is particularly significant given that it happens so close to the ingress of the sun and at the critical degree of 0° Aries. This degree is the Cardinal Point, considered a critical and auspicious point. This suggests that action will be taken publicly. Watch public actions that will occur this week.
Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008. The slower a planet moves the more power is brought to bear when it changes sign. Pluto’s job is ultimately to empower. In order to do so, its job is to destroy what is in the way of the transformation required. Watch the video Jennie and I have posted on YouTube.
Mars has been in Gemini since August 2022. You have rewritten a narrative in your life regarding the house that holds Gemini in your natal chart. Given that Mars rules Aries, this change of sign is terribly important. Finally, we are ready to move forward.
We have been analyzing, considering, arguing, and spinning in our heads for so long. In recent weeks, thanks to Neptune’s involvement, we have felt confused and uncertain. Now as Saturn has entered Pisces (March 7) and Mars is entering Cancer, we are about to delve into deep emotion.
The time of intellectual analysis is over, we must feel the reality of where we find ourselves.
On a personal level, my focus has been working, studying, and exploring this amazing place where I find myself. I am excited about the coming warmer season. There is so much to see and explore nearby.
This week Dave and I found this incredible 1915 traditional Norwegian mountain hut set on a high hilltop surrounded by blueberry fields. I can’t wait to see it in all the seasons ahead.
Monday, March 20, 2023
The Moon is in Pisces throughout the day. This will keep us in a state of emotional sensitivity as we wait for the profound movement of the Sun into Aries this evening. There is one important and lovely step forward before we get there.
At 4:12 PM, one hour and 12 minutes before the Sun enters Aries the Sun makes an auspicious sextile aspect to Pluto. This is an opportunity to make simple but powerful changes to increase your impact on the world. You may have a very strong understanding today of what is right and where to put your attention. This is a time when you are able to see the power of your integrity and the convictions that you aspire to. Take a step in that direction and you will reap the benefits over time. Take action on what presents itself today. Watch public situations regarding issues of integrity that impact all of us.
At 5:24 PM ET, the Sun takes its yearly step into Aries, the first sign on the Zodiac. This is a big moment that we greet with a surge of excitement as it heralds a new astrological and astronomical year. In the Northern Hemisphere, the March equinox (also called the spring equinox or vernal equinox) occurs when the Sun crosses the equator line, heading north. This marks the beginning of spring as the northern hemisphere begins to tilt more toward the Sun. Yes! More sunshine is on the way along with an increase in daylight hours and warmer temperatures. In the Southern Hemisphere, the March equinox marks the start of autumn as they begin to tilt away from the Sun.
When the Sun moves into Aries, we surge forward with excitement and motivation for new beginnings! When the Sun is in Aries the important thing is to move forward even if we do not know where we are going. This is the time to put things into motion whether or not our plans are clear. Whatever begins now we can always improve or improvise later. The past is behind us and we are ready to live in the moment as we direct ourselves forward.
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
The day begins with the Moon still in dreamy Pisces. Don’t get too comfortable in Pisce’s ethereal emotional state as we are about to get pushed out of that nest.
With the Sun now in Aries we are on the edge of our seats waiting for the Moon to enter Aries (12:01 PM ET) to reach the New Moon.
The Aries New Moon (0° Aries) is exact at 1:23 PM Eastern time. Notice the shift as your emotional needs become vital, hot, and demanding. Each Spring while the Sun is passing through the first sign of the zodiac we come to this extra powerful New Moon. Because this New Moon begins not only the lunar cycle but also the cycle of the solar year this is very powerful.
There is no better time to take action on a new idea or put a new plan into action. Because this occurs at the critical cardinal point of zero degrees Aries its potency and importance are increased.
You may not yet know what action is being asked of you but you are ready to take it just the same. Don’t hesitate. Any action is better than none. At this juncture, the important thing is to move, to do, to strike that match, and head forward.
Consider your personal goals. Take action and plant a seed for what you want to develop. The action taken now should be something that is yours alone to do. Doing it should make your heart beat faster and feel a bit like you are preparing to jump off a cliff. Push forward with gusto and confidence. The confidence will build with each action you take forward.
The illumination of this cycle will bring us to the Libra Full Moon on April 6th and the longer cycle to the Aries Full Moon on September 29, 2023. Plant your metaphorical seed with great courage and determination to bring something new to light.
Where do I plant that seed of courage, action, and determination?
To get the answer to that question, read the sections below for both your Ascendant (“Rising”) and Sun signs:
- If you have Aries Rising, this New Moon falls in your 1st House, of self and personal expression. Plant a metaphorical seed to express yourself with courage and determination.
- If you have Taurus Rising, this New Moon falls in your 12th House, of hidden affairs and symbolic understanding. Plant a metaphorical seed to take direct action on your hidden wounds.
- If you have Gemini Rising, this New Moon falls in your 11th House, of community and love received. Plant a metaphorical seed to develop a community of people who support your vision.
- If you have Cancer Rising, this New Moon falls in your 10th House, of career and reputation. Plant a metaphorical seed to take a risk on your vocational path.
- If you have Leo Rising, this New Moon falls in your 9th House, of higher understanding, worldview, and education. Plant a metaphorical seed to increase your understanding of the world.
- If you have Virgo Rising, this New Moon falls in your 8th House, of other people’s values and shared resources. Plant a metaphorical seed to listen courageously to folks whose values are profoundly different from your own.
- If you have Libra Rising, this New Moon falls in your 7th House, of equal partnerships. Plant a metaphorical seed to take assertive action in your most important relationships.
- If you have Scorpio Rising, this New Moon falls in your 6th House, of habits and routines that support health. Plant a metaphorical seed to actively develop independent self-care practices.
- If you have Sagittarius Rising, this New Moon falls in your 5th House, of creativity. Plant a metaphorical seed to take a risk on creativity or love.
- If you have Capricorn Rising, this New Moon falls in your 4th House, of home and family. Plant a metaphorical seed to take direct, independent action in your home or family.
- If you have Aquarius Rising, this New Moon falls in your 3rd House, of communication. Plant a metaphorical seed to communicate assertively, with courage and determination.
- If you have Pisces Rising, this New Moon falls in your 2nd House, of self-worth, money, and resources. Plant a metaphorical seed to invest your resources in ways that build your self-esteem.
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
The Moon continues through the Cardinal Fire sign of Aries today. You and everyone around you are probably feeling a bit amped up after yesterday’s powerful New Moon. Go with that feeling and get a lot done today.
You may feel impatient to get things off the ground, don’t hesitate to push yourself forward. The things you want to do may require not only assertive direct action but also a bit of courage. Take advantage of the strong desire to move forward. Keep in mind that internal aggravation could catch you unaware. Exercise or sexual release are powerful ways to discharge this type of frustration.
At 4:16 PM ET, the Moon conjuncts Jupiter. This supports good feelings, optimism, generosity, and a sense that all is right in your world. You may simply feel that you are in the right place at the right time. Warm feelings are contagious, enjoy time with others.
Thursday, March 23, 2023
Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008. This morning at 8:14 AM ET, Pluto moves into Aquarius. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was in 1778. The American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the Industrial Revolution all occurred during Pluto’s last transit of Aquarius.
For its tiny size, this planet is a behemoth in its ability to transform cultures and individual lives.
In general terms, the tiny planet Pluto refers to hidden power, transformation, and regeneration. Pluto’s job is to destroy what is in the way of necessary transformation for the sake of ultimate empowerment. For each of us, and the world we live in this shift has profound implications.
Because of its retrograde periods, Pluto will dance back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius until late 2024. At that time it will settle into Aquarius for the long haul of nearly 20 years.
The area of your personal life represented by the house that holds Aquarius will be changed profoundly over the coming years. On June 11th Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn. Between now and then, we will get a preview of the transformation of the coming 20 years.
Culturally Pluto’s time in Aquarius will demand that we excavate secret or hidden scientific and technological innovations and solutions to humanity’s most pressing issues.
Click on the image above to watch the video that Jennie and I put on YouTube last week about this very important transit.
On a more immediate level, although the Moon begins the day in Aries, it enters Taurus at 2:41 PM ET. This will settle your emotions and provide a more restful evening.
Friday, March 24, 2023
There is so much intensity in the air, it is nice to have the Moon moving through the calm stable sign of Taurus today. We need this. Get outdoors, take a walk in nature, prepare your garden beds, or spend some time with the seed catalogs. We have a great desire for peace, comfort, and serenity today. These are the gifts and the need of the fixed earth sign Taurus.
Rest your focus on creating beauty, opulence, and calm in your environment and in your heart. Of all the signs, Taurus holds domain over the body and the senses. Taurus understands the sense of reverence you can find in a walk in the forest, listening to the birds, and the wind in the trees. Deepen your understanding of sensuality, quietude, and stability. Fill your house with flowers and beauty.
The moon joins with Uranus at 7:52 PM ET, this may offer an unwanted shake-up or stress. Don’t let it derail you. It will pass quickly, try giving it the job of adding a bit of spice to the day. Engage in a conversation that opens a path of curiosity.
Saturday, March 25, 2023
The Moon remains in Taurus for most of the day. Attachment to beauty and comfort may take center stage. Remember that true contentment and beauty come from within. Don’t put the focus on money or materialism. Simplicity and beauty are the focus of Taurus’s true desire.
At 8:42 PM ET, the Moon is ready for a change and enters the curious talkative sign of Gemini. Whatever social plans you have for this Saturday night will finally kick into gear.
After 7 months in Gemini (due to its retrograde) Mars finally moves into Cancer at 7:45 AM ET. Mars will remain in this cardinal water sign until May 20th. Because Mars rules Aries this is very significant during Aries Season. In traditional astrology Mars is considered “in fall” in this watery sign. Don’t let that concern you. Mars may not function at its best here, but given that Cancer is a Cardinal sign, it will get the job done.
During Mars’ retrograde in Gemini, we changed our narrative in some area of our life. Now we will be motivated to bring this new narrative to secure and protect what we love. Find where Cancer is in your chart and you will know where this sense will be strong for you. Jennie and I talk about this in the video about Pluto’s ingress.
When Mars is in Cancer the safety and emotional security of our family and home become paramount. Mood swings may be more noticeable and we can become defensive as our security may feel threatened. Put ego matters aside to care for family members and loved ones. There is a great drive and motivation to nurture and protect.
This is a good time to actively delve into the past. Explore your family roots and genealogy. You can learn a great deal about yourself by exploring where your family roots are buried.
Sunday, March 26, 2023
The Moon travels through Gemini, the mutable air sign today. This is a day to explore light-hearted, chatty, and friendly connections with others. When the Moon is in Gemini, gathering information settles your emotions and keeps you feeling connected to others.
Make it a point to share and listen to stories, perspectives, and ideas. This is a great day for connecting with friends, talking about a variety of topics, and having fun interactions with new and old friends alike. With the Moon in Gemini, your encounters are easy and friendly. You can quickly juggle ideas, thoughts, stories, and witty repartee.
Your relationships with others will focus on friendliness and ease of engagement. Your mind moves quickly as you juggle many ideas and thoughts. Conversations will progress with speed and everyone seems more witty than usual. Listen to what others say. They may speak more freely than usual and you may be surprised at what you hear and come to understand.
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