A Significant Week Ahead
Monday, March 14, 2022

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Yesterday as the Leo Moon squared Uranus it brought some anxiety, this morning as it opposes Saturn it asks that we settle down and get serious. Our attention is directed to the difficulties in the world and culture that are far beyond our control. The Leo Moon is asking us a very simple question. How can we help?
Think about that. Saturn asks that we face reality and our personal accountability. Leo solves problems by expressing over-the-top generosity. Leo is a very personal sign and today the large difficulties of the world feel like very personal issues.
If you can express your generosity with money or resources, find a cause that you feel great supporting. You can express generosity in many other ways. Get creative and make sure that your generosity is a true expression of what you believe and are passionate about. Whatever your gifts, today is a day to express them freely. The Sun rules Leo and warms us all with heat, passion, and light.
Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Thursday, March 17, 2022
The nearly Full Moon continues through Virgo today, keeping our emotions focused on service-oriented practicality. During the Moon’s travels, she will oppose both Jupiter and Neptune. This could make organization and practicality challenging as you may find yourself drifting into daydreams and fantasy.
At 8:13 AM EST, Mercury forms a sextile aspect to Uranus bringing us within sight of the ending of the one-year cycle between them. Pay attention to any new, inventive, or unusual thoughts that you are having today. This may suggest ways that your thinking is preparing for changes that may surprise you over the coming months.
The cycle between Mercury and Uranus teaches us the importance of using our most authentic voice and speaking our most radical truth. The current cycle began in April 2021. We now begin to close that cycle and prepare for a new cycle beginning in late April of this year. The surprising direction of your mind today offers a clue of what is to come.
One more thing: Happy St. Patrick’s Day.
Friday, March 18, 2022
Saturday, March 19, 2022

Sunday, March 20, 2022
The morning may not feel great. The accommodating Libra Moon is squared by Pluto at 8:39 AM EST. You may end up feeling that someone is taking advantage of you. Don’t let it bother you as the day is about to take a major turn. When the Sun enters Aries you won’t care too much about pleasing others.
At 11:33 AM EST, the Sun takes its yearly step into Aries, the first sign on the Zodiac. This is a big moment that we greet with a surge of excitement as it heralds a new astrological and astronomical year.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the March equinox (also called the spring equinox or vernal equinox) occurs when the Sun crosses the equator line, heading north. This marks the beginning of spring as the northern hemisphere begins to tilt more toward the Sun. Yes! More sunshine is on the way along with an increase in daylight hours and warmer temperatures. In the Southern Hemisphere, the March equinox marks the start of autumn as they begin to tilt away from the Sun.
When the Sun moves into Aries, we surge forward with excitement and motivation for new beginnings! When the Sun is in Aries the important thing is to move forward even if we do not know where we are going. This is the time to put things into motion whether or not our plans are clear. Whatever begins now we can always improve or improvise later. The past is behind us and we are ready to live in the moment as we direct ourselves forward.
Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, it is the first Fire sign and as such, it is the initial spark of fire. Strike a match, spark your imagination. Propell forward. Let go of the past.
At 11:44 AM EST, the Moon enters Scorpio, and feelings of passion expand. With both Aries and Scorpio ruled by Mars, this isn’t turning into a low-key Sunday. Celebrate heat, intensity, and action.
The Changing Moon this Week
The Moon sets the emotional tone as she moves through the Zodiac day-to-day. It takes approximately 28 days to traverse the entire Zodiac. Learning to work with this rhythm will help you align with and relax into an easier flow with the Universe. The luminous Moon spends approximately 2 ½ days in each sign before she moves on to the next.
Monday: The week begins with the Moon in Leo as she travels the path toward Friday’s Virgo Full Moon. With the Moon in Leo, we want to show up for others with generosity and a bit more sparkle than usual. Early this morning with the Moon opposing Venus we will face some tension between our personal needs and keeping others happy. At 3:01 PM EST, the Moon squares Uranus. Your emotions may feel that they’ve landed on a rollercoaster, so look for fun and a reason to engage in something unusual. Seek excitement and sparkle.
Tuesday: This morning the Leo Moon opposes Saturn, asking for a bit more seriousness. Our attention is directed to the difficulties in the world and culture that are far beyond our control. The Leo Moon is asking us a very simple question. How can we help? Think about that. Get creative and use your generosity as a true expression of what you believe and are passionate about.
Wednesday: Shortly after midnight last night the Moon entered Virgo. Virgo gathers and understands what is necessary in order to reach the highest potential for everyone concerned. We all know that our path would be smoother if we were more organized and took care of details. Pay attention to the practical issues that need organizing in your life today. When the Moon is in Virgo we are able to digest and analyze information in order to make practical use of it. In a true Virgo spirit, use the information you gather and analyze to be of service to others
Thursday: The nearly Full Moon continues through Virgo today, keeping our emotions focused on service-oriented practicality. During the Moon’s travels, she will oppose both Jupiter and Neptune. This could make organization and practicality challenging as you may find yourself drifting into daydreams and fantasy.
Friday: At 3:18 AM EST, we reach the Virgo Full Moon. Each month at the Full Moon we reach a point of contrast, a time of seeing what is in opposition to the current state of being. As we move through Pisces Season we share a sense of timelessness, intangibility, dreaminess, and imagination. With this Full Moon, the point of contrast is the specificity, reliability, and focus on the details of Virgo. At 7:26 AM EST, the Moon enters Libra. Notice as your attention shifts to the importance of building connections and relationships. Libra is a cardinal air sign ruled by Venus. While the Moon is in this diplomatic sign we value harmony, politeness, aesthetics, and the ability to connect with others.
Saturday: The Moon continues through Libra today. Because Venus is the ruler of Libra and she is struggling with Uranus today, this won’t be a typical Libra Moon day. You may want harmony, peace, and beauty but don’t count on it. Remain impartial and leave your expectations aside. Go dancing, have fun. Don’t take yourself or others too seriously. Enjoy a variety of unusual friends and acquaintances.
Sunday: The accommodating Libra Moon is squared by Pluto at 8:39 AM EST. You may end up feeling that someone is taking advantage of you. Don’t let it bother you as the day is about to take a major turn. When the Sun enters Aries (11:33 AM EST) you won’t care too much about pleasing others. At 11:44 AM EST, the Moon enters Scorpio, and feelings of passion expand. With both Aries and Scorpio ruled by Mars, this isn’t turning into a low-key Sunday. Celebrate heat, intensity, and action.
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