Rainbow Splash by Janice Montecalvo of Providence, RI

Rainbow Splash by Janice Montecalvo of Providence, RI

As I look at the upcoming week, I see a bit more astrological activity than we have had in the previous two weeks. It has felt eerily quiet!
On Monday, Jupiter and Uranus come together in a trine aspect which has been impacting us strongly since September of 2014.
This brings the planet of expansion, (Jupiter), together in a free flow of energy with the planet of unexpected surprises, unusual circumstances, and humanitarian events, (Uranus).
If your birthday falls on April 9-11, August 11-13, or December 11-13, this will be a particularly powerful week. Watch for expansion, an opening, or a surprise!
Many of you have asked how my partner, Brenda, is recovering. I have also gotten questions regarding my own circumstances. Thanks for asking; I love to share!
Last week, Brenda went back to work after her heart attack on Easter Sunday. She still tires out easily but the healing process is at work and cannot be rushed.
The current complications come in the form of the company she works for. Brenda is being laid-off , along with most of her coworkers. In order to maintain employment, she is going to have to move to either Portland, Maine or Bangor, Maine!
Oh heavens! Didn’t the doctor recommend “No Stress”? Well, “no stress” for someone with Uranus conjunct Leo Moon, squaring a stellium in Taurus, simply is not possible.
Life certainly offers us the circumstances that most clearly reflect who we are. What is the reflection that you see in your own life and chart?
Is it time for you to learn more about the perspective of your life through your horoscope?
Contact me today! There is so much to learn! Keep in mind the delight you can experience as life takes on such richness as you use the language of astrology to heal and grow in this lifetime.
Look for a busier week this week. Welcome it!
Monday, June 22, 2015:
The week begins with great excitement as Jupiter forms a trine aspect to Uranus. Because of Jupiter’s recent retrograde, this transit is the third such trine between them. The first trine occurred in September 2014, the second in March 2015, and the final happens on Monday.
Take time to consider the energies that these two planets represent. Jupiter is the planet of great expansion. Whatever Jupiter touches, it simply makes bigger! It is also the planet that speaks to us on issues of faith, belief, and overindulgence.
Uranus is the planet of unexpected, shocking, and possibly wildly unusual surprises. It is the planet of innovation and revolution!
*I must check where this transit falls in Bernie Sanders chart! 🙂
In considering this expansive excitement, think back to the beginning of this cycle between Jupiter and Uranus which occurred in mid-2010 until early 2011. When Jupiter and Uranus come together, it is a significant push for the future.
Uranus always shows the way forward. If you can identify something in your life that expanded in 2010, look at how the energy is pushing forward with more expansion into the future. The full ramifications of this cycle will be evident in early 2017.
These are slow-moving planets and although the aspect is exact on Monday it has been, and is continuing to color the environment we live in for an extended period of time.
The Moon is in Virgo on Monday. We are aware of the potential of our accomplishments for today. The only thing you should let get in the way of work is something that brings significant excitement. If something shows up that provides a spark of excitement, drop the work!
Tuesday, June 23, 2015:
Tuesday, we have the Moon in Virgo, again pushing us toward accomplishment. Watch your tendency toward judgment and narrow-mindedness. Remember how little you know about what goes on in the depths of another person’s soul. Whether it is your mother, your child, your neighbor, or your best friend; none of us know the contents of another soul’s path.
At 2:08 PM EDT, Mercury squares Neptune explaining the lack of clarity and motivation regardless of the insistence of the Virgo Moon. The cycle between Mercury and Neptune began in mid-March 2015. This is a cycle whose purpose is to soften or dissolve the barriers within the mind
How does the mind soften? I would say it softens through the training of meditation, through music, or through deep suffering. The softening of your mind or thoughts that began in mid-March has brought you to a point now where action must be taken to determine the outcome.
For me, mid-March was when Brenda had her heart attack. Now, the action that must be taken seems to be helping her pack up and move to Maine. The full result will be clear at the planet’s opposition in mid-August.
Spring Green by Janice Montecalvo of Providence, RI

Spring Green by Janice Montecalvo of Providence, RI

Tell me how you see this playing out in your own life. I’m very curious. Regardless of what began at the start of the cycle in March, meditation would be an excellent action to take now.
If there are problems in your situation regarding drugs or alcohol, be particularly careful. Meditation, listening to music, watching great films, and studying the writing of mystical thinkers would all have great benefit for everyone at this time.
May I recommend the video, ‘With One Voice’ directed by Eric Temple? I believe you can find it on Netflix.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015:
By the time we wake up on Wednesday morning, the Moon has entered Libra and we have reached the First-Quarter Square of the lunar cycle. The New Moon that arrived last week on June 16th began the cycle of increased communication and intellectual development.
On Wednesday, take action on a communication or an intellectual pursuit. Sit down and have that conversation or go online and sign up for the class that you know would be of great benefit for you to take.
Wednesday’s Libra Moon keeps us focused on pleasure, beauty, and diplomacy.
At 9:32 AM EDT, Mars leaves Gemini behind (where he has been residing since early May) to enter Cancer. Let’s be honest, Mars is not delighted to be in Cancer. Mars is the planet of action, sexuality, and determination. Cancer is the sign of nurturing and mothering.
Mars would rather fight than nurture and sometimes this can bring us to consider passive aggressive actions. Be aware of these tendencies. The heat of sexuality may be watered down and you may find yourself preferring to cook for each other and play with the puppy rather than activities of a more randy nature.
Mars will remain in Cancer until he enters Leo on August 8th, 2015 (my birthday)! Enjoy the new puppy! Hot times return in August!
Thursday, June 25, 2015:
As we adapt to Mars’ new position in Cancer, the Moon remains in Libra throughout Thursday. This may be a day of vacillating emotions. Early in the morning, the Moon squares Pluto as we struggle to contemplate the deeply profound differences between “us vs. them”.
The majority of the afternoon should be pleasant. You can anticipate easier connections with others as the Moon is sextile Venus in Leo. Around dinner time, there may be further anxiety, excitement, or struggle as the Moon connects with Uranus.
By the time the dinner dishes are washed and put away, the Moon sextiles Jupiter and our emotions expand into a more diplomatic joyful space once again. I think the best way to manage this type of day is simply to be aware and try to hold steady even as the energies push us to extremes.
If you are not paying attention, it could be easy to spend part of the day feeling that your life is falling apart and other parts of the day feeling that your life is on the perfect path. Focus on the clear understanding that neither one of these extremes holds the full reality of your situation. Look clearly at both sides and hold steady on the middle path.
At 7:23 PM EDT, the Moon is VOC* following the sextile to Jupiter. Thursday should hold a pleasant evening to rest in the company of friends.
Friday, June 26, 2015:
Friday begins with the Moon still VOC* in Libra. Don’t try to rush into this day determined to make great strides in accomplishment. Move slowly, take your time, and have a leisurely breakfast with your family. Sit with a loved one over coffee and conversation before plowing into the day.
At 1:57 PM EDT, the Moon enters Scorpio and we are able to go deeply into a project and get a great deal accomplished before the end of the day. There is focus and clarity available. If you need information, this is the day to ask for it.
Don’t ask if you don’t want the answer. Be clear on that.
The evening is best spent with intimate partners but only if you are ready for deep connection. Do not waste this lovely evening watching television or spending time with casual acquaintances.
This Friday evening is an ideal time for intimate, sexual, passionate love and affection. Take advantage of it. Make connection.
If you feel that this is not an option for you because of your current circumstances, please read this awesome book: Sexual Intelligence by Marty Klein.
Sunset on the Little River by Janice Montecalvo of Providence, RI

Sunset on the Little River by Janice Montecalvo of Providence, RI

Saturday, June 27, 2015:
How did you spend Friday evening? The answer to this question determines much of how your entire weekend plays out.
Ideally, you spent the evening with a lover or fully engaged with your own passionate, lustful self. If so, you will enter Saturday feeling deeply connected to your core. This is a simple Saturday with the intensity of the Scorpio Moon but without other complications.
This would be a delightful weekend for some sort of retreat. A good time away from the hustle and bustle of the world, a time for intimate connections, a time to explore your own depth. It’s a time to explore the depth of your most intimate relationships.
Take your journal and go alone to a riverbank or park bench. Write your heart out. Find the deepest, most tender parts within your soul and write the words that are emblazoned in that deep warmth.
Sunday, June 28, 2015:
Sunday holds the reflection and the simplicity of Saturday but with a twist! Very early Monday morning, Venus is sextile Uranus.
There is no question that this will be felt on Sunday. Let’s look at the cycle involved!
On March 4, 2015, Venus and Uranus connected in Aries. This began a cycle of intensifying relationship or radically changing your relationship to money or resources.
Did something exciting begin at that time in your relationship or did something exciting or stressful occur in terms of money or resources? Whatever began then has come a long ways.
At this point, you have an idea of the ultimate result of this cycle. The full illumination and release of creative energy will occur in late November 2015.
There is excitement and new possibilities. Keep your eyes open! If there is an opportunity offered that peaks your interest… say “Yes”!
This week: The VOC* Moon!
VOC* (void of course) refers to the period of time between the final aspect that the Moon makes while in one sign until she enters the next sign. This can consist of several minutes or many hours. These periods are best handled with little expectation of accomplishment. These times are ideally suited for rest and contemplation.
Block off these times in your schedule and avoid making significant decisions or working on important projects during these times. During VOC* Moon, focus on routine tasks. You will be surprised at how this one change will smooth the edges of your life!
Do you have questions about what is appropriate to do or not do during the VOC* moon? A simple way to think about it is to ask a simple question: Do I hope that this activity will amount to something? If the activity does not need to amount to anything, go ahead with it!
If you have an expectation or desire that this action is going to amount to something, do not do it while the Moon is VOC*. Think about the time you bought a book you were certain you were going to love and you never could finish it! Think about the time you bought the perfect article of clothing that you ended up never wearing. That is the Moon VOC*!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015 the Moon is VOC* (in Virgo) for a very short time beginning at 1:12 AM EDT until she enters Libra at 1:41 AM EDT.

Thursday, June 25, 2015 the Moon is VOC* (in Libra) following a sextile to Jupiter at 7:23 PM EDT until she enters Scorpio on Friday at 1:57 PM EDT.

Sunday, June 28, 2015 the Moon is VOC* (in Scorpio) following a conjunction to Saturn at 9:50 PM EDT until she enters Sagittarius at 11:21 PM EDT.

* In these weekly reports, I am exploring the major aspects formed by transit between the planets. I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and are often fleeting moods. I will consider the final major aspect formed by the Moon prior to its VOC* time, as that aspect holds its influence throughout the VOC*.
The aspects under consideration: conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions. The planets I work with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.