Monday’s Leo Moon begins the week with a note of drama and excitability. Leo is a fixed fire sign that thrives on play and the delight of self-expression. Focus on radiating your personality fully.
On Monday she has no choice but to manage difficult and challenging conversations with both Saturn and Uranus. The powerful cultural challenges of 2021 are highlighted. You may find that Monday comes with complications and difficulties. Be kind to yourself and others.
On Tuesday the Moon continues through Leo but with more of the fun and less of the complications than Monday offered. Late Tuesday night she steps into Virgo. In this Mutable Earth sign, the Moon uses organization and structure to settle yesterday’s difficulties.
Wednesday offers a practical hard-working day with the Moon in Virgo. She will stay in this unassuming sign until the wee hours of Friday morning. With the Moon in Virgo focus on constructive, pragmatic endeavors that are practical in a down-to-earth manner. This is a great time to tidy up your home, office, or garden, clean out the refrigerator, empty your email inbox, and put away the laundry. You will feel much better when your environment is neat and tidy.
At 11:55 PM EDT on Thursday we come to the First Quarter Moon phase at 27degrees Virgo. At the First Quarter phase look back on the seed you planted on June 10th, consider the best action that will support the growth of that seed. Go ahead and take that action anytime during the day on Friday. The Moon continues through Virgo until 4:54 AM on Friday morning when she enters Libra.
With the Moon in Libra (Friday and Saturday) focus your emotional attention on pleasing others, and avoiding conflicts. The Libra Moon supports romantic endeavors, diplomatic conversations, socializing, and/ or creating art.
At 6:52 AM EDT on Sunday the Moon enters Scorpio where she will close out the week. Your emotions are deep and may encounter pushback and frustration on Sunday evening. Do your best to find time alone to contemplate your progress and agenda. Without clear boundaries and time alone resentment could rear its ugly head.

The square transit between Saturn and Uranus is exact at 6 PM EDT. This is the overriding transit and major difficulty of 2021. Today’s contact is the second of three passes of this transit. The first occurred on February 17th and the third and final will occur on December 24th. The powerful cultural challenges of 2021 are highlighted. Complications and difficulties are in the air. Be kind to yourself and others.
Today’s Leo Moon bumps up against this challenge forming difficult transits to each. You may feel that you are being pulled in two very different directions. It may feel like excitement is pulling you one way while caution is pulling in another. On the other hand, it may feel that stability is pulling one way and anxiety the other. Either way, sit still and breathe steadily until you find the middle path.
WARMTH AND GENEROSITY – Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Today brings us the Moon in Leo again but without the difficult aspects, she made yesterday. Regardless of what the day holds, put on your brightest colors and most dramatic pieces of jewelry. Do not scrimp on showing yourself brightly.
Make it a point to dance, play, and express all the joy you can find within yourself. Paint your life in the boldest most beautiful colors. Engage others in creative play and do your best to express delight. While the Moon is in Leo it is important to show others your warmest and most generous side.
At 11:01 PM EDT, the Moon moves into Virgo seeking a more practical expression for the coming days. This will help you settle into a good night’s sleep.
_The Leo Moon is void-of-course from 1:28 PM EDT until she enters Virgo at 11:01 PM EDT. This suggests that what occurs during this time will not have much impact._
PRACTICAL REALITY & SELF—KINDNESS – Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Recognize where you can be of service to others as well. Virgo, ruled by Mercury asks us to be helpful in a pragmatic constructive way. Do you have an elderly neighbor who could use a hand raking the yard or carrying groceries indoors?
Pay attention to the details that you can do something about, don’t let yourself become stressed about those that you can not control. Watch for the tendency to be judgmental of yourself and others as overanalysis can become a challenge. Anxiety is the result of overanalysis along with a lack of self-kindness.
PERFECTION NOT REQUIRED – Thursday, June 17, 2021
The Moon continues through detail-oriented Virgo today. Maintain your focus on efficiency and expertise. Whatever projects you are working on do not have to be perfect. Perfection is a trap that Virgo can pull us into. Learning that good enough really is enough is something that can calm Virgo’s considerable anxiety.
Signs are like children, we are not supposed to have favorites, but despite our best efforts, often we do. Virgo is very close to my heart for its humility and desire to be of service. Virgo can see what is possible and tries to reach a state of its desired perfection. The tough reputation that Virgo has of being picky and critical is the negative result of trying so hard to reach perfection.
When the Moon passes through Virgo we can fall into that perfectionistic trap. Dig into work that requires a keen eye and close attention but be ready to move on when you have reached a point that is truly good enough.
At 11:55 PM EDT, the Moon reaches her First Quarter Square. As you fall asleep tonight think about the seed that you planted at the New Moon Eclipse on June 10th. Tomorrow you will do what is needed to encourage the growth of that project, plan, or goal.
_The Virgo Moon is void-of-course from 11:55 PM EDT until she enters Libra on Friday morning. This suggests that what occurs during this time will not have much impact._
ACTION WITH CERTAINTY – Friday, June 18, 2021

Last night, shortly before midnight, the Moon reached her First Quarter phase. Spend time this morning considering what you need to do to move forward on the project or plan that you set in motion at the New Moon Eclipse last week. Once you have determined the action that will best support its growth take that action. Put one foot in front of the other with determination.
When the Moon is in Libra it is more difficult than usual to make a decision. It may be a challenge but take action knowing that you are not making a mistake. Wait until after 12:33 PM when the Moon forms a sextile aspect to Mars. It will be much easier to do what you set out to do after that transit. Part of you may still want to hold back but push through. Make a decision, stick with it, take action. The rest of the day should play out nicely.
Dinner with friends or someone special will top off the day with pleasure and loving delight.
_The Virgo Moon is void of course until she enters Libra at 4:54 AM EDT. This suggests that what occurs during this time will not have much impact._
DAY OF FREEDOM – JUNETEENTH – Saturday, June 19, 2021
Today marks a day of celebration for the emancipation of enslaved African-Americans. The issue of racism is heavy on our hearts. What can you do to celebrate and raise awareness of all that needs to be done to heal ourselves, each other, and this wounded nation?
With the Moon in Libra, you may finally see clearly the pain of others in your midst. Please spread the word of this celebration and consider what you can do to support the cause of uplifting the lives of Black and Brown folks. For those of us who are White, consider giving up privilege to make room for others we may only recently have noticed have so little room at all. If you are a White person, do not celebrate Juneteenth without also committing to an action that moves yourself or others to greater equality.
As the Moon passes through Libra today she forms a lovely Grand Trine with Saturn in Aquarius and Mercury in Gemini. This provides powerful support for serious diplomatic ideas, plans, projects, and conversations. Engage in communications that take you out of your comfort zone. It will do you good and support the necessary growth for all.
CANCER SEASON/ SUMMER BEGINS – Sunday, June 20, 2021

At 11:05 AM EDT, Jupiter stations retrograde at 2° Pisces. Jupiter will remain in Pisces until late July but heads back to gather something left behind from its time in Aquarius. Jupiter represents growth and expansion of understanding and beliefs. What beliefs began to grow last September that you need to go back and reconsider? Jupiter has been moving forward since then. This makes me think about the crumbs that Hansel and Gretel left along their trail. What can you learn now as you look back and gather what you left behind? Isn’t it time to let go of those crazy thoughts you picked up in the last few months of 2020? Look to the house that holds Pisces in your chart.
Now for the biggest story of the day! At 11:32 PM EDT, the Sun enters Cancer. This is the Summer Solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere and ushers us into the longed-for season of Summer. The Summer Solstice is the day with the longest period of sunlight, the Sun appears highest in the sky and its rays strike Earth at the most direct angle. For those who live in the Southern Hemisphere, this is the shortest day of the year and marks the arrival of winter.
Fun fact: when the sun is at its highest point in the sky (solar noon) your shadow will be the shortest at any time of the year.
The Sun entering Cancer ushers us into Cancer Season, a time when your attention turns to family and home. Your emotional connections come into focus as you look for safety, love, and nurturing. Open your heart to protective and loving kindred spirits.
_The Libra Moon is void of course from 6:52 AM EDT until she enters Scorpio at 7:58 AM EDT. This suggests that what occurs during this time will not have much impact._
In these weekly reports, I explore the major aspects formed by transit between the planets. I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and give rise to fleeting moods. The aspects under consideration: conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions. The planets I work with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
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