Screen Shot 2014-07-04 at 11.26.29 AMThe week begins with excitement and possibility. Looking back to the middle of May you may notice that seeds of discontent and seeds of excitement were planted at that time. This week begins with those seeds in a highly energized state.
Last Friday the Sun opposed Pluto highlighting the importance of working consciously with your deepest transformation. Early this week (Tuesday) the Sun squares Uranus. There may be surprises for a upheavals in store. Consider the change that has been demanded in your life.
Big changes are afoot and you will be asked to draw a line in the sand on some pressing issue in your life.
Even as you face the internal (and external) transformation, you are conscious of how long you have been on this path.
This week offers some stabilization as well as the upheaval! I’m grateful to see the Sun trine Saturn on Tuesday.
Yes, stability and upheaval can, and do, coexist in our lives.
 Monday, July7, 2014:
On Monday anything and everything regarding love and money seems possible! Venus sextile Uranus brings our attention to what began at the conjunction between them in mid-May. When Venus and Uranus come together you will be dealing with issues of love, money and resources.
Did you plant seeds of a new intimate relationship in mid-May? Did you plant seeds for a new way of managing your finances or making money in mid-May?
The answer to that question will point to where you are feeling excitement and experiencing rather unusual opportunities as we begin the week.
This is a day to respect freedom for yourself and others. Enjoy the excitement, connect with others, allow yourself to be exactly who you are today! Allow yourself to be moved by what is unusual and unexpected.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014:

The beginning of this week has great potential for anxiety. On Tuesday you may question the price tag you find is attached to the excitement of the past few days. On Friday July 4, the Sun opposed Pluto; now, on Tuesday, the Sun squares Uranus. Again you are reminded (and brought back to the energy) of the intensity of the Grand Cardinal Cross in April. Don’t be surprised if issues from that time resurface.
The cycle between Sun and Pluto began on April 2, 2014. A seed of personal empowerment was planted at that time; perhaps it was a seed of ambition.
Now you find yourself at the First Quarter Square of that cycle. This indicates that it is important to take action now that will bring you to full illumination of the issue in October.

Now, as you stand between these two points; the point of birth (4/2014) and the point of full expression (10/2014), take the most logical step that will bring you where you want to go. The action you take now must not be a conservative careful step. You must allow yourself to break some rules and step out of your comfort zone.
The energies of Uranus and Pluto are transforming you; allow this transformation; move in its direction.
Along with the shakeup of Uranus we also encounter Sun Trine Saturn on Tuesday. This focuses our attention on the beginning of the one year cycle between Sun and Saturn, November 2013.
What structure did you secure in your circumstances at that time? What began at that time that created a more serious perspective on how you envision or present yourself? The full expression of that cycle came in May of this year, when you were able to see how far you had come since November. Now you see how much you have learned since then. Now it is your responsibility to bring that understanding to others.
Consider what you are able to teach others (it is the thing that you began working on in November 2013, that came into full illumination in May). Can you feel the easy flow of understanding that you have built into your life over these past eight months? How can that understanding help others?
The Moon is VOC following its trine to Jupiter at 6:33 PM EDT, until entering Sagittarius at 9:25 PM EDT.
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Wednesday, July 9, 2014:

The complications of Sun Square Uranus & Sun trine Saturn from Tuesday will continue playing out their cards throughout Wednesday.
However, Wednesday begins with a dreamy lightness. The Moon is in Sagittarius encouraging you to seek freedom and enlarge your philosophical awareness within the context of your life.
Early in the day the Moon squares Neptune suggesting that things may not be quite as simple as they seem, there is a lack of clarity in your ability to understand the emotional texture of the day. You may long to reside in dreamland on Wednesday. Given the intensity of the past few days, go ahead and enjoy the dream; resist any inclination to play the role of victim or victimizer, let the second glass of wine stay in the bottle, it would be too easy to have a third and a forth…

Thursday, July 10, 2014:

I think I will call for Thursday to be the highlight of the week, although, certainly your experience may differ.
The Moon is in Sagittarius throughout the day going VOC* at 8:19PM EDT. The Moon enters Capricorn at 11:25PM EDT, clearly not having much of an impact until Friday.
Thursday’s Sagittarius Moon encourages you to explore new ways of thinking and experiencing the world. This would be a great day to meet people who will bring radically unusual new perspectives to your life.
Make an effort to get to know someone from a different culture, religion, nationality, lifestyle, or generation. We each see the world from our own narrow perspective. Few of us understand how much our lives can change when we open that perspective and allow our understanding of the world to transform. Thursday is a day to explore your world in a new way.

Friday, July 11, 2014:

Friday you will be encouraged to consider your life from a serious viewpoint of ambition and hard work. The Moon is in Capricorn all day. The purpose of struggle and effort from a Capricorn viewpoint has nothing to do with seeking praise or attention for your work. The work of Capricorn is the work of pure ambition for the sake of ambition; Capricorn must take a solitary path, a path on which integrity is of the highest importance.
Friday evening is unlikely to be an evening of parties and socialization. The Moon connects with Pluto at 6:49PM EDT and squares Uranus in the early morning hours of Saturday.
Watch for the push of unhealthy power dynamics or control issues. If you’re currently engaged in interpersonal struggles, do not attempt to resolve them this evening.
For myself, I think I’ll spend the evening alone.


Saturday, July 12, 2014:

Two weeks ago at the New Moon in Cancer, we discussed the significance of planting new seeds in your domestic situation. This Saturday we come to the Capricorn Full Moon at 7:25AM EDT. Now it should be clear how well you cared for those seeds and how well they have grown. Your home and your domestic situation represent a serious component of your life, as is clear with the Capricorn Full Moon. If your home situation has improved over the past two weeks, take the opportunity to express gratitude to who ever you live with. If you live alone find a way to express gratitude to your self. If your domestic situation has weakened, or become more problematic over the last two weeks, you need to begin letting go of attachments that hold you in this situation over the coming two weeks. Another very short insignificant VOC* Moon from 9:57PM EDT until the Moon enters Aquarius at 11:06PM EDT.

Sunday, July 13, 2014:

Sunday we awake to a very different set of circumstances. The Moon is now in Aquarius leaving the heaviness of Saturday behind. Mercury, who has been busily gathering information during his travels through Gemini, enters Cancer at 12:44AM EDT. Our thinking has tired of the jumpy activity of Gemini; now our thoughts turn to love, affection, and nurturing.
Venus, however, is still in Gemini and highly values the gathering of information that she is still engaged with. On Sunday, Venus in Gemini trine Mars in Libra; intimate relationships or money and resources are on your mind. You are curious about others, particularly others who are attractive to you romantically. You deeply value sharing information with your beloved on Sunday. You maybe surprised that the things you are willing to reveal about yourself and the things that you learn about others.
If you do not have a partner, take time to contemplate the dynamic of relationship in your life. Get curious about what role relationship plays in your life; consider why you are or are not in an intimate relationship. Consider how you want to play your relationship card and how you are, in reality, playing your relationship card.
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images by Heinrich Leutemann 1824 – 1905
* In these weekly reports I am exploring the major aspects formed by transit between the planets. I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and are often fleeting moods. I will consider the final major aspect formed by the Moon prior to it’s VOC time, as that aspect holds it’s influence throughout the VOC*
The Aspects I consider: Conjunctions, Sextiles, Squares, Trines, and Oppositions
The Planets I am working with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
*VOC (void of course) refers to the period of time between the final aspect that the Moon makes while in one sign until she enters the next sign. This can consist of several minutes or many hours. These periods are best handled with little expectation of accomplishment; times ideally suited for rest and contemplation.