Seven Days to Moving Day!
Last weekend Kitten Kairos and I traveled to our new apartment on the Maine coast. It’s hard to describe how much fun it was to make the trip with my new travel companion. I set up a cat playpen (who knew they made such things) in the back of my RAV4 with everything he could possibly need in it. We made a few stops to let us both stretch our legs and explore. With him in his harness and leash, we explored a small park in the middle of a very cute village and a cemetery. The cemetery was his favorite as he was able to jump onto some gravestones and brighten the day of those long-buried below.
We camped out in the empty new apartment and it was good to get a feel for the space. The new apartment is quite tiny but big enough for our needs. In just one night we discovered how much we will love the quiet tree-lined street, the morning bird song, the smell of the ocean, and the friendly neighbors. A short walk will bring us to everything we need in town and a view of the seals in the harbor.
Next Saturday the actual move happens. It will be good to be able to talk with clients without the noise I’ve had to contend with being right on a busy street in my present location. Are you ready to explore your chart with me from my new location? Make an appointment for any one of my services today!
Order Your Personal Recorded Reading Today
Next weekend is moving day. I will do my best not to miss a beat with getting this blog to you!
Monday, July 4, 2022
There is a lot for each of us to consider on this July 4th holiday. What does it mean to be an American? Find ways to personally support your vision of a better future for this country. This is not an easy consideration in 2022. Celebrate this day with a commitment to adding your voice and actions to make a difference.
Use today’s Virgo Moon to think about what we have gained, what we have lost, and the potential we face as time moves forward. Add your shoulder to the wheel of change. This is no time to give up or give in.
When the Moon is in Virgo we focus on practical efforts necessary for positive change. Virgo sees potential in all things and wants to make the changes necessary to reach that potential.
When the Moon makes its monthly journey through Virgo our attention is focused on practical matters. You may find yourself drawn to organization projects and making detailed lists and plans. You want to solve problems, help others, and make order out of chaos. Tending to details in all things is what brings gratification and personal satisfaction. Put your shoulder to the wheel and work with great effort and diligence. Your efforts make a difference.
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Today is a very active day with Mercury, Mars, and the Moon changing signs. Of course, the Moon changes signs every few days. Mercury and Mars do so much less often, therefore we want to pay attention.
Mars the planet of assertiveness and action has been in Aries since May 24th. In the early hours of this morning, Mars moves into Taurus where he immediately must slow down. This may feel like a relief after the hot-headed activity of Mars in Aries. Mars will remain in Taurus until August 20th. While in Taurus we must learn to slow down, to approach all things with more patience and calm. Mars is not delighted to be here as he likes fast hot action and Taurus is the sign of slow, stable, rest! Remember the tortious and the hare. Slow down.
Mercury the planet of communication and the intellect has been in Gemini since June 13th. In the early hours of this morning, Mercury enters Cancer where they turn their attention to ways in which to use the mind to nurture and protect others. Here we learn a more subtle method of using our voice and our intellect. Our words are more connected to intuition and emotions. Mercury is moving very right along and will only remain in Cancer until July 19th. During this time your communications are more vulnerable and you may learn to express your emotions more clearly.
As Mars and Mercury each change signs, a sextile aspect is formed between them at 2:36 PM ET. This suggests an opportunity for a new way of patiently asserting your emotional opinions and ideas. Take advantage of this as you plan to do what must be done with patience in the coming weeks.
At 6:24 PM ET, the Moon leaves all thoughts of precision (Virgo Moon) behind and enters the pleasing sign of Libra. This highlights relationships, teamwork, and cooperation over the next few days.
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
The Moon is in Libra today moving us to connect with others in order to find diplomatic solutions to important issues. When the Moon is in Libra we can see both sides of situations, topics, and conversations. It can be difficult to take a stand or make a decision. This is a time to listen, learn, and share with an open mind to understanding. Everyone has reasons for their perspectives. Even when we adamantly disagree with the perspective of others we can learn to model the behavior of tolerance and understanding. Listening and sharing with respect is the only hope we have to consensus.
The Libra Moon reaches her First Quarter Square phase at 10:15 PM ET. This brings us to the midpoint of the cycle between the Cancer New Moon on June 28th and the Capricorn Full Moon on July 13th. Anticipate an issue arising today or tomorrow that will support the growth of the metaphorical seed you planted at the New Moon. The Sun and Moon are in Cardinal signs, Cancer and Libra respectively, when they form this difficult square aspect. A step must be taken that expresses strength and determination. What you do today and tomorrow matter. As Dane Rudhyar says we are “caught in the wheel of change at these times”.
Thursday, July 7, 2022
Today’s Libra Moon highlights relationships, teamwork, and cooperation. You want to please others and enjoy connections with friends, co-workers, neighbors, and strangers. Satisfaction comes in connecting with others and keeping your emotions balanced and calm. In the face of potential disagreements or stress, you will search for a diplomatic path forward.
You may find that you are able to see both sides of any issues that are being discussed. This can make it difficult to take a stand or make a decision. Look for gracious and polite ways to discuss social and personal issues. Ha! That’s asking a lot these days!
Libra also has a close connection to the environments we live, function, and play in. Creating beauty and pleasure in our surroundings will go a long way toward emotional balance as well. Make your home a beautiful place to be. It is Summer. Go outdoors and bring flowers in for the dining room table and your nightstand. Beauty will make your heart sing and lessen all stress.
Friday, July 8, 2022
While you slept the Moon entered the Fixed Water sign of Scorpio. This is a time to clarify your deepest desires and face your deepest emotional susceptibilities.
When the Moon is in this powerful sign your emotions may be difficult to face head-on, due to the deep places they lead you. You may choose to go underground and keep those emotions private.
Emotional maturity requires truth and honesty with yourself and others. This takes vulnerability. It can be difficult to show others the depth of your vulnerability and yet when you do so you experience great strength and relief. Sharing this burden will open your heart. If you are not ready to do so with others, time alone is your best bet. Begin by learning to be vulnerable with yourself.
The Scorpio Moon favors intensity and depth of emotional connection. This is not a favorite position for the Moon. As she moves through Scorpio her needs tend to be deep, self-protective, and not very trusting. Open up to yourself, and take time to look inside.
Saturday, July 9, 2022
The Moon continues through Scorpio today. This suggests the need to work with your emotional vulnerabilities. You may find that your emotions are running the show more than you expect.
In the wee hours of the morning, a square aspect is formed between Mercury and Jupiter. Even though we know that squares are challenging, with a bit of attention, this can be quite positive. There can be a lot of optimism in this transit. The downside is that mental restlessness may result in so much attention being paid to the big picture that important details are missed.
This is a great day to make plans for the future and set long-term goals. However, given that you may be missing details, don’t make immovable commitments. Keep your plans mostly abstract for now.
Another issue with this transit is that you or others may become arrogant, dogmatic, or jump to conclusions. Make sure you have all the information necessary before thinking you have the answer.
If you are involved in a project with others, slow down and pay attention to your thinking and how you speak to others. Plan fun and flexibility into the project. Allow each person to manage their part of the puzzle, and step out of a position of control. Flexibility and release of control are paramount.
Sunday, July 10, 2022
Today the Moon is in Sagittarius, the mutable Fire sign that looks for inspiration, growth, and adventure. When the Moon is in Sagittarius we are likely to focus on higher goals such as desired travel and philosophical growth. We look to these things with a sense of optimism and adaptability.
The Moon’s movement through Sagittarius provides us with a sense of humor and a desire for adventure. We may feel restless as we contemplate where to find answers to the big life questions of meaning, implications, and significance. The meaning of life is a Sagittarius concern. The good news is that we are likely to feel more philosophically optimistic under this influence. Humor and an expansive vision help us to see the silver lining in even the most difficult situations.
Another influence today is a sextile aspect formed between the Sun and Uranus. This suggests a great desire for freedom of self-expression and personal independence. We are all more open-minded at this time and more willing to accept the differences of others. Creativity is heightened as originality is more easily expressed.
This is an exciting day as you are drawn to what is unique and unconventional. As you are willing to move outside your comfort zone, search out interesting and unusual folks to spend time with.
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