The Transformative Power of the Astrological Path


Along with the excitement of watching five huge otters play on a dock in the shipyard, I have been thinking a lot about alchemy recently. I find the shared symbolism and philosophical ideas between alchemy and astrology fascinating. A central tenet of ancient alchemy was the belief that everything in the cosmos was interconnected, that the microcosm (the individual) reflected the macrocosm (the universe). This is also a fundamental tenet of astrology. Each ultimately is in pursuit of transformation and spiritual enlightenment.

Alchemy’s goal of transmuting base metals into gold can be seen as an allegory for an individual’s journey of self-understanding, growth, and profound spiritual enlightenment through the lens of astrology. As alchemy seeks to purify and elevate base metals, astrology seeks to refine human character by elevating the understanding and connection to the cosmos in order to attain a state of advanced spiritual awakening.

By engaging in this transformative process, individuals are able to move toward becoming fully awake beings, gaining a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the universe.

Begin or continue the process. Have a consultation. Study astrology.

Contact Laurie to Begin Your Path Today

The traffic bridge as seen from the pedestrian bridge

Focused Ambition

Monday, July 31, 2023

The Moon in Capricorn this morning offers focused determination for accomplishments and buttoned-up emotions. Feelings are not disregarded but are managed and held in check. Responsibilities and long-term goals take precedence. This suggests a day highlighting a strong work ethic and heightened ambition.

Honor those relationships in your life that are serious and stable. You are far more interested in commitment than fleeting connections no matter how exciting they may be. Focus on steady progress over immediate gratification, calculated risks over sudden rewards. Work with a patient mindset. It is important to stay grounded and pragmatic, it is equally important to avoid becoming overly rigid or focused on material gains.

At 10:12 PM EDT, the Moon conjunct Pluto may have you in a deep intense emotional difficulty as the day winds down. Head to bed. It will pass quickly as the Moon enters the intellectual sign of Aquarius just before midnight.

Rain walk through the Shipyard

Aquarius Full Moon – Celebrate Innovation

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Today’s Aquarius full Moon occurs at 2:32 PM EDT. This ignites a sense of innovation, social consciousness, and individuality worthy of celebration. A full Moon always asks us to celebrate and show up with our emotions expressed. In Aquarius, we are celebrating big ideas, innovative understanding, and unique perspectives. Group dynamics always flourish in Aquarius so this is a time to celebrate in community. Here in the Northern Hemisphere is it mid-summer. Build a fire to dance around, and invite friends, neighbors, and friends of friends. Allow yourself and encourage others to break away from conventional norms. Embrace your most authentic selves, no matter how eccentric they may be.

The emphasis at this Full Moon is on humanitarian efforts and the development of empathy towards others. You may be drawn to championing causes that promote progress and equality in the world. Engage in forward-thinking discussions, cultivate friendships, and embrace community. Don’t hold back. Contemplate the power of the collective. Embrace those unlike yourself in order to find innovative solutions to collective challenges.

At 4:44 PM EDT, Mars forms a lovely trine aspect to Jupiter, offering confidence, enthusiasm, and motivation. This also suggests that great progress can be made toward goals and attracting opportunities. This is a great day for collaboration as we all feel inspired to join together to move forward.

However, Mercury opposing Saturn is building throughout the day, becoming exact at 10:17 PM EDT. This suggests communication difficulties that you will want to pay attention to. Listen to yourself and others. Do your best to mitigate the critical tone in your voice. That alone will go a long way to derail potential problems. Understand that others are in the same boat, so give slack where needed. Don’t take offense. Ask for clarification and listen attentively. Navigated with care this opposition will help you grow in understanding the power and strength of your voice.

Rain walk through the shipyard/ tires taller than I am

Managing Shifting Emotions

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

With today’s Aquarius Moon, you can expect your emotions to be a bit wild and innovative. We are playing for keeps and for change.

At 11:44 AM EDT, the Moon forms a square aspect with Uranus. This may bring a bit of emotional tension and unpredictability. On the one hand, we are serious about our personal security and ambition. On the other hand, we feel the desire for freedom and innovation. Sudden mood changes may lead to restlessness as you push against perceived restrictions. Balancing your serious emotional needs with your desire for independence.

At 5:15 PM the Moon opposes Venus, and the focus shifts to relationships and connections. You may encounter fluctuations in your feelings towards others. Approach relationship matters with sensitivity and open communication. Don’t expect deep warmth but work on developing trust and willingness to engage in the effort that all relationships require. Remember that all transits of the Moon are quickly passing influences.

The Moon enters Pisces at 11:06 PM EDT, bringing a dreamy glow to the next few days.

Boats in the shipyard on a lovely day

Intuition and Creativity

Thursday, August 3, 2023

This morning we wake with the Moon in the dreamy mutable water sign of Pisces. This casts an intangible glow of soft introspection over the day.

At 7:52 AM EDT with the Moon conjunct Saturn, you may feel a heaviness in your heart. You may notice others are more reserved or emotionally distant than usual. If you can spend a few hours alone for solitude and introspection that would be ideal. Time alone to reflect could result in valuable insights. If that is not possible don’t worry as it will pass quickly and you’ll come out unscathed on the other side.

As the day progresses, the Moon enhances your intuition and creativity. This is a favorable day for artistic endeavors, meditation, or daydreams. Your emotions may be difficult to understand or express in your usual ways. Try expressing them through creative outlets or tapping into profound emotional connections. Piscean energies encourage compassion and empathy, leaving you more attuned to the feelings of those around you.

This heightened sensitivity can leave you vulnerable to absorbing the emotions of others. If others disrespect or disregard your boundaries today, go for a walk and disengage. Let it pass and come back to the interaction later. Overall, this is a day of deep emotional sensitivity, awareness, and deep connections with yourself and others.

So much fun to watch these otters play

Surprise, Dream, Power

Friday, August 4, 2023

The Moon continues through Pisces today forming aspects to all three outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. This suggests that whatever occurs today has an outsized impact on the culture as well as the culture having a powerful influence on the day. Keep in mind that all of these transits are quickly passing influences, also keep an eye on the news feed.

At 11:34 AM EDT, the sextile to Uranus infuses the day with a touch of excitement and spontaneity. Curiosity and an unconventional approach are stimulated. Something unexpected may come to light leading to a willingness to accept and embrace change.

At 6:59 PM EDT, the Moon conjunct Neptune intensifies the intuitive and dreamy side of Pisces. You may feel your mood deepening as you empathetically connect and feel the emotions of others. Allow yourself to be open to feelings of compassion and a desire to help those in need. Inspiration and imagination are inspired. Explore your inner world. Engage in creative endeavors that channel your most vulnerable emotions into expression.

Lastly, at 9:20 PM EDT, the sextile to Pluto adds depth and intensity as the day winds down. This offers an opportunity to face something previously hidden and release the pain attached to it from the past. What is left will flourish in the light of day. At 11:19 PM EDT, the Moon enters Aries, bringing energy and action to the weekend.

Huge. I am dwarfed

Warmth, Charisma, Magnetism

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Warmth, Charisma, Magnetism Saturday, August 5, 2023 Summertime with the Moon in Aries on a weekend bodes well for folks seeking to enjoy every moment of the season. Aries, being a fiery and assertive sign, infuses the atmosphere with enthusiasm, courage, and a desire to take action. You may feel surging motivation, eager to pursue what catches your eye, and courageously tackle any challenges that come your way. This is a great day for physical activities, sports, and any endeavor that requires initiative and action.

The Moon’s trine to the Leo Sun at 4:35 pm further amplifies vibrant energy, confidence, and creativity. This harmonious aspect brings with it a sense of emotional well-being and the ability to express yourself fully. You and those around you will tend toward warmth, charisma, and magnetism. This evening is excellent for social gatherings, or enjoying all types of leisure activities. The combination of Aries’ assertiveness and Leo’s desire for dramatic play suggest this to be an exciting and enjoyable day followed by an even better evening. Enjoy action, enthusiasm, and passionate engagement.

A busy evening with tourists on the pedestrian bridge

Balance Courage and Caution

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Balance Courage and Caution Sunday, August 6, 2023 The Moon continues through Aries today continuing the action-oriented energy that was with us yesterday. Aries, ruled by Mars, offers enthusiasm and determination, making it a perfect time to engage in physical activities, pursue personal goals, and assert yourself. You may feel a strong desire to take the lead and initiate new projects or adventures The Aries Moon supports bold, courageous action.

Building throughout the day is a square aspect from the Sun to Jupiter which is exactly at 8:02 PM EDT. This is a reminder that the courage and risk-taking of the Aries Moon need to be modified with a bit of restraint. Sun square Jupiter can amplify feelings of restlessness and overconfidence, leading to a tendency to overextend yourself. Exercise moderation and avoid excessive risk-taking. Be careful not to overlook important details in your eagerness to take an opportunity that is presented. Despite any potential challenges, today should present a day of pleasant excitement and activity. Embrace the courageous energy to go after what you want, and remember to be mindful of your actions and decisions.

Summertime on the coast of Maine

In these weekly reports, I explore the major aspects formed by transit between the planets. I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and give rise to fleeting moods. The aspects under consideration are conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions. The planets I work with are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.


Contact me with any questions you may have.

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