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There are no dull moments this season. It’s almost as though we could have put our lives in a jar as the season began (Summer here in the Northern Hemisphere), tightened the lid, violently shock it, and at the end of the season, when we re-open the jar, god knows what will emerge!
Since last April, when Uranus and Pluto had their last full-on contact, Uranus has pulled ahead by a full 4° or more. This week Uranus turns retrograde (at 16° Aries) in preparation for their next meeting in December 2014 at 12° Aries and Capricorn. Uranus, the planet of revolution, sudden change, and upheaval becomes intensified during its retrograde phases. We each will experience a powerful demand for freedom in whatever area holds 16° Aries and whatever house has Aquarius on the cusp.
Mercurys travels bring him into contact with the Uranus & Pluto energies this week, encouraging us to stay in contact with the transformations and upheaval that are occurring at the deepest levels of our being, our relationships, our societies, and our world.
The Sun enters Leo on Tuesday!!
The Leo Sun makes contact with Jupiter on Thursday. It may be difficult to contain the expansive, dramatic, expression that is longing to be released into the world. Yes drama can look many different ways; keep it playful and keep it fun!
I think this week is asking us to face the reality of the intense transformation our lives are demanding of us.
Mars is finally leaving Libra behind after a full eight months. I am sure you have each learned a great deal about yourselves and your relationships during this time.
Given that Libra is an air sign, the contemplation of relationship has been on the level of intellect. We have worked hard to understand our needs, our ability to cooperate in relationships with others; we have been practicing relationship on the level of mind. Now, as Mars enters Scorpio we will see how well we can implement what we have learned when the deepest intensity of shared emotion brings us to our knees.
The New Moon is in Leo on Saturday! Plant the seed that will bring forth the joy that you want to express and spread over the coming month.
What a week!
Monday, July 21, 2014:
Monday morning you will awake to the Moon in Taurus. At 10:13AM EDT the Moon sextiles Sun becoming VOC until she enters Gemini at 12:36PM EDT.
This quickly picks up the pace of the day, getting us off to active start.
At 10:52PM EDT Uranus turns retrograde at 16° Aries. The energy of Uranus tends to be activated by its retrograde cycles. The adage ”Expect the unexpected” is even more powerful while in retrograde motion.
Pay attention to the house placement and any aspects that Uranus is engaged in at this time in your personal horoscope. Admittedly, it is difficult to prepare yourself for the unexpected. How do you prepare for what you can’t imagine?
I would suggest holding lightly to the circumstances and people in our lives. Expect your need for freedom and rebellion to be reawakened in the coming weeks and months. Uranus will be retrograde until December 21, 2014. This will be a time to confront your fears. It is time to look directly at those things that are holding you back from the change that is required in your life. If you are in the wrong career, the wrong relationship, or pursuing the wrong education, Uranus retrograde will make it clear and will insist that it be dealt with. Once you see what is true, you cannot un-see it!
Tuesday, July 22, 2014:
On Tuesday the Sun enters Leo! Hallelujah! Here we are at the height of summer in the Northern Hemisphere! At this time we realize in our time with this season is limited, we must embrace the warmth and Sun of summer while we have the opportunity. It is time to play, it is time to enjoy what pleasure we can grasp in this world.
This is a time of celebration! We celebrate expression, generosity, and love!
Along with the Sun entering Leo, Uranus is powerfully positioned at his station (16° Aries) and Mercury is opposing Pluto. This sounds to me like the perfect prescription for communications of a shocking and powerful nature. You may hear words spoken or communication delivered that propel you to the freedom you require even as they shatter the world as you know it.
Screen Shot 2014-07-19 at 8.26.06 AMWednesday, July 23, 2014:
On Wednesday we adjust to the bigger world we are seeing as we pass through this amazing time of change. With The Sun and Jupiter together in Leo we feel our personal needs and desires as all powerful. Our compassion and understanding of others doesn’t measure up as our own ego expands and seeks recognition.
Moon is in Gemini making her final aspect (trine to Mars) at 8:53PM EDT. The Gemini Moon is then VOC until she enters Cancer at 11PM EDT. Settle into a sleep with dreams of heart connection, love, and nurturing. Allow your heart to open into love.
“Healing comes from letting there be room for all of ‘this’ to happen: room for grief, room for relief, for misery, for joy.” ~ Pema Chodron
Thursday, July 24, 2014:
The variety of energies that are present on Thursday are very intense. More shocking news, communications, or unusual ideas are activated (Mercury Square Uranus). Our minds, our experiences, and our situations feel bigger than life (Sun conjunct Jupiter). We can see the dream that began in early April expanding (Venus trine Neptune) toward the fulfillment that we be crystal clear in mid-September.
And, the icing on the cake is offered at the end of the day as our minds settled into A welcome stabilization (Mercury trine Saturn).
Emotionally we are highly sensitive with the Moon in Cancer, and yes, that Cancer Moon connects with Pluto Thursday night and with Uranus Friday morning.
Intensity and change do not let up yet.
Friday, July 25, 2014:
The Cancer Moon makes her final aspect (Moon conjunct Mercury) at 9:54AM EDT. The Moon will be VOC until Saturday morning at 10:55 AM EDT. This is a long emotional day of assimilating all the energies from earlier in the week and preparing for Mars’ movement into Scorpio at 10:24PM EDT. After a full eight months of Mars moving through Libra we are ready to let go of that path and move into the next phase of action in our lives. We have learned much regarding our own work in how we relate to others. We are ready to move into a deeper phase. As Mars goes from Libra Scorpio be aware of how easily those you love could become your enemy. You can expect dramatic passionate battles you will have the opportunity to tear the core apart or connect with deep passion. There is no in between with Mars in Scorpio. If you’re not sure where you stand in relationship, be prepared to find out!
Saturday, July 26, 2014:
Saturday morning begins with the Moon still VOC in Cancer. At 10:55 AM EDT the Moon enters Leo and at 6:42 PM EDT the New Moon is exact at 3° Leo. With the Moon, Jupiter, and Sun all gathered together, this is a day made for the birth of drama, generosity, and/or playfulness! Clearly your experience will be determined by where 3° of Leo shows up in your horoscope and what aspects are made from the New Moon to your personal planets.
Take the time on Saturday to clearly determine what you want to bring into your life during this lunar cycle. Prepare yourself to encounter the movement of very large energies; determine how do you aspire to use them. Be clear!
Here’s hoping that your experience and aspirations bring you to playfulness, generosity, and the drama of open expression.
I would be remiss not to mention the danger inherent in over-indulgence. Be careful not to overextend yourself. Don’t expect or demand too much, watch for gluttony, and/or overspending. Enjoy the expansion even as you maintain some caution to keep it in the realm of what is healthy for you and your situation.
This incredibly large Leo energy may be experience as the simple expansion of your heart. Allow yourself to feel how huge and how tender your heart is.
Sunday, July 27, 2014:
Sunday ends the week on a simple note, or at least as simple as it can be with all the expansion of generous heart energy, and all the other complications this week has laid on our plate.
Sunday is about assimilation, relaxing into the expansion, embracing and accepting the change! The Moon is in Leo throughout the day. You want to be seen, acknowledged, and loved deeply. This is a day to gather with friends for uncomplicated enjoyment.
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images: Tamara de Lempicka (1898 – 1980)
* In these weekly reports I am exploring the major aspects formed by transit between the planets. I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and are often fleeting moods. I will consider the final major aspect formed by the Moon prior to it’s VOC time, as that aspect holds it’s influence throughout the VOC*
The Aspects I consider: Conjunctions, Sextiles, Squares, Trines, and Oppositions
The Planets I am working with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
*VOC (void of course) refers to the period of time between the final aspect that the Moon makes while in one sign until she enters the next sign. This can consist of several minutes or many hours. These periods are best handled with little expectation of accomplishment; times ideally suited for rest and contemplation.