As I write snow is falling fast and thick outside my windows. Saturday mornings always begin at 5:30 AM. This is when I write the blog. When I awoke I noticed that snow had begun. Now only a few hours later we already have 8 to 10 inches of cold white covering everything. The snowplows beneath my 3rd-floor windows sound like dragons roaring below. Classical music fills out the picture of my morning.
I’d like to climb back into bed but the new year has begun and there is much to attend to.
A New Year. We are certainly ready to set aside the challenges that 2020 brought to our unsuspecting lives. Let’s join forces to begin a new story.
2020 was a story of Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Complications were added as the other planets brought their stories to bear upon that one.
2021 brings a new, but connected, story as Saturn, having left Pluto behind, comes to square Uranus. How will this story play out? Astrology does not bring with it a crystal ball but we know a few things. When Saturn briefly dipped into Aquarius in early summer 2020, we were afforded a glimpse of what is to come.
The upheaval that came as a result of George Floyd’s murder was, I suspect, a glimpse into 2021. I expect that we will see more powerful social upheaval in 2021. Hold onto your hats, this will be a wild ride. There is no smooth path from what we have been through in 2020 to the future. Personally and collectively there is much that we must grapple with.
How will Saturn’s square to Uranus play out in your life? Make an appointment for a personal consultation to explore how this and other transits will impact your life in 2021. We can meet in person (on Zoom) or I can make and send a video recording. Whichever you choose, this is an excellent way to support your path forward into this new year.
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The changing Moon this week:
The Moon sets the emotional tone as she moves through the Zodiac day-to-day. Learning to work with this rhythm will help you align with and relax into an easier flow with the Universe. Every 2 ½ days she leaves one Sign behind to enter the next.
The Moon begins the week in Virgo and we will do well to focus on practical activities. Organize the cupboards and take care of life’s boring details. Tend to the minutiae and clean up your living space. Neat and Tidy will make things right. If you haven’t already organized your 2021 calendar and written down your plans and goals for the year, today is a good day to get that done.
Very early Tuesday morning the Moon enters relationship-oriented Libra. The Last Quarter Moon comes on Wednesday morning. Tie up some loose ends today. If there is a conversation with a partner or friend that needs to be brought to a conclusion, Tuesday and Wednesday offer the time.
The Moon remains in Libra until the wee hours of Thursday morning when she enters Scorpio. While the Moon is in Scorpio you are not interested in wasting time with trivial issues, conversations, or connections. You may want to discover what is below the surface of any situation you are in. You are ready to dig into the darker questions and come to a deeper understanding of what makes yourself and others tick. The Moon remains in Scorpio throughout Thursday and Friday.
On Saturday morning the Moon enters Sagittarius where it will remain until Monday morning. You may wish you could head out for a weekend road trip. Given that we are not yet out of the woods of 2020 yet, stay home! However, you don’t need to box your mind up in those four walls. Send your mind on an adventure this weekend! Watch travel documentaries, read about other cultures, study philosophy. Explore new ideas and ways of seeing and experiencing the world.
Please keep in mind that transits to your natal planets can override these more universal ones.
THE POWER OF THOUGHTS AND WORDS – Monday, January 4, 2021
The week begins with the Moon in efficient tidy Virgo. You will want to do your very best today to live up to your own expectations. The best thing to do when the Moon is in this mutable earth sign is to focus on details at work and tidy your environment at home. Many of us have little separation between where we live and where we work these days, so focus on details and tidiness in all areas of your life
At 7:58 PM EST Mercury joins Pluto in Capricorn. This has been building over the past day or so. Think of Mercury as the messenger. As the messenger and the power player (Pluto) join together, what message will Mercury bring from Pluto to Saturn and Jupiter in the coming days? Mercury joins Saturn on January 9th and Jupiter on January 11th. Watch as this sets up the story we will see play out between now and Inauguration Day.
As Mercury and Pluto join together thoughts, ideas and communications go into deep intense places. There are troubling issues that we must get to the bottom of. This is a time when we may see secrets uncovered. On the other hand, information and conversations can be used in powerful and deceptive ways. You can expect intense upsets, power struggles, and intimidation to be played out publicly this week. You will see the path of the intimidation set up this week.
On a personal level watch any tendency to be overbearing in conversations or expectations of others. The best way to work with this transit is to dig into your psychology and unearth something about your true motivations. Perhaps you will discover something you didn’t know about yourself today.
Start a new study that will sharpen your mind. Plant a seed to begin a deep intellectual study.
The Virgo Moon is void-of-course from 4:34 PM EST until she enters Libra Tuesday morning shortly after midnight. This suggests that what occurs during this time will not have much impact.
SEEKING PLEASURE AND BEAUTY – Tuesday, January 5, 2021
By the time you start the day the Moon has entered diplomatic, relationship-oriented Libra. You want to please others, create beauty in your environment, achieve balance and pleasure in all your interactions.
This offers a good day for romance, diplomatic endeavors, socializing, or creating art. While the Moon moves through Libra we all want gentle rapport with others as we are surrounded by beauty.
Remember that Libra is an Air sign. With the Moon here we are fundamentally seeking intellectual companionship. We want to engage with others in ways that provide cooperation, diplomacy, beauty, and compromise.
On the other hand, it may be difficult to stand up for yourself. You may choose to look the other way rather than make waves or risk offending anyone. Please do not fret. Let yourself off the hook. Rest where you are now. There is always another day to make waves.
SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE – Wednesday, January 6, 2021
The Moon remains in diplomatic Libra today still desiring cooperation, grace, and decorum. At 4:37 AM EST, we come to the Last Quarter Moon phase. At each Quarter Moon Phase, the Sun and Moon are 90 degrees apart. Two forces are in conflict as the Sun and Moon form a challenging square aspect between them.
Dane Rudhyar described both Quarter phases as times of crisis. At this Closing Square, we intuitively understand that something must be changed or released. It is time to release a well-worn habit, shift your thinking, intentions, or beliefs. Remember that every crisis also provides an opportunity. Consider what is possible once you release a habitual belief. Consider what change can occur when you no longer hold onto thoughts and intentions you have long grown weary of. What you release now will turn you toward or away from a higher life expression.
At 5:26 PM EST Mars, having been in Aries since June 27, 2020, finally ends his super-long stay in his home sign of Aries and enters Taurus. You may have a powerful sense of relief when Mars finally moves out of Aries. The long retrograde as he squared the gathering in Capricorn was difficult indeed, we are happy to move forward.
However, the relief does not come without challenge. Mars is said to be in his ‘Fall’ in Taurus with good reason. Mars seeks direct, assertive, fast, independent action. In Taurus, he must slow down and be patient. Mars does not want to be patient. We will be happy to welcome him into Gemini in early March.
For now, settle into a slower time. Focus on deliberate forward motion and stable pressure. Remember, slow and steady wins the race.
POWERFUL HIDDEN EMOTIONS – Thursday, January 7, 2021
By the time the day begins the Moon is in Scorpio. Over the course of the day, she engages in tough conversations with Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, and Uranus. Because Scorpio likes privacy, you may keep the stress of the day on the down-low.
Scorpio is a Fixed Water sign bringing the deep emotion of Water and the focused concentration of the Fixed signs. Scorpio is very deep and focuses its powerful attention on the hidden emotions that many folks prefer to avoid. When the Moon is in Scorpio, you feel more deeply and are able to observe your hidden emotional motivations with great clarity.
This intensely focused emotional day may leave you feeling suspicious of others. Turn this attention on yourself by getting to the bottom of something you would generally rather avoid. Look into the darkest corners of your heart and mind to transform an issue that has dogged you for years. Facing profound and difficult hidden truths has the power to transform our lives. When the Moon is in Scorpio we have the heart to do just that.
The Libra Moon is void-of-course from 12:54 AM EST until she enters Scorpio at 3:53 AM EST. This suggests that what occurs during this time will not have much impact.
COMPLEXITIES ABOUND – Friday, January 8, 2021
Your emotions remain focused on passionate intensity as the Moon continues through Scorpio today. However, its impact is overshadowed by the many other factors influencing the day.
At 6:59 AM EST Mercury, the planet that represents thinking enters future-oriented Aquarius. While in Capricorn Mercury held onto the past with an authoritative grip. Now as they enter Aquarius they are ready to find an innovative humanitarian voice.
At 10:40 AM EST Venus, the planet representing values of love and resources leaves Sagittarius to enter Capricorn. While in Capricorn Venus asks for serious attention on finances and relationships. It is time to embrace financial and relationship responsibilities with accountability and integrity.
At 11:52 AM EST, the Sun sextile Neptune offers a softer edge to the day. Take a break and go for a walk in nature, spend time on your meditation cushion, read poetry, or listen to music. Engaging with your imagination or spirituality will soften the afternoon.
When Mars squares Mercury at 9:44 PM EST frustration may rear its ugly head. You may need to make a choice, do you keep your mouth shut or put a voice to your frustration. Let me share a quote to help you decide:
“My tongue will tell the anger of my heart or else my heart, concealing it, will break.” -William Shakespeare
The Scorpio Moon is void-of-course from 8:59 PM EST until she enters Sagittarius at 6:16 AM EST tomorrow morning. This suggests that what occurs during this time will not have much impact.
A MOST SERIOUS DAY – Saturday, January 9, 2021
In these pandemic times, I struggle to know how to approach a weekend with a Sagittarius Moon. In The Before Days, I would always plan road trips and parties and suggest them to others. The Moon in Sagittarius loves a party and a road trip. Now, what do we do with a weekend like this? If you have a car, go for a long drive, that is what I will do once I have written the blog for next week. Try recipes from foreign cultures, watch travel documentaries, dance in your living room, or plan a virtual tour of a museum. Finding ways to expand your view and understanding of the world around you is the key.
At 10:52 AM EST Venus trine Mars increases your desire for fun, pleasure, and social connections. If you are alone make sure you plan rich connections with others this morning. You struggle with too much solitude. If your partnership has struggled with crankiness in recent days today offers relief as you each seek a more positive connection.
At 10:17 PM EST Mercury conjuncts Saturn. What message has Mercury brought to Saturn from her conversation with Pluto on Monday? There are serious cultural issues at hand. No crystal ball needed, problems are being set up that will play out over the coming weeks.
Do your best to avoid negative or critical thinking or conversations. Face head-on the serious issues at hand. Focus on integrity and kindness. It would be easy to find yourself involved in harsh or critical conversations. Watch your tone, no matter how difficult or serious your conversations may need to be, you can always be kind.
On a positive note, this aspect can help you sustain concentration and sound judgment. It will help to focus on common sense and considerations of long term plans.
The Moon continues through Sagittarius today suggesting a desire for new experiences. Sagittarius reaches for the big picture and supports a higher understanding of philosophy and an expanded world view. Sagittarius seeks knowledge born from experience rather than book knowledge. At first glance, knowledge and experience seem quite similar. The understanding of Sagittarius must come from real-world experience. When the Moon is in Sagittarius we long for new experiences that will bring deeper understanding.
At 1:30 PM EST, the Moon forms a challenging square aspect to Neptune. Although this will pass quickly, it can leave you wondering about your perceptions of people and situations. When Neptune is in the mix, things are often not as they appear to be.
Spend the afternoon in meditation, creating art, or connecting with others from a deeply compassionate place of empathy.
The Sagittarius Moon is void-of-course from 1:30 PM EST until she enters Capricorn at 8:30 AM EST tomorrow morning. This suggests that what occurs during this time will not have much impact.
In these weekly reports, I explore the major aspects formed by transit between the planets. I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and give rise to fleeting moods. I will consider the final major aspect formed by the Moon prior to its void-of-course, as that aspect holds its influence throughout the void-of-course.
The aspects under consideration: conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions.
The planets I work with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
The cosmos is a vast living body, of which we are still parts. The Sun is a great heart whose tremors run through our smallest veins. The Moon is a great nerve center from which we quiver forever. Who knows the power that Saturn has over us, or Venus? But it is a vital power, rippling exquisitely through us all the time. – D.H. Lawrence
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