
The Changing Moon this week:

The Moon sets the emotional tone as she moves through the Zodiac day-to-day. Learning to work with this rhythm will help you align with and relax into an easier flow with the Universe. Every 2 ½ days she leaves one Sign behind to enter the next.

The week begins with the Moon in Gemini, during which time you are more likely to think about your emotions than actually feel them. You will feel best if you are able to gain insights about and articulate those feelings.

The Moon enters sensitive Cancer at 1:51 PM EST on Monday where she will remain until Wednesday night. While the Moon is in Cancer your feelings run deep and you long to spend quality time with your closest family (biological or chosen). You will feel best if you are able to love, nurture, and protect others.

The Moon enters dynamic Leo at 9:55 PM EST on Wednesday where she will remain until very early Saturday morning. When the Moon is in Leo you want love to be expressed in a generous and dramatic manner. You will feel best if you focus your attention on playfulness and creative self-expression.

At 2:16 PM EST on Thursday, we reach the Leo Full Moon. The Full Moon often feels a bit disruptive and may result in more erratic behavior. You may also feel anxiety or exhaustion. Research shows that we sleep less on the Full Moon, so it is a good time for an extra dose of self-care.

Think back to what began or what seed you planted at the New Moon on January 13th. How have you grown, what has changed, how have you come into the light, what do you see clearly, how far have you come? Consider the longer cycle as well. Ask the same questions regarding what began at the Leo New Moon on August 18, 2020.

At 3:03 AM EST on Saturday morning the Moon enters Virgo where she is for the remainder of the weekend. With the Moon in Virgo, it is time to focus on practicality. Consider what needs to be done to be of service to others or to make your own life easier with common sense solutions. Neat and Tidy will make things right.

Drumroll Please! Mercury Retrograde is coming, prepare yourself now

Mercury turns retrograde at 26° Aquarius next Saturday. It will remain retrograde until February 20th. There is much unnecessary fear and misinformation around Mercury retrograde. It is really very simple to learn to work with these times.

Before Mercury retrograde:
  • make a list of unfinished plans and projects
During Mercury retrograde:
  • slow down to manage stress
  • work only on your list of unfinished plans and projects
  • wait until after February 20th to buy any electronics or big-ticket items
  • wait until after February 20th to sign any contracts
  • give yourself and other folks extra time to show up
  • double-check all communications

Laurie and Jennie release videos for each New and Full Moon (and much much more) on Astrolore’s Patreon page. **Check it out here!**

Please keep in mind that transits to your natal planets can override these more universal ones. Schedule an appointment to learn about the planetary cycles as they relate to your personal life. Explore options here.


With the Moon in Gemini, you feel happy-go-lucky, light-hearted, and curious about everything. That is, as long as you’re not asked to deal with difficult issues. You may run for the hills if pushed to do so.

At 1:51 PM EST, the Moon enters Cancer bringing sensitivity to the surface. Your intuition is high and you are apt to trust your gut. Focus on showing love, kindness, and protection to those in your environment. If you find yourself feeling nostalgic or sad about the past return your Focus to whoever is right in front of you. You may long for your family but if your family is not close-by show familial love and kindness to those who are.

When the Moon is in Cancer comfort food has a stronger pull on you than at other times. You want to retreat to the place and the people with whom you feel most at home. This may be a moody day. Go ahead and indulge in whatever comfort food soothes your soul.

_The Gemini Moon is void-of-course from 2:18 AM EST until she enters Cancer at 1:51 PM EST. This suggests that what occurs during this time will not have much impact._


The Moon remains in Cancer today. This suggests that everything the day has to offer will be better if you are in the company of your family or your closest loved ones.

At 7:48 AM EST, the Sun square Uranus. Wherever the Sun moves it brings light and warmth. Last week the Sun moved into the innovative humanitarian sign of Aquarius waking you up to the needs of the masses.

The full cycle between the Sun and Uranus began on April 26, 2020. This was the start of a year-long cycle of waking us up to humanitarian challenges and potential. Take action on what began in April in order to move toward humanitarian potential.

Images of rebels, innovators, revolutionaries, and scientists come to mind with this combination. This is a time when change meets resistance and resistance meets change; a time when folks insist on personal freedom, independence, and the importance of authenticity and truth.

Consider the unique offering you bring to the world. How are you different from those around you? How do your differences set you apart? Embrace your unprecedented uniqueness.

Are you willing to accept the changes that are being demanded within your own heart? Welcome the most unusual expression of your life, accept and respect all that is different, unique, and unequaled in your personality. While you are at it, shine that light of acceptance and respect on others. As you and others change, bring that same acceptance and respect into a renewed understanding of your relationships.

NURTURING AND NESTING – Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The Moon is in sensitive Cancer for the bulk of the day reminding you to focus on the importance of family and home. Your feelings are deep and close to the surface along with a strong gut-level intuition. As much as possible spend time at home. Create a comfortable nest, cook a nurturing meal, cuddle with your children, grandchildren, or your pets. Show love the best way you can. We all need warmth and sweetness today, both giving and receiving.

You may feel nostalgic, your feelings may easily be hurt, and you may be afraid of being hurt. If you do not feel safe with others spend time alone focused on self-love. If others seem clingy or smothering be as kind and understanding as you can while maintaining necessary boundaries.

This may be a moody day. Don’t even try to resist your go-to comfort food. Allow the indulgence to soothe and comfort you.

At 9:55 PM EST, the Moon enters Leo where she will remain until early Saturday morning. As you are ready to fall asleep you may find yourself wide awake with creative energy. Put on some music, dance in your home for a bit and you will fall asleep just fine.

_The Cancer Moon is void-of-course from 12:56 PM EST until she enters Leo at 9:55 PM EST. This suggests that what occurs during this time will not have much impact._


Today is a very complex and busy day astrologically. This includes a Leo Full Moon that occurs at 2:16 PM EST. With the Moon in Leo find dramatic self-expression and playful creativity. The Full Moon may feel a bit disruptive and there may be more erratic behavior than usual. You may feel anxious or exhausted. Research shows that we sleep less on the Full Moon, so it is a good time for an extra dose of self-care.

Think about what began or what seed you planted at the New Moon on January 13th. How have you grown, what has changed, how have you come into the light, what do you see clearly, how far have you come? The job of the Full Moon is to illuminate these things. Consider the longer cycle as well. Ask the same questions about what began at the Leo New Moon on August 18, 2020.

Two important conjunctions perfect today, Venus conjunct Pluto and the Sun conjunct Jupiter. The most important aspect between planets is the conjunction because it is the aspect that ends an old cycle and begins a new one. Somewhat like a New Moon, these are times to metaphorically plant a seed for new growth in your life.

At 11:18 AM EST, Venus, the planet of love and resources conjuncts Pluto, the planet of empowerment. This begins a one-year cycle of empowering what is of value, either love, money, resources, or beauty. You may notice a powerful increase in your desire nature today. Plant a metaphorical seed for the dominant compelling energy you must tap into to fulfill your eager aspirations. Because this conjunction occurs in Capricorn make sure the seed you plant has been imbued with a high level of integrity.

At 8:39 PM EST, the Sun conjuncts expansive Jupiter, also beginning a one-year cycle. This is a cycle of personal expansion. For a day or two, you can expect a general feeling of well-being and optimism. Don’t miss the opportunity to create a ritual of beginning this cycle of confidence and expansion. Because this conjunction is in Aquarius this is a cycle of expanding innovation and humanitarian values.

A DAY FOR FUN AND PREPARATION – Friday, January 29, 2021

If you have not yet prepared for the start of Mercury retrograde tomorrow you still have time. All you need to do is make a full list of everything you have left undone since Mercury was retrograde in November 2020. Come back tomorrow or go to Astrolore’s website for =super simple instructions on how to love Mercury retrograde.

Today’s Leo Moon encourages dramatic self-expression and playful inspiration and imagination. Take a creative risk, allow others to see a part of yourself that you normally keep under wraps. Allow yourself to sparkle and shine.

All creative activities are worthy of your attention today. Express yourself without restraint. Don’t hold back on sharing your playful nature. Get outdoors to ski, snowshoe, build a snow person, make snow angels!

All you need to do is to commit to bringing pleasure and fun to others and you will find yourself full of joy.

_The Leo Moon is void-of-course from 8:54 PM EST until she enters Virgo in the wee hours of Saturday morning. This suggests that what occurs during this time will not have much impact._


Are you ready? Mercury turns retrograde at 26° Aquarius at 10:52 AM EST. It will remain retrograde until February 20th. There is much unnecessary concern, misinformation, and even fear around Mercury retrograde. It is really very simple to learn to work with these times.

Before Mercury retrograde:
– make a list of unfinished plans and projects
During Mercury retrograde:
– slow down to manage stress
– work only on your list of unfinished plans and projects
– wait until after February 20th to buy any electronics or big-ticket items
– wait until after February 20th to sign any contracts
– give yourself and other folks extra time to show up
– double-check all communications making sure you understand and are understood

Today’s Virgo Moon offers a practical day to make sure you didn’t forget anything on your working list for Mercury retrograde. Think about large and small projects that have been left undone. Look through calendars and notebooks to find reminders of what you have been thinking about and working on since then. Dig deep; there are probably more things than you are aware of. What about that appointment you have been meaning to make? And how about the project that you finally tucked into a drawer because you couldn’t find the time to complete it? I suspect you have communications that have fallen through the cracks, I know I do. You can get so much done in the coming weeks if you only stick to this list.

The Virgo Moon will allow you to focus on practical chores and getting things done efficiently throughout the day. Don’t expect too much of yourself. Today you are adjusting to the retrograde of Mercury. Take it easy and just work on that list. Tomorrow you can begin to work on it.

_The Leo Moon is void-of-course until she enters Virgo that 3:03 AM EST. This suggests that what occurs during this time will not have much impact._

PUTTER, TIDY, SERVE – Sunday, January 31, 2021

Today is a simple day to putter and tidy your home as you prepare for the week ahead. This should be a quiet day with the Moon passing through service-oriented Virgo. When the Moon is in Virgo, we watch ourselves and each other a bit more closely as we analyze and try to fix what seems to be outside of the exacting standards we may desire.

Your expectations may be higher than usual. Curb the tendency to be critical of yourself, your loved ones, and strangers. Notice the critical tone in your voice and seek to replace it with understanding and kindness.

Being of true service will relax your internal self-criticism. How can you be of service? What is it that you can offer today that will help another? Focus on being available, observing, respecting, and releasing judgment.

In about the same degree as you are helpful, you will be happy. – Karl Reiland


In these weekly reports, I explore the major aspects formed by transit between the planets. I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and give rise to fleeting moods. I will consider the final major aspect formed by the Moon prior to its void-of-course, as that aspect holds its influence throughout the void-of-course.
The aspects under consideration: conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions.
The planets I work with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.


Nothing truly valuable arises from ambition or from a mere sense of duty; it stems rather from love and devotion towards others and towards objective things. – Albert Einstein