
As you think about the year ahead is anxiety or excitement keeping you awake at night? Are you interested in how the astrology of 2021 is impacting your life? Let Laurie prepare a Recorded Reading for you. Astrology is a powerful guide in the hands of an authentic and compassionate astrologer. Laurie will talk about your natal chart and how the planetary cycles of 2021 are impacting your life. Don’t let the opportunity slip. Rates will be raised soon. Read about Laurie’s Recorded Readings here!


The Changing Moon this week:

The Moon sets the emotional tone as she moves through the Zodiac day-to-day. Learning to work with this rhythm will help you align with and relax into an easier flow with the Universe. Every 2 ½ days she leaves one Sign behind to enter the next.

Although the week begins with the Moon in Pisces, she enters Aries at 2:08 AM EST Monday morning where she will remain until 1:56 PM EST on Wednesday. While the Moon is in Aries you may be moved to fierce action or anger. Do your best to take a deep breath and consider consequences and personal responsibility before responding in anger.

The Moon enters Taurus at 1:56 PM EST Wednesday afternoon and reaches the First Quarter Square at 4:02 PM EST. When the Moon is in Taurus we long for comfort and stability. Do what you can to keep your own internal level of calm on this historic and crucial day.

At 4:02 PM EST, the Moon comes to her Last Quarter phase, suggesting difficulties and opportunities. Pay attention to the powerful challenges keep your eyes open for any opportunities presented. The choices and decisions made now are a pivot point into the future. Individually. please take the high road.

Throughout Wednesday and Thursday, the Moon makes difficult aspects to Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, Mars, and Jupiter. As much as she would like the Taurus Moon is not capable of maintaining calm. The Moon will remain in Taurus until the early hours of Saturday morning, she will do her best to calm the contentious waters of our times.

At 2:43 AM EST on Saturday morning the Moon enters Gemini where she will remain all weekend. With the Moon in Gemini, there is a lot to think about and a lot to say. Stories and information move quickly. You can expect much to talk about, much mental activity, and information spewed across the internet. Astrologically the focused time of challenge and difficulty fall between January 17 and January 21.

Please keep in mind that transits to your natal planets can override these more universal ones.


THE BATTLE WORTH FIGHTING – Monday, January 18, 2021

By the time you wake this morning, the Moon is in Aries. when the Moon is in Aries we tend toward self-focus, thinking only of the self and forgetting the plight of others. If we do not get our own way, we can turn to self-righteous anger. Aries can take offense easily and is often in a hurry to heed the call to battle. 

Aries is the Warrior but also the Pioneer. Make sure whatever battle you are fighting is worth the fight. Keep in mind that the only battle worth fighting will uplift all humanity. Anytime you consider taking up a sword make sure it is backed up by humanitarian kindness and compassion. Make sure the battle is in the name of all and does not leave the weak or disenfranchised behind. Aries is necessary powerful energy. We must know when and how to use it. On a personal level, this is a day when you can get a lot of work done.

_The Pisces Moon is void-of-course until she enters Aries at 2:08 AM EST. This suggests that what occurs during this time will not have much impact._


CAUGHT BETWEEN POWERFUL FORCES – Tuesday, January 19, 2021

As the Sun moves away from its meeting with powerful Pluto last week, she prepares for her meeting with Saturn on Saturday. Now she is at a pressure point between these two powerful forces. The pressure is clearly discernible.

At 3:39 PM EST, the pressure shifts as the Sun leaves Pluto’s current residence of Capricorn and enters Aquarius. In Aquarius, she prepares to meet Saturn and Jupiter over the coming week. The Sun’s entrance into Aquarius begins Aquarius Season which remains with us until February 18th.

With the Sun in the brilliant and revolutionary sign of Aquarius, we see how the world has shifted and continues to shift beneath our feet. We want to understand more. We see the human suffering and we see beyond ourselves and long to help.

Aquarius season is a good time to shift your perspective and seek ways to help the underdog. How can you help? Innovation becomes more important than conventional attitudes and opinions. Freedom for all is a motivating force in the coming weeks as Aquarius seeks reform for all.

The Moon remains in Aries today giving us the energy and strength to face difficult changes head-on.


UNDENIABLE ANXIETY: BOLD ACTION – Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The planetary patterns reflect what is happening in our world. It is never more clear than it is today. The day starts with the Moon still in Aries suggesting a strong desire for action. You may feel impatient and impulsive.

At 1:56 PM EST, the Moon enters Taurus reflecting our desire to slow down, quiet down, and be still. The Moon must sometimes take a back seat as the planetary patterns overwhelm her intent.

After a full six months of Mars in Aries, he entered Taurus on January 6. Taurus is a Venus rules sign that wants quiet and beauty. Mars wants action and risk and is not happy at all to be in Taurus. You can picture him as a truck stuck in the mud (Taurus is after all Earth), plodding forward, one step at a time. At 3:37 PM EST Mars’ plodding motion plows directly into Uranus, expect the unexpected. This brings a picture of that truck plowing into a landmine. This is not the symbolism we want to see on this Inauguration Day.

When Mars and Uranus come together they begin a new cycle of bold action for reform and/or revolutionary action. This is not the reflection of a peaceful transition of power. However, it does suggest strong action forward once we get past the explosiveness of the moment.

The Taurus Moon is working hard to bring a sense of hopeful calm to the table. She will do what she can. For our part, please join me in holding a space of calm support for our democracy.

At 4:02 PM EST, the Moon comes to her Last Quarter phase, bringing difficulties and opportunities. Pay attention and keep your eyes open for opportunities. The choices and decisions made now are a pivot point into the future. Please take the high road.

In your personal life, where is stuck energy hitting a landmine? What change is upon you?

_The Aries Moon is void-of-course from 3:29 AM EST until she enters Taurus at 1:56 PM EST. This suggests that what occurs during this time will not have much impact._


Laurie and Jennie release videos for each New and Full Moon (and much more) on Astrolore’s Patreon page. Check it out Here!


THE GIFT OF THE NATURAL WORLD – Thursday, January 21, 2021

Today the Taurus Moon joins with yesterday’s defiant conjunction of Uranus and Mars. Her job is to work to soothe the roiling explosive issues brought to light and spewing forth in recent days.

It may be tomorrow before you are able to do so, but as soon as possible, slow down. Take time to be quiet and still. Do not try to push yourself in service to any accomplishment. Go outdoors and spend time in nature. Even if the weather doesn’t support doing so your soul will be soothed by immersing yourself in her gifts.

Listen to the wind in the trees. Understand that the world of human struggle is not the only story there is. The seasons come and go oblivious to the dramas that occupy our attention so profoundly.

Along with nature herself, the Taurus Moon will help you to reconcile and assimilate your life and circumstances.

_The Taurus Moon is void-of-course from 4:28 PM EST until she enters Gemini in the wee hours of tomorrow morning. This suggests that what occurs during this time will not have much impact._


DEVOTION, LOYALTY, LOVE – Friday, January 22, 2021

Today brings another full day with the Moon in sensual slow-moving Taurus. Go about your day focusing on the experience of living with your personal senses. As with yesterday, today is a wonderful day to spend time outdoors. It may be too cold to go barefoot on the earth but spent time listening to the trees sing. Pay attention to the messages that the earth constantly offers.

Approach today with sensual awareness. Cuddle with your cats, your partner, your children, even a stuffed animal or a soft doll will do. Enjoying a meal prepared with love. Show powerful loyalty and comfort to those in your inner circle of loved ones.

Resist anxiety by listening to soothing music, getting or giving a massage, cooking. Do not pressure yourself in any way that is not absolutely necessary. Focus on activities that revolve around your home. Develop deep family devotion, keep your home a safe place of calm. Close the door on anxiety. Give love, a wonderful meal, a loving touch.


COMPASSION AND RESPONSIBILITY – Saturday, January 23, 2021

Saturday the Moon enters Gemini shifting your attention from comfort to an emotional need for information. Today you will go out of your way to share and listen to information, stories, perspectives, and ideas. It will be easy to engage with others and will relieve your restlessness to do so.

At 2:48 AM EST Mars forms a challenging square aspect to Jupiter. Although you may have a great deal of energy and a desire to take risks, avoid rash actions. Temper your impulsivity with strategy and attention to detail. This is more important than it may seem. Choose your battles carefully or, better yet, avoid them altogether.

At 2:49 PM EST Venus sextiles Neptune. This aspect highlights the more charitable side of your nature. Feelings of compassion increase as you seek to make a difference in the lives of others. Your connection to your own intuition expands today.

At 10:01 PM EST, the Sun catches up and joins with Saturn. This brings us to a time of serious obligation and discipline. You may feel recognized for your accomplishments or you may feel a deep level of privatization and/or hardship. This may depend on your willingness to face your responsibilities. This is the beginning of a one-year cycle to build, and secure your maturity and dependability. The house that holds Aquarius in your Whole Sign house chart suggests the area of life where you must face reality and learn to be accountable.

_The Taurus Moon is void-of-course until she enters Gemini at 2:43 AM EST. This suggests that what occurs during this time will not have much impact._


STABILITY, WISDOM, AND WIT – Sunday, January 24, 2021

As the week comes to a close we are still under the influence of the Sun conjunct Saturn that was exact yesterday. This is a good day to consider your most pressing responsibilities, obligations, and duties. It is important to understand that what you say and do, and how you show up in the world is always an example to others. You may never know how your actions encourage someone else’s actions. You may not realize how your conversations shape the mind of someone listening. Consider who looks up to you and act accordingly now and into the future. Show up in your life as a beacon of stability and wisdom for others.

The Moon is in Gemini all day encouraging you to encounter others with friendliness and easy engagement. Your mind may be like Quicksilver as you seek mental stimulation and quickly juggle ideas and thoughts. Conversations will progress with speed and unusual wit. Don’t forget to listen as well as speak. As those around you speak more freely than usual you may be surprised at what is being said and what you may learn.


In these weekly reports, I explore the major aspects formed by transit between the planets. I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and give rise to fleeting moods. I will consider the final major aspect formed by the Moon prior to its void-of-course, as that aspect holds its influence throughout the void-of-course.
The aspects under consideration: conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions.
The planets I work with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.


“The cosmos is a vast living body, of which we are still parts. The sun is a great heart whose tremors run through our smallest veins. The moon is a great nerve center from which we quiver forever. Who knows the power that Saturn has over us, or Venus? But it is a vital power, rippling exquisitely through us all the time”. – D.H. Lawrence