We can expect an interesting week ahead! This week, Mercury and Venus will conjoin Jupiter in Virgo and the Sun will enter Virgo.
We must consider the deep meaning of Virgo with so many planets currently residing there. Virgo has a rough reputation and I want to make sure none of you get stuck with that negativity as your understanding of Virgo.
The energy of Virgo (and anyone with a focus in that sign) has the ability to see potential more clearly than others. The criticism that Virgo is so well known for is a result of Virgo seeing what is possible and not accomplishing it as efficiently as one would like. The thing I respect and love the most about Virgo is the fact that whatever it is that Virgo must perfect, within themselves, is done for the service of others. There is nothing selfish in Virgo.
Mars makes contact with both Saturn and Neptune, even as Saturn and Neptune continue their dance which culminates in the third and final square aspect between them which will be exact on September 10th.
Remember that conjunctions are the beginning of a cycle between the two planets involved. This week we have three new such cycles beginning. On Monday, we begin the cycle of expanding our minds, beginning a new study, a new conversation, or a way of viewing the world. This is represented by the conjunction between Mercury and Jupiter.
On Wednesday, we begin a cycle of energizing our struggles and the places we are stuck. This is the cycle between Mars and Saturn, and, on Saturday, we begin a new cycle of expansive love with the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter.
There is both struggle and beauty inherent within this week. Flow with that. Don’t be too hard on yourself or others. Remember, the soft kindness of Virgo is available when we show ourselves kindness and compassion first.
Monday, August 22, 2016:
Our minds are sharp as a tack on Monday morning. Consider carefully what you want to focus your attention on. At 5:04 AM EDT, Mercury will conjoin Jupiter planting a seed of expansive visionary thinking and awareness.
Because Mercury is turning retrograde soon (August 30th), this gives us time to implement or refine where we want to focus our new learning or new ways of perceiving the world. Due to the upcoming retrograde, this conjunction will be repeated on September 2nd and October 11th.
At 12:38 PM EDT, the Sun enters Virgo ending the hot season of Leo’s playful expression and bringing us back to earth with the need to get serious as we look forward to the changing season ahead. We are ready for this; ready to slow down, send the kids and ourselves back to school, and begin preparing for the harvest.
The Aries Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from 7:47 AM EDT until 5:20 PM EDT when she enters Taurus further settling us into a quieter slower pace. Remember, when the Moon is VOC* there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral, not good, not bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have significant future impact.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016:
This is a day to relax into. The Taurus Moon allows a deep, reverent calm throughout the day. With a sextile to Neptune at 11:31 AM EDT, we are able to bring imagination and a warm glow to our building stability.
At 6:43 PM EDT, as the Moon trine Pluto, we are empowered to make slow and steady progress to the dream we hold of a stable life of beauty and love.
Put flowers on the table, light candles, and embody the level of romantic beauty (even if you are alone) that makes your own heart sing.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016:
Wednesday begins with Mars conjunct Saturn at 7:26 AM EDT. This has been a long time coming and I anticipate a positive manifestation of this combination. A conjunction represents the start of a new cycle and the ending of an old cycle. It is important that we slow down and manage any personal impatience in our lives.
The maturity of Saturn combined with the drive of Mars can place us on a path of determination to accomplish things. We cannot rush. Maintaining focus without hurry is what is required. Some of us will settle in for the long haul, making significant effort that will result in significant rewards. Others will experience frustration as desires seem to be stuck in a pattern that feels too slow. Hold steady, understand that what is most worthwhile in our lives takes time and effort. Settle in.
The slow, Taurus Moon makes lovely aspects to Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter throughout the early part of the day. The Taurus Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from 3:38 PM EDT until she enters Gemini at 7:39 PM EDT. Remember, when the Moon is VOC* there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral, not good, not bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have significant future impact. Find friends and a bit of social fun for the evening
Thursday, August 25, 2016:
Normally, a day with the Moon in chatty Gemini is a light, easy kind of day. Unfortunately, Thursday’s Gemini Moon is involved in stressful considerations with her cohorts. At 12:30 PM EDT, she opposes Saturn which may leave us feeling overburdened by work and effort, then she opposes Mars at 1:34 PM EDT adding frustration or anger to the mix, when she finally forms a square to confusing Neptune at 2:06 PM EDT.
The whole issue is muddied by simply not knowing which way to turn. It may be important to remind yourself that you do not need to make any decisions today. You may want to simply head to bed early. It is not a bad idea to be well rested for the challenges of Friday.
As in all things remember kindness for yourself and everyone you encounter will smooth the way.
Friday, August 26, 2016:
Friday comes on the heels of Thursday’s Moon square Neptune where our frustration turned to confusion leaving us ready to sleep early. At 2:56 AM EDT, Mars squares Neptune; this energy has been building and will stay with us for another day. Consider the meaning of these planets and imagine them standing at cross purposes to each other.
Mars represents conscious will, the ability to take action, and determination. Neptune represents imagination and the dissolving of concrete form. You may experience disappointment and frustration due to the lack of clarity about what you really want. You may be suddenly aware that what you thought you wanted does not match your true desires and expectations.
Watch how this plays out in the political arena. We can expect more strange stories and revelations.
The Gemini Moon may feel a bit of disturbance as she locks horns with the planets currently in Virgo. This will pass but you must manage yourself well. Work to NOT say the first thing that comes to mind in any given situation. Watch what you say and do your best to remain detached to the conversations and opinions of others.
Saturday, August 27, 2016:
We awake Saturday morning to a Cancer Moon, clearly in the mood for connection and love. You may feel sensitive, sentimental, moody, and wistful. Keep close to family and loved ones.
At 6:28 PM EDT, Venus and Jupiter come together at 27° Virgo. This begins a cycle of growth and expansion of love and our personal values. Our hearts and all that we value seem to grow, expanding to engulf the world.
Show love in all that you do and witness the love reflected in those around you. Offer a simple genuine smile to someone on the street, the young person checking you out at the grocery store, or pouring your coffee at the café. Wherever you encounter anyone in a service job pour love in their direction and accept love in return.
Make it simple and uncomplicated; give and receive abundance; it is easier than you may think.
Sunday, August 28, 2016:
The Moon continues her path through the nurturing waters of Cancer on Sunday. During the afternoon hours, she will encounter serious snags as she opposes Pluto at 1:38 PM EDT and squares Uranus at 5:42 PM EDT. We are reminded again of the profound change that has occurred in every area of our lives and the world. However, we are not out of the woods yet.
Allow worry and concern to flow pass without engaging. These are simple transits of the Moon and will pass harmlessly unless we engage them with stress or anxiety. Time alone is valuable for contemplation and healing. Set intentions of loving kindness and give yourself and others the benefit of the doubt in all things. Keep complications at bay to allow the day to unfold without stress or agitation.
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