Simple and Direct, Your Astrological Support for the Week Ahead

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Monday, December 27, 2021
The week begins with the Moon in Libra suggesting a great desire to please others today. You may find yourself more willing to compromise and see the best in others. The downside of the Libra Moon is the difficulty you may have in making decisions. Because Venus, the ruling planet of Libra, is currently retrograde, it is best to put off making decisions today. Unless something is necessary, simply set it aside.
Throughout the course of the day, the pleasure-seeking Libra Moon makes positive aspects to Mars and Saturn. This suggests that you will have the energy to make things happen and you should feel stable and strong in the process. You may feel strong support from others and are happy to be supportive in return. Encourage yourself and others to develop strong listening skills. Almost more than anything, this is necessary for a diplomatic understanding of others.
Find ways to fill your eyes with images of beauty today. One of the great things that have developed over the past few years is the ability to visit museum art collections online. Gone are the days when you had to travel to see great works of art. Spending time feasting your eyes on beauty will go a long way in opening your heart.
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Today the Moon remains in Libra for the bulk of the day. However, this morning she is in conflict with Venus and Pluto. Keep a low profile. Your efforts to please others could backfire and put you into hard power dynamics or conflict with others. At 4:10 PM EST, she forms a flowing trine aspect to Jupiter allowing the conflict to release and bringing you back into a state of ease.
Your emotional state deepens this afternoon as the Moon steps into Scorpio at 4:16 PM EST. You are no longer satisfied with trying to please others. Your own passionate needs come to the surface and your heart is looking for intensity, passion, and depth.
The most significant astrological statement of the day arrives at 11:09 PM EST with Jupiter entering Pisces. As one of the rulers of Pisces, Jupiter is delighted to be in his mutable water sign. In late July Jupiter’s retrograde motion pulled them out of Pisces back into co-presence with Saturn in Aquarius. Now Jupiter steps forward into one of its happiest places.
Consider what expanded in your life between mid-May and late July 2021 while Jupiter was in Pisces. Watch as that expansion reappears in the coming weeks. What house in your chart holds Pisces? This is the area of life where you can anticipate an expansion. I have no crystal ball, but I do believe that life is going to get easier as we move into 2022.
_The Libra Moon is void-of-course from 4:10 PM EST until she enters Scorpio six minutes later at 4:16 PM EST. This suggests that what occurs during this time will not have much impact._
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
The day begins with Mercury conjunct Venus (retrograde) in very close proximity to Pluto. A new conversation begins. Topics discussed will be anything but light and easy. You want to be with others, to enjoy social interactions but there are forces beyond your control that must be considered and discussed.
Venus and Pluto are dancing together during Venus’ current retrograde. Today and tomorrow Mercury is delving into their intense interaction, helping us to understand the issues at hand. Pay close attention to the transformation of your personal values and the power of your voice. Can you articulate your values as you are reevaluating them? It may be necessary for you to engage in very challenging conversations.
Watch the shifts and changes, listen to the conversations that you hear. Where is your stable ground? Don’t let fear play a part, understand the power of your mind, your beliefs, and your voice. Bringing the transformative power of Love to the table will make all the difference. Use your voice in service to the Power of Love.
With the Moon in Scorpio, your feelings and emotional connections are complex, powerful, and deep. Getting comfortable with extreme emotional states will help over the next few days. The Moon opposes Uranus and squares Saturn late this morning (eastern time). Make a plan to spend time alone exploring the deep musings of your heart.
At 7:21 PM EST Mars forms a sextile aspect to Saturn. This helps as it offers a deep understanding that the current struggle has a purpose. Be clear on the goal ahead and take appropriate steps forward that will bring you to a more stable time. Even if the steps you take right now seem small, they are moving you in the right direction. You feel that in your bones. You can be clear and confident in your actions this evening. Intensity may be swirling around you but trust the steps you take. It matters more than you know.
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Today begins with Mercury conjunct Pluto, simply deepening the message from yesterday. Venus is retrograde and engaged in an intimate and difficult dance with transformative powerful Pluto. We are all in the process of re-evaluating our personal values. Our understanding of what is important and valuable in our lives is being transformed. Yesterday Mercury, the planet of our thoughts and mind, joined with the retrograde Venus and today it join with Pluto
As Mercury joins Pluto consider the power of information, ideas, and words. You may be compelled to speak or to listen today, even if you’d rather not. My recommendation is to spend time alone reading or writing. Deepen your understanding of the deep topic that is on your mind today. Explore ideas, bring new thoughts to mind, and learn to articulate what you think.
Don’t let others control the narrative and don’t let fear overtake your mind. Bring your own understanding to bear. You can sustain and endure great intellectual challenges today without flinching if you put your mind to it. Your mind holds great power today. Keep it steady.
The day begins with the Moon still in the deep emotional waters of Scorpio, reflecting all the intensity of the past few days. Things lighten up as the Moon enters Sagittarius at 6:08 PM EST. While in Sagittarius our emotions reach for hope, expansion, growth, understanding, and exploration.
_The Scorpio Moon is void-of-course from 12:11 PM EST until she enters Sagittarius at 6:08 PM EST. This suggests that what occurs during this time will not have much impact._
Friday, December 31, 2021
With the Moon in Sagittarius and its dark phase, we move toward the Capricorn New Moon which is exact tomorrow evening.
Following the challenges of the past two days, you may find yourself tired. Do pay attention and take time to rest. However, the Moon in Sagittarius brings a lighter tone and your rest will be uplifting. Sagittarius is the mutable Fire sign. This brings your attention to exploration, travel, education, and culture. These are all areas where you increase your understanding of the world you live in.
Today you seek a new vision, a new understanding of what truth and belief mean to you. Your view extends beyond ordinary boundaries and your focus turns to the bigger picture.
Because we are in the dark of the Moon this is deeply internal. This is not the time to move ahead with exploration or travel but go inward imagining and contemplating what is ahead. You can feel your wings spreading for a future flight.
Saturday, January 1, 2022
Today begins with the Sun in a flowing trine aspect to Uranus. This brings unexpected news that may be exciting or bring great anxiety. We will not all experience it in the same manner. Think about how something that excites you may bring deep anxiety to others.
Watch for news that may turn your world upside down and leave you anticipating more. This is a day when unpredictability is in the air and the tendency to dance to a different drummer is high on the list of priorities.
You will definitely want to take a break from your normal routines and look for a new unusual perspective. Find a new direction, look for a mental or physical adventure.
The Moon remains in adventurous Sagittarius until she enters hard-working Capricorn at 6:02 PM EST. The Capricorn Moon will likely take your mood down a notch. This steadfast Moon asks you to face reality and face your responsibilities as the holiday season comes to an end.
_The Sagittarius Moon is void-of-course from 3:16 AM EST until she enters Capricorn at 6:02 PM EST. This suggests that what occurs during this time will not have much impact._
Sunday, January 2, 2022
A powerful Capricorn New Moon is in store for us today, occurring at 1:33 PM EST at 12 degrees Capricorn. Each month the New Moon begins the new lunar cycle. This offers us a fresh start for the month-long lunar cycle and the full-year cycle of the seasons.
New Moons are followed by two weeks of growth as the Moon gets slightly larger each day, culminating at the Full Moon. This cycle’s Full Moon occurs on January 17th at 27degrees of Cancer. The year-long cycle comes to full illumination at the Capricorn Full Moon on July 13, 2022. Today’s New Moon forms a lovely trine aspect to Uranus. This brings unexpected and electrifying support to the serious metaphorical seed you plant at this time. The seed to be planted needs to be one of serious ambition and intent. However, in order for the seed to grow, you will need to be open and welcoming to innovative new ideas to support its growth.
At 2:09 AM EST, Mercury leaves the steadfast serious sign of Capricorn behind to step into innovative Aquarius. Mercury is the planet of our thinking and supports fast-moving ideas and communications. While Mercury is in Aquarius our thoughts turn to new directions. We learn to think outside the box and come up with original and progressive ideas. We long for new perspectives of thought and are willing to go in all kinds of new directions to find those perspectives.
You will receive the full Capricorn New Moon post in your email this morning. This email will include information for each rising sign along with suggestions for a Capricorn New Moon ritual.
In these weekly reports, I explore the major aspects formed by transit between the planets. I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and give rise to fleeting moods. The aspects under consideration: conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions. The planets I work with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
The Changing Moon this Week
The Moon sets the emotional tone as she moves through the Zodiac day-to-day. It takes approximately 28 days to traverse the entire Zodiac. Learning to work with this rhythm will help you align with and relax into an easier flow with the Universe. The luminous Moon spends approximately 2 ½ days in each sign before she moves on to the next.
Monday: The Moon begins the week in Libra suggesting the desire to please others. You are more willing to compromise and have difficulty making decisions. With Venus, the ruling planet of Libra, retrograde, put off those decisions unless they are absolutely necessary. The Moon makes positive aspects to Mars and Saturn suggesting that you have the energy to make things happen and feel stable and strong in the process. Find ways to fill your eyes with images of beauty today. Visit an online art museum. Spending time feasting your eyes on beauty will catalyze the opening of your heart.
Tuesday: The Moon remains in Libra for the bulk of the day. However, this morning she is in conflict with Venus and Pluto. Keep a low profile. Your efforts to please others could backfire and put you into hard power dynamics or conflict with others. At 4:10 PM EST, she forms a flowing trine aspect to Jupiter allowing the conflict to release and bringing you back into a state of ease. Your emotional state deepens this afternoon as the Moon steps into Scorpio at 4:16 PM EST. You are no longer satisfied with trying to please others. Your own passionate needs come to the surface and your heart is looking for intensity, passion, and depth.
Wednesday: With the Moon in Scorpio, your feelings and emotional connections are complex, powerful, and deep. Getting comfortable with extreme emotional states will help over the next few days. The Moon opposes Uranus and squares Saturn late this morning (eastern time). Make a plan to spend time alone exploring the deep musings of your heart.
Thursday: The day begins with the Moon still in the deep emotional waters of Scorpio, reflecting all the intensity of the past few days. Things lighten up as the Moon enters Sagittarius at 6:08 PM EST. While in Sagittarius our emotions reach for hope, expansion, growth, understanding, and exploration.
Friday: The Moon in Sagittarius brings a lighter tone. However, here in the dark phase of the Moon, you need rest. Today your rest will be uplifting. Seek a new vision, a new understanding of what truth and belief mean to you. Your view extends beyond ordinary boundaries and your focus turns to the bigger picture. Because we are in the dark of the Moon this is deeply internal. This is not the time to move ahead with exploration or travel but go inward imagining and contemplating what is ahead. You can feel your wings spreading for a future flight.
Saturday: The Moon remains in adventurous Sagittarius until she enters hard-working Capricorn at 6:02 PM EST. The Capricorn Moon will likely take your mood down a notch. This steadfast Moon asks you to face reality and face your responsibilities as the holiday season comes to an end.
Sunday: A powerful Capricorn New Moon is in store for us today, occurring at 1:33 PM EST at 12 degrees Capricorn. Each month the New Moon begins the new lunar cycle. This offers us a fresh start for the month-long lunar cycle and the full-year cycle of the seasons. New Moons are followed by two weeks of growth as the Moon gets slightly larger each day, culminating at the Full Moon. This cycle’s Full Moon occurs on January 17th at 27degrees of Cancer. The year-long cycle comes to full illumination at the Capricorn Full Moon on July 13, 2022. Today’s New Moon forms a lovely trine aspect to Uranus. This brings unexpected and electrifying support to the serious metaphorical seed you plant at this time. The seed to be planted needs to be one of serious ambition and intent. However, in order for the seed to grow, you will need to be open and welcoming to innovative new ideas to support its growth. Sign up on to receive the full week’s mailing for much more information.
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