“We use astrology most constructively and creatively when we gain from it a sense of what is possible for us at the highest levels of our potentialities. Seeing that, the challenges is then to keep our eyes open to life itself, to be able to respond appropriately when some event or change of circumstances…”
~ Dane Rudhyar, Astrological Aspects – A Process Oriented Approach

Christmas Morning by Mansel Lewis via Wiki Media
Set up an appointment with either myself (Laurie) or Astrolore’s other astrologer (Jennie) to look at the conditions of the year ahead. Preparation for the coming year will help you move forward with confidence and courage!
I am taking new clients for the New Year and look forward to meeting with you!
Schedule your appointment today. You can find more information here.
Or contact us if you have questions!
Monday, December 25, 2017:
The week begins with Venus, the planet of love and deep, personal values, entering serious Capricorn at 12:25 AM EST. There are now four major planets, who act as our teachers, in the Cardinal Earth sign of accomplished Capricorn. This should alert you to the seriousness of your deeply held values, romantic connections, and the creation of beauty in your life.
Before the end of the day, lovely Venus joins with stabilizing Saturn, starting a one year cycle of combining values with steadfast ambition and necessary effort.
This may not be as lighthearted a holiday as we may have hoped, and yet, our values, sensitivity, understanding of beauty, feelings of self-worth, and relationships are deepened, even as they are brought into full focus.
The Moon remains in dreamy, compassionate Pisces until 8:26 PM EST, when she enters fiercely determined Aries. Pay attention to the tendency toward aggravation, impatience, and arguments with family members this evening and over the next few days. Head home early for a quiet evening to unwind and settle down after a big day.
The Pisces Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from 9:49 PM EST on Sunday, until she enters Aries at 7:26 PM EST on Monday. Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; it is not good or bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.
Tuesday, December 26, 2017:
Tuesday begins with the brave Aries Moon forming a stressful square aspect to the persistent Capricorn Sun. This is the First Quarter phase of the Moon, asking that you take action on what you began last week at the New Moon.
When Aries and Capricorn work together, it offers an ambitious combination of drive and initiative. Impatience may cause problems on Tuesday and, if you have the day off due to the holiday, it may be difficult to relax; so don’t even try!
If you live in a winter climate, this is the perfect day to go skiing, snowboarding, or any other active sport. Working out at the gym or getting yourself to a climbing wall would be appropriate. This is not a day to sit by the fire and read a book!
When the Moon trines Mercury at 9:27 PM EST, it may be difficult to settle the mind down for sleep. Avoid any high intensity before sleep, engage in simple conversation or reading before bed. Keep electronics out of the bedroom to assist in getting a good night’s sleep.
Wednesday, December 27, 2017:

A Christmas Carol by Dante Gabriel Rossetti via Wiki Media
Wednesday may be challenging or downright difficult, as the energetic and dynamic Aries Moon engages both Pluto and Uranus in stressful conversations. Watch your response to others and be ready to get out of your own way. Consider how you respond to having your feelings hurt, any feeling of generalized anxiety, and the feeling of being put-upon by the expectations of others.
Understand that everyone you encounter is in a tight spot themselves, so do what you can to calm and settle whatever environment you are in.
These difficulties, if they surface today, are a reminder of the bigger challenges that have been with us over the past few years. Revisit issues in order to continue the process of releasing old resentments and grudges. Consider this an opportunity to do those things.
The Aries Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from 3:58 PM EST until she enters Taurus at 1:24 AM EST on Thursday. Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; it is not good or bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.
Thursday, December 28, 2017:
Thursday begins with a lovely trine aspect from assertive Mars to dreamy Neptune. This aspect may make us feel inspired to bring a dream into the world that began in January of 2017, when Mars and Neptune last joined together. Pay attention to whatever impressions and images are releasing their gifts into our lives.
What daydream did you begin at the beginning of 2017? If it turned out to be an unrealistic fantasy, now you can begin the process of releasing it. If it is a dream you want to continue to pursue, its gifts are being brought forth at this time.
When Mars and Neptune come together, there is a sense of idealism and the possibility of wearing rose colored glasses. We may experience other’s charisma even as others experience the same in ourselves. This is a reflection of the beauty of us all.
Thursday is a great time to engage in creative endeavors, particularly in areas of film, poetry, and music. Today, we have the focus to push forward to see our dreams flourish over the coming year.
The Moon is VOC* from 3: 57 PM EST, until she enters Taurus at 1:24 AM EST on Thursday morning. Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; it is not good or bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.
Friday, December 29, 2017:
Following a powerful flowing trine aspect to Pluto at 10:00 AM EST, the steadfast Taurus Moon heads into a prolonged period of quiet until she enters Gemini on Saturday morning.
On this day: REST.
Allow activity to resume over the weekend but do not push for it before Saturday morning.
The Moon in earthy Taurus brings a stable, grounded energy to the day. Ruled by Venus, Taurus connects you fully to your physical body. Emotions are stabilized through connecting with the body and through building or creating something tangible.
It is important to stay fully connected with our physical body at this time. Get a massage, eat a meal (go with comfort food), take a bath, or make love.
Pay attention to the feeding of all of your sentences -sight, sound, taste, touch, and scent. Focus on the aesthetics of your environment. Venus delights and thrives in beautiful surroundings. Buy flowers for your bedroom, wear your most beautiful clothes, and help to bring beauty into your world.
The Taurus Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from 10:00 AM EST until she enters Gemini at 4:31 AM EST on Saturday. Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; it is not good or bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.

Christmas by Jozsef Rippl-Ronai via Wiki Media
Saturday, December 30, 2017:
By the time you wake on Saturday morning, we will be ready to put our best social foot forward. With the Moon in versatile, inquisitive Gemini, we can anticipate that the trickster (Mercury) is on the move. Life seems more like a game that we must simply play, with humor being a way to defuse any serious challenges or situations you may encounter.
Get out and visit with others before preparing for the New Year’s.
Make sure that you have the mental stimulation you require; without it you will experience a certain amount of restlessness and nervous agitation. Keep busy with communications and intellectual engagement.
The Taurus Moon is VOC* (think of it as being adrift, without focus or connection) from 10:00 AM EST until she enters Gemini at 4:31 AM EST on Saturday. Remember, when the Moon is VOC*, there will be no result from anything that is begun. This is neutral; it is not good or bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant future impact.
Sunday, December 31, 2017:
Sunday offers a delightful day to end the year on!
The Moon is in alert and enthusiastic Gemini. Be sure that the folks you spend the evening with are the type of people who will provide you with the intellectual stimulation that you will need.
Go ahead and allow yourself to talk, laugh, and engage with many folks through any medium; emails, phone calls, and text messages abound. Allow that level of engagement to be just what the day is about. Keep the motion and the communications going or you will find yourself restless and on-edge.
At 6:38 PM EDT, the Moon forms a sextile (which suggest an opportunity) aspect to unconventional Uranus assuring an exciting evening and end to the 2017.
2018 comes in with inspiration, a focus on individuality – and a bit of defiance.
Have you studied astrology for years but are still unclear about how to have a meaningful conversation with a client? Are you contemplating working with clients but unsure how to move forward? Let me help.
* In these weekly reports, I am exploring the major aspects formed by transits between the planets. I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and are often fleeting moods. I will consider the final major aspect formed by the Moon prior to its VOC* time, as that aspect holds its influence throughout the VOC*.
* The aspects under consideration: conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions.
* The planets I work with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
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