
Let’s do our best to keep this week simple!

Dame Ellen Terry ('Choosing') by George Frederic Watts via Wiki Commons

Dame Ellen Terry (‘Choosing’) by George Frederic Watts via Wiki Commons

Are you concerned or unclear about your path ahead?
Let Astrolore help you see your life and your path forward from a perspective that will change everything. Allow more joy and love into your life.
Make your appointment today!
Together, we will work with your individual horoscope to explore your hopes, dreams, goals, your current path, and the reality of your life purpose. Our conversation will offer you a profoundly renewed perspective on your life and circumstances.
Monday, August 8, 2016:
I just love the looks of this Monday morning. With the Moon in Libra and the Sun in Leo, this is a delightful combination! As much attention and adoration as the Leo Sun can ask for, the Libra Moon willingly gives. These two support each other delightfully with playfulness and romance.
At 1:42 PM EDT, the Libra Moon opposes Uranus throwing a wild card into the mix. Depending on your own sensibilities and astrological makeup, this is the day of grand excitement or profound anxiety. Unexpected news and unusual surprises could come to light.
* It is also my birthday! Happy Birthday dear Astrolore!*
The Moon is VOC* from 1:42 PM EDT until she enters Scorpio in the early hours of Tuesday morning. Remember, there will be no result from anything that is begun during a VOC* Moon. This is neutral, not good, not bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant impact.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016:
On Tuesday, we head into deeper waters with the Moon in Scorpio encouraging us to look under the surface and hide from nothing. Yes, Scorpio has a bad rap, but we must question that and ask ourselves: where would we be without the deep introspection Scorpio calls for?
Anytime Scorpio speaks to us, we need to remember the importance of deep internal exploration. If we choose not to look deeply into our internal processes, we live with anxiety; if we look too deeply, we live with depression. Finding the balance between these two extremes is crucial.
On Tuesday, the intense Scorpio Moon makes lovely aspects to both Venus and Neptune. We are deeply sensitive, compassionate, and aware of the needs of others. This encourages us to meet introspection with an open heart and explore our inner depths through love and sexuality, or creativity and art.
Abstract Sea by Emilia Bayer via Wiki Commons

Abstract Sea by Emilia Bayer via Wiki Commons

Wednesday, August 10, 2016:
Wednesday begins with a continuation of the introspection and sensitivity that we experienced on Tuesday. At 2:21 PM EDT, we come to the First Quarter Square of the Lunar Cycle. Whatever seed you planted for your New Moon ritual on August 2nd, now requires direct and concrete action.
Considering the intensity inherent in the two fixed signs involved (Moon in Scorpio, Sun in Leo) we must understand the requirement is in trusting our most private internal truth to outwardly expression. Who do you trust to see your inner life?
At 7:24 PM EDT, Mercury forms a free-flowing trine aspect to Pluto. Our words hold powerful transformative possibilities.
We are still in the waxing phase of the Moon; consider that you are building something to sustain the future. Express what needs to be expressed, do not hold back.  Allow yourself to experience the power of vulnerability.
Thursday, August 11, 2016:
In the wee hours of the morning (1:22 AM EDT), the Scorpio Moon forms a sextile to Jupiter. Our dreams may be powerful and expansive but by the time we wake up the day moves at a slow pace until she enters Sagittarius at 1:24 PM EDT.
At this point, the energy shifts into high gear as our deep feelings come out of contemplation and into expansive awareness of the bigger picture. At 9:05 PM EDT, the Moon conjunct Mars making it difficult to settle down to an early night’s sleep. Don’t even try. I know it’s a Thursday night but this is a delightful evening to go out dancing. That’s my recommendation, pure and simple: Dance… Dance… Dance
If you don’t want to go out, that’s fine! Turn your living room or even your kitchen into a dance floor!
The Moon is VOC* from 1:22 AM EDT until she enters Sagittarius at 1:24 PM EDT. Remember, there will be no result from anything that is begun during a VOC* Moon. This is neutral, not good, not bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant impact.
Friday, August 12, 2016:
I do hope you enjoyed the pleasures of Thursday night! I hope you went dancing just as I recommended,
Unfortunately, with the Moon conjunct Saturn at 8:52 AM EDT you may not feel so great on Friday morning. Perhaps, you didn’t get enough sleep or are experiencing other repercussions from so much fun. What are you learning that will support you in future late night adventures? If the ‘fun/ pleasure’ is truly important, you can learn to accept the consequences and/or take measures that will mitigate those consequences. If it is not important, you go home and to bed early! It is not rocket science. Learn from your mis-steps and you will be delighted to have had them.
Several hours later, at 11:39 AM EDT, the Moon squares Neptune reminding us of the ongoing square between Saturn and Neptune and it’s power of disruption.
The final of three exact ‘hits’ of this aspect occurs on September 10, 2016. Whatever your experience is of this planetary struggle, you will be reminded of it on Friday. This may show up in your life as issues of compassion vs. selfishness, confusion vs. determination, dreams vs. reality, sensitivity vs. control.
It is easy to see how this is playing out in the political and social arena and on the world stage. Where is it playing out in your personal circumstances? In our personal lives and in the culture, seeking balance and expressing kindness is key.
At 7:59 PM EDT, Jupiter opposes Chiron showing us the importance of acceptance and openhearted compassion. The cycle between Jupiter and Chiron began in 2009. Did your understanding of your inner wound come into view or expand at that time?
Now, in mid-August 2016, you are able to see where that understanding has manifested in your life. Consider any fears and self-judgment you have brought with you from that time. Bring those fears to a mystical space.
When you clearly see your own intolerance, prejudice, and racism. you can begin the hard work of unraveling it. We must look at reality in order to make it better. We cannot fix a problem we cannot face. Yes, we are beginning to see. That is my hope and what I see reflected in this powerful day.
Figures on the Beach at Trouville by Eugene Louis Boudin via Wiki Commons

Figures on the Beach at Trouville by Eugene Louis Boudin via Wiki Commons

Saturday August 13, 2016:
Having been retrograde since March 25th, Saturn stations direct on Saturday at 5:50 AM EDT. Consider what Saturn represents and remember that each planet has a positive side and a more challenging side. Think about Saturn as the heavy hand of reality. Restriction, responsibility, and duty are represented here as well as self-respect, self-determination, solitude, and the ability to build stable structures. When we work well with Saturn, we receive her gifts. As time passes, we learn how to work with these energies more easily and our lives reflect that ease.  When we fight against Saturn, our lives contract and crystallize into structures of limitation and restriction. During the times when Saturn is retrograde, we consider our responsibilities and refrain from taking on new ones.
With Saturn now turning direct, we are ready to look clearly at our circumstances and prepare to build more stable structures and take on responsibilities that will support future growth.
At 10:30 AM EDT, Venus square Saturn suggesting the importance of working with challenges in your personal relationships and in your financial circumstances. The cycle between Saturn and Venus is a cycle of strengthening relationships and personal values. It is the cycle of responsibility and learning through love and/or money. This cycle began in early January. What seed did you plant at that time regarding love or personal value? On June 3rd, you were able to see how far you had come in this regard. Now, it is time to release the expectations you have built in order to prepare for a deepening sense of responsibility toward relationship or money at the end of October.
For now, be clear of the reality of your love life and your bank balance.
The Moon is VOC* from 1:36 PM EDT until she enters Capricorn in the early hours of Sunday morning. Remember, there will be no result from anything that is begun during a VOC* Moon. This is neutral, not good, not bad, it simply suggests that whatever occurs will not have any significant impact.
Sunday, August 14, 2016:
Shortly after midnight, the Moon enters stable Capricorn bringing the seriousness of Saturday along into Sunday. However, very different energy is asking us to look at it. At 1:03 PM EDT, Venus opposes Neptune reminding us of a dream that began on March 20, 2016 (give or take a few days).
Perhaps you began an art project, a meditation practice, or a love affair. Whatever began at that time required that you take action to move it forward in the first few days of June. Now, we are encouraged to look clearly at how far that dream has come and how well the seed has grown. We are able to look at our love and our values within a mystical light.
Venus is reflecting to us the current square between serious Saturn and mystical Neptune. This is not easy.  On the one hand, we are looking at reality and structure (Saturn); on the other hand we are looking at confusion or mysticism (Neptune). How do we work with both sides of this equation in both our romantic love relationships and our relationship with money and resources?
It is important that make the effort to balance reality and intuition. It is important that we allow our lives to not fully make sense at this time. It is important that we bring both poetry and hard work to all that we do. Even as you create structure in your relationship, read poetry together, get lost in music, explore the mystical side of love, and explore the mystical soft side of life. Find balance, release expectations.
* In these weekly reports, I am exploring the major aspects formed by transit between the planets.  I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and are often fleeting moods.  I will consider the final major aspect formed by the Moon prior to its VOC* time, as that aspect holds its influence throughout the VOC*.
* The aspects under consideration: conjunctions, textiles, squares, trines, and oppositions.
* The planets I work with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.