
This is my time of year. With 6 planets in Leo, I shine while the Sun moves through this exuberant, expressive sign. My focus this week is laying in the sunshine, picking tomatoes and blueberries, and spending time with my boyfriend/ partner. Thank you all for being here!

A few quotes from Sun Sign Leo folks:

  • “I think that having the courage to step out of the norm is the most important thing.” ~ Meghan Markle
  • “You can’t let your failures define you. You have to let your failures teach you.” ~ Barrack Obama
  • “Never be ashamed of a scar, it simply means you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you.” ~ Demi Lovato
  • “The future rewards those who press on. I don’t have time to feel sorry for myself. I don’t have time to complain. I’m going to press on.” ~ Barack Obama
  • “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.” ~ J.K. Rowling
  • “Sometimes Leos sit in the bathroom and cry, but then walk out like nothing ever happened.” ~ Unknown
  • “The day will be what you make it, so rise like the sun, and burn.” ~ William C. Hannan
  • “You’re always glowing, Leo. Something about being born in the summertime means that you have the natural ability to shine bright like the sun. You’re quite possibly the loudest in any room — or at least the most radiant — and a firm believer that a good laugh can cure just about anything. ~ Marisa Casciano
  • “Let nothing dim the light that shines from within.” ~ Maya Angelou


The Aquarius Full Moon occurs at 11:59 PM EDT. Expect to see something clearly that surprises or even shocks you.

The Full Moon brings a culmination of the monthly and yearly cycles. The monthly cycle began on July 20th at the New Moon. The larger cycle began at the Aquarius New Moon on January 24, 2020. Can you see how each of these cycles is culminating now? Is there a surprising aspect to what you see now?

We can see all of this in the world, culture, and politics. Consider also how they relate to your personal life circumstances. The house that holds Aquarius in your chart (use whole sign houses) is the area where the seed was planted and the cycle began.

At 5 PM EDT Mercury opposes Saturn suggesting something or someone is holding you back from speaking your mind. Perhaps it will be easier to gather and express your thoughts on paper.

Because the Sun and Moon are closely affected by Uranus today, you may have the courage and tenacity to speak up even if it is going to land you in trouble.

These early days of August are challenging. We’d be remiss to underestimate the difficulties so many of us are in the midst of. The Leo Sun encourages you to simply bask in its light and warmth. Absorbing that warmth now will help you get through the cold months that loom ahead.


The Moon continues through Aquarius for the bulk of the day allowing you to maintain a state of emotional objectivity.

Mars makes his first exact square aspect to the gathering of planets in Capricorn at 9:06 AM EDT. Mars will then square Pluto on August 13th, and Saturn on August 24th. With Mars’ upcoming retrograde (September – November) he will pass over this territory twice more by the end of the year. We are heading into a long and rough story. The past 5 months have brought many changes giving us a clearer idea of what lies ahead and how to prepare for unexpected difficulties.

Don’t be discouraged, plan ahead, and think about what is truly important. Make the changes in your life that will enable you to support yourself and your loved ones through further challenges.

At 10:28 PM the Moon enters Pisces releasing emotional objectivity and bringing your emotions to deep sensitivity for the next few days.

At 11:31 PM EDT Mercury leaves Cancer behind to enter Leo where it will remain only until August 19th. Your thinking and communications will be more colorful and dramatic in the days ahead. Practice using your voice and speaking your mind.

***The Aquarius Moon is void-of-course from 5:46 PM EDT until she enters Pisces at 10:28 PM EDT. This suggests that what occurs during this time will not have much impact.

Please keep in mind that transits to your natal planets can override these more universal ones. A personal consultation offers deep understanding.

AN EMOTIONAL RETREAT – Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Today the Moon is in dreamy Pisces, always a mixed blessing. If you have to accomplish something that requires determination you will not be happy with the sleepy state of your emotions. If, however, you are an artist, a dreamer, or a poet you will welcome the gentle dreaminess you feel.

Even with the current challenges, we are all embroiled in with the Moon in Pisces we all feel softer, more adaptable, gentle, and sensitive. Folks you come in contact with may put on a brave face but underneath they are feeling deeply tender and in need of soft connections.

Find an emotional retreat for the day if possible. You may be drawn to water, poetry, or music. Compassion, intuition, and imagination are easily tapped into. Enjoy a movie, a glass of wine, or time on your meditation cushion.

INDULGE YOUR IMAGINATION – Thursday, August 6, 2020

Today’s Pisces Moon forms a conjunction with Neptune increasing dreaminess, illusion, and sensitivity. You will be able to keep those rose-colored glasses on regardless of the reality that may try to sneak into your awareness.

Pisces is a Mutable Water sign offering passive, adaptable, and deeply emotional energies. If you are able to pretend these are normal times go ahead and indulge your imagination. Reality will rear it’s head soon enough.

This is a good day to extend your meditation practice, listen to music, watch films, or read poetry. Spend time alone in nature. The sound of water will soothe you deeply. Sit on a riverbank, a beach, or the ocean’s craggy coastline. Take a nap and rest.

THE VALUE OF FAMILY AND LOVE – Friday, August 7, 2020

The Moon enters Aries 9:05 AM EDT. Moving from Pisces to Aries to Moon delivers your emotions from the coolness of Water to the heat of Fire. What a difference a day makes.

When the Moon is in Aries we are inclined to sudden movement, we tend to take action before thinking through the consequences. Watch this tendency over the next few days.

At 11:21 AM EDT Venus enters Cancer. As Venus travels through the signs of the zodiac she brings her ideas of beauty, love, and value from one sign to the next. While Venus was in Gemini (since April 3rd) we explored, talked, and thought about our values, love, and beauty. Now as Venus enters Cancer (where she will remain until September 6th) your values shift toward family, security, and comfort. The whole sign house that holds Cancer in your chart will be lit up as you seek comfort and security in that area of your life.

Consider how best to focus your values on protecting, nurturing, and loving your family over the coming month.

***The Pisces Moon is void-of-course from 8:54 AM EDT until she enters Aries at 9:05 AM EDT. This suggests that what occurs during this time will not have much impact.

PLAY WITH ABANDON – Saturday, August 8, 2020

What can you do with the incredible amount of energy available today? With the Moon forming a trine aspect to the Sun in Leo at 6:50 PM EDT, don’t let this powerful statement of increased energy and enthusiasm go to waste.

The transit of Moon trine Sun is the best for reflecting ease between your physical, mental, and emotional bodies. With this aspect in play, you are apt to feel comfortable and confident about yourself and your place in the world. There is zero need for pretense and 100 percent need to express the full reality of who you are today. Your integrity is high and you are ready and able to express your true self openly and honestly.

Today is my birthday and today’s chart is a great reflection of my own! My Moon is also in Aries trine my Leo Sun. My boyfriend is coming to visit and you can bet that I am happily playing with great abandon today.

A HIKE, A BIKE RIDE, CLIMB A MOUNTAIN – Sunday, August 9, 2020

Some of the toughest days in the months ahead will be when the Moon is moving through the late degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). It is at these times that the Moon will be highlighting the difficulties in our world (pandemic, politics, etc.).

Today the Aries Moon comes in harsh contact with Mars, Pluto, and Saturn for the bulk of the day. Perhaps you played a little too much yesterday and now there is the piper to pay. Perhaps you woke up cranky and can’t seem to shake it.

Time on your own expending physical energy will help. Go for a run, a bike ride, a hike, or climb a mountain. Don’t try to behave as though everything is normal, you will end up fuming and possibly striking out at others. If you are not able to be nice to those around you, spend time alone.

At 9:28 PM EDT, the Moon enters Taurus lowering the heat on your emotions. Create a nest and cuddle with a loved one. We are in intense times. Take a rest and find love when you can.

***The Aries Moon is void-of-course from 3:50 PM EDT until she enters Taurus at 9:28 PM EDT. This suggests that what occurs during this time will not have much impact.

* In these weekly reports, I explore the major aspects formed by transit between the planets. I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and give rise to fleeting moods. I will consider the final major aspect formed by the Moon prior to its VOC* time, as that aspect holds its influence throughout the VOC*.

The aspects under consideration: conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions.

The planets I work with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.