Astrolore’s Weekly Astrology Weather: April 6, 2015 through April 12, 2015
The end of last week and the beginning of this week are likely to offer some challenges. We still are in the midst of understanding the profound changes in our personal lives and the world around us.
As we work to make sense of our new lives, there is the added challenge of trying to understand where others are in their life changes, and how these changes impact our relationships.
We have encountered profound shifts in ourselves but also the people we love, live and work with seem to be on a very different path as well. Just when we might be comforted to have the familiarity of old friends and loved ones, we look around and they are no longer filling the roles in our lives that we have come to expect of them.
Have you found yourself engaging with a new social circle over the past 6 to 12 months? Go ahead and allow the new people in your life to take more space as the past is left behind and we move forward into our new life.
As we move through this week, our challenges and difficulties may subside. The later part of the week brings more ease, even as Jupiter turns direct on Wednesday! Jupiter is the planet of expansion and higher understanding. With its direct motion beginning this week, our learning and understanding move forward. Open your heart to the new direction, the new path you find yourself on; there is no going back. Find joy exactly in the place you find yourself.
If you are ready to understand this process in your own life; contact me for a consultation. We can explore what the changes mean in the wider context of your life and help you determine your path forward.
Monday, April 6, 2015:
You’re probably beginning this Monday morning with a certain amount of anxiety or excitement. The powerful energies of ongoing change continue their pressure upon us. A good deal may have shifted over the weekend with the lunar eclipse, the full Libra Moon, and the Sun squaring Pluto.
The pressure continues on Monday as the Sun joins up with Uranus at 10:07 AM EDT. This suggests the beginning of a year-long cycle of innovation; related to the cycle and relationship between the Sun and Uranus!
What did you start a year ago that is now coming to an end? What innovation or humanitarian effort do you need to begin now? If you have been doing the work necessary, I hope you are able, at this point, to trade in your fearful anxiety for anticipation and excitement. The transformation of our life and our world is in process; there is no turning back.
Remain focused, mindful, and clear; within the context of this anxiety, embrace the excitement. If you are struggling with fear or anxiety, don’t attempt to escape. Try to relax into it and learn from the intensity.
Imagine the best places your life may be taking you. It is best to open your heart fully, allow the softening of fear and anxiety to teach you the best steps forward.
At 9:25 AM EDT, Mercury trine Jupiter and we flow with the positive expansion of our minds and our conversations with others. Monday will be a powerful day, no doubt about it.
Today is a day to have conversations that need to be had and open the doors that need to be opened. Hold steady with mindfulness to embrace the response you receive from others. Accept where you find yourself with a joyful heart.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015:
Tuesday’s Scorpio Moon asks us to embrace the depth of our feeling nature even as we embrace these deep ongoing changes. On Tuesday, Mercury squares Pluto and on Wednesday, Mercury will conjunct Uranus.
The cycle between Mercury and Pluto which began in late December 2014 comes to the first quarter square on Tuesday. We keep coming back to these particular dates and considering what we began then. In late December, there was intensification of our thought process or a deepening commitment.
Now, it is significant to consider where the Mercury Pluto cycle brought us and what action we can take now. There may be a communication that is important to put on the table at this time. It could be a speech you need to give, a paper to write, or a line of thinking to actively process.
I would suggest a modicum of caution in your words. With a square between Mercury and Pluto, do not use your words thoughtlessly. Pay attention to what you say, pay attention to the responses you get from others, and don’t jump to conclusions about what you hear.
Your mind can take you in very deep profound areas or very profoundly frightening areas. Never fight against a Pluto transit, make a choice early in the day of how you want to work with your mind in a deeply profound way or in an area of deep understanding and awareness.
At 4:42 PM EDT, the Moon goes VOC* until she enters Sagittarius Wednesday morning at 1:08 AM EDT.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015:
We wake up Wednesday morning with the Moon in Sagittarius and our energy is immediately uplifted. Our good morning from Sagittarius encourages us to look at the wider perspective of the world. Consider the difference in perspective that people in other cultures have. This is a great time to simply be aware of the differences in how we think, process information, and attempt to bring understanding to the table.
At 8:19 AM EDT, Mercury conjunct Uranus and surprising or unusual information may come to light. Depending on your own personal chart, this could be a wonderful day or deeply stressful. This brings us to the beginning of a cycle of innovative thought.
Are you beginning a new understanding of your mind or a new understanding of how to communicate in a more helpful and interesting manner?
Shortly before midnight, Jupiter, which has been retrograde since December 8, 2014, turns direct. This provides a forward motion in some expansive area of your life. I think here in Vermont it provides the push for the final arrival of Spring! I think of Jupiter as a place where we feel rewarded. After the long cold Winter, we certainly need to push forward with the reward of Spring.
Thursday, April 9, 2015:
As we head into the later part of the week, we come to Thursday which looks like a lovely day. The Moon in Sagittarius brings our thoughts into uncharted territory. We want to explore a new way of viewing the world. This would be a great day to spend getting to know folks who live a very different cultural or lifestyle than your own.
It is a great day to look for a new perspective. Everyone has an image of the centaur (half man /half horse) for Sagittarius. I like to think that the symbol for Sagittarius is not the centaurs themselves but the arrows that the centaurs release into the air!
Think about the perspective from that arrow and that is the perspective of Sagittarius. That is the perspective to seek on Thursday.
Take a few hours today to explore your ideas for future travel or education. Do you have children reaching the age of contemplating higher education? This would be a great day to get them excited about the prospects of their future! Dream big!
The Moon is VOC* following a trine to the Sun at 1:42 PM EDT; she will enter Capricorn on Friday morning.
Just before midnight, the Sun and Mercury connect at 19° Aries. This begins a new cycle of invigorating our intellect, and our way of thinking.
Friday, April 10, 2015:
Friday morning, the Moon enters Capricorn at 8:47 AM EDT. This moves us into a somewhat conflicted but serious weekend. Perhaps, you have a lot of work to do or you are feeling more ambitious then you have all week.
Maybe you can finally get some work done! Even as a part of you moves in this direction, there is a great deal of fire energy to be managed.
We would probably do well to spend the evening on our own, accomplishing our personal work without the distraction of social activities. In general, this is not going to be a great weekend for socialization. There just seems to be a damper on us even if we desire the socialization.
Much better use of this energy is to determine what it is you want to accomplish and plan the day around that. Don’t look for shared activities. Solitary activities will result in more accomplishment and you will end the day feeling great about yourself.
Saturday, April 11, 2015:
In the midst of this somewhat solitary hard-working weekend, we have Venus moving into Gemini at 11:28 AM EDT. Suddenly, the steadfastness of our desires shifts and we desire more activity and are curious about new options and possibilities. As Venus enters Gemini (an Air sign), she adds a spark to the five planets currently in Fire signs.
We know there is still solitary work to do and yet the pull toward fun and activity may very well get the best of us on Saturday.
I don’t know about you but for me I suspect this is going to be about the crunch time right before taxes are due on April 15th. Do your best to get those taxes completed on Friday and Saturday before 11:28 AM EDT.
Saturday afternoon, you may be tempted to take the kayak down the river, go for a vigorous hike, or get out for some last-minute Spring skiing! Don’t let the conflicting energies get to you; allow space for both the solitary ambition and powerful physical activity. Balance these two for the weekend.
Sunday, April 12, 2015:
Sunday morning begins with the Moon still in Capricorn. If you’re still working on your taxes, get them done this morning because by afternoon you’re not going to want to be bothered with any of that!
At 1:22 PM EDT, Mars sextile Neptune; think back to the beginning of this cycle that started on January 19 of this year. On Sunday, we are reminded of the dream that began at that time.
Consider where that process is moving now. Investigate what the next steps may be to bring this dream forward. Time alone in this contemplation could be very beneficial to the outcome.
The Moon is VOC following a square to Mercury at 4:15 AM EDT until she enters Aquarius at 1:44 PM EDT. Sunday afternoon and evening would be great to shake off the challenges of the early part of the weekend. Gather with like-minded friends, enjoy conversations that stretch your mind. Shake off the dust and enjoy the evening!
This week: The VOC* Moon!
VOC* (void of course) refers to the period of time between the final aspect that the Moon makes while in one sign until she enters the next sign. This can consist of several minutes or many hours. These periods are best handled with little expectation of accomplishment. These times are ideally suited for rest and contemplation.
Block off these times in your schedule and avoid making significant decisions or working on important projects during these times. During VOC* Moon, focus on routine tasks. You will be surprised at how this one change will smooth the edges of your life!
Do you have questions about what is appropriate to do or not do during the VOC* moon? A simple way to think about it is to ask a simple question: Do I hope that this activity will amount to something? If the activity does not need to amount to anything, go ahead with it!
If you have an expectation or desire that this action is going to amount to something, do not do it while the Moon is VOC*. Think about the time you bought a book you were certain you were going to love and you never could finish it! Think about the time you bought the perfect article of clothing that you ended up never wearing. That is the Moon VOC*!
Tuesday, April 7, 2015 the Moon is VOC* (in Scorpio) following and opposition to Venus at 4:42 PM EDT until she enters Sagittarius on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at 1:08 AM EDT.
Thursday, April 9, 2015, the Moon is VOC* (in Sagittarius) following a trine to the Sun at 1:42 PM EDT until she enters Capricorn on Friday, April 10 2015 at 8:47 AM EDT.
Sunday, April 12, 2015, the Moon is VOC* (in Capricorn) following a square to Mercury at 4:15 AM EDT until she enters Aquarius at 1:44 PM EDT.
* In these weekly reports, I am exploring the major aspects formed by transit between the planets. I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and are often fleeting moods. I will consider the final major aspect formed by the Moon prior to its VOC* time, as that aspect holds its influence throughout the VOC*.
The aspects I consider: conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions.
The planets I am working with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
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