
It seems that we wake up each morning thinking about all the wondrous or terrible things that may happen throughout our day.

“Ah”, we think, “the Moon is in this sign or that sign and it will highlight these different energies for us and those around us!”

Today I just want to think about what it is like to have an ordinary day. When you look back over the years there really are very few days that stand out against the rest. To me that is a clear indication that we have a great deal of ordinary days.

Weeds photo by Laurie

Today, perhaps we got up with plenty of time to catch up on some email communications, we enjoyed the perfect cup of coffee, the shower was hot and soothing and we headed off to work feeling great.

On the other hand, perhaps we stepped on the cat as we got out of bed. her howl awoke our sleeping family and we went on to burn our toast and had a terrible confrontation with our partner, teenage child or house-mate! We raced out of the house feeling horrible about ourself and every aspect of our life.

These are such ordinary occurrences and yet they set the stage for how we feel about the rest of our day, our week or even our relationship with our partner, child or our self!

We move, from those simple moments, into our day, feeling bliss or despair. It is crucial to understand how ordinary these types of evens are. These minor mishaps or pleasures create in us a perception that life is so great or so terrible. The reality is that both the best and the most challenging events are just like clouds passing across the Sun – they will move along in a moment – and something else will appear.

We make everything so difficult for ourselves by trying so hard to hang on to the beautiful moments and/or keep the difficult moments away. In reality we will get a ton of both the good and the challenging and they will all pass away into more ordinary moments of more bliss or difficulty.

Bowl photo by Sylas DeMello

It is important to work with your mind, to learn to let these moments go by peacefully and wait with open arms for the next moments to come freely and pass away again. In order to face the real difficulties, the death and pain that we will invariably encounter over time, first we must learn to handle these ordinary moments.

Breath. and let it pass. it will all change in a moment.