We approach the holiday season with much excitement & expectation. However, we know that this is a difficult season for many. Think of your friends, family, neighbors, even your co-workers who are struggling through this time All too many of them/us have absorbed unrealistic images and ideals of what the holiday season should be.
In our minds, we have such beautiful pictures of the perfect holiday!
  • Our perfect home is always clean and beautifully decorated, inside and out!
  • Our perfect family always treats each other with love and respect in every moment!
  • Our perfect temperament has no stress about time, family dynamics or how to pay the bills when they come due!

In our sweet imagination we bake cookies with our children, our moms and grandmas, sit around a warm fire, sing carols and kiss our perfect partner under the mistletoe!

Our imagination holds limitless bliss!
It is difficult to avoid the thought that we have somehow failed our families and ourselves when the reality of our lives do not match up to this ideal fantasy!

The Astrological transits, the issues, intensity, energies and how we are affected by them vary each year.

The one constant is the Sun – each year the Sun moves from Sagittarius into Capricorn on December 21st or 22nd. This coincides with our shift from having fun with holiday preparation to serious stress about what we HAVE to get done in just a few short days! After beginning the preparation in late November with joyful expectations we now realize that there are limits on our time, our finances, our patience and our energy. With Capricorn comes the concern that we have spent too much money and yet have not done as much as we ‘should‘! Our stress builds as we approach this self imposed finish line!
The year 2009 exists with the heavy background of Saturn squaring Pluto, which demands transformation of, that which we have considered, the steady grounding forces in our lives. The earth has shaken and we know the process is not yet over.

Jupiter & Neptune are together for a bit longer after spending most of the year side by side. With this combination we sense hope and acceptance of something larger than ourselves at work in this process. Keep this energy close to you as you deal with the more challenging elements of your family this holiday season.
Expand your acceptance. This is your family, your clan, chosen or not!
It is what it is – they are who they are, just as you are.
Keep your heart open!
Jupiter and Neptune side by side in Aquarius will help immeasurably!
The combination of Saturn square Pluto, and Jupiter conjunct Neptune speaks of the futility of attempting to gain or maintain any level of control over the actions of others or over the course of many aspects of our existence. Acceptance will open the heart and heal a lot of wounds.
This week with the Sun approaching conjunction with Pluto (exact on Thursday, December 24, 2009) our attention turns toward very serious issues. Ask yourself what you have to offer that is of deep and abiding significance. What do you have to offer to your loved ones, your community, your world? Step away from the stress of this holiday season – take a deep look at your personal values. What is the value you have to offer? How are you able to put this value into action now? Perhaps your growing dissatisfaction and frustration would resolve itself if you were to find that answer and begin the steps to put it into action.
The energy of transiting Mars (retrograde) is turned inward, offering us the opportunity to slow down and work below the surface, to sit quietly and find what is real & true for ourselves. Watch the quality of our communications and our tendencies toward frustration, anger and aggression.
Many of us are spending time with families during these holidays. It is a great time to practice being in relationship, without addenda. Take the time, make the effort to obser
ve ourselves and those we are in relationship with.

Take time to allow the act of observation to slow down the need to respond.

Family dynamics often bring up reactions we may later regret. During the retrograde cycle of Mars, please understand that any acts of aggression, whether physical or verbal, will end badly for the aggressor. Observation is not necessarily a passive act! Observation is an act that will serve you well in many difficult and uncomfortable situations. As your skills of observation deepen you will realize how the ability to observe rather than react will enable you to chose actions that you will not need to later regret – you will also learn much that will surprise you about yourself!
Transiting Mercury also turns retrograde on Saturday December 26th reminding us to also slow down our mental activity and pay careful attention to our communications as well.

This is indeed an interesting holiday season! As you spend time with family and loved ones watch your communications, your tendencies toward anger, frustrations and aggression. Develop skills of observation and skills of patience. Be patient with yourself and others, observe your behavior and learn from it.

Breathe deeply and bring understanding and love to the table. Find your gifts and share them with love.