
Love meets passion; beauty meets aggression; social graces meet survival instincts; attraction meets frustration.
Aggression is softened and diplomacy is energized.

Approximately every 2 years we reach a point in our process when we are given the opportunity to reevaluate our values and our relationships. We begin a new cycle regarding relationship, our considerations of gender identity/awareness, love, passion, beauty, creativity, resources, and pleasure.
We have reached that time once again.
What issues regarding relationship, beauty, personal values, or creativity are requiring consideration and review? Are we contemplating a significant change in our relationship/s? Are we considering the way in which we relate to the people we are in relationship with?
At this new cycle we plant a seed (consciously or unconsciously); over the next two years we must pay attention to, and nurture that seed.
It is important to take the entire cycle of Venus and Mars into consideration. To do so, it is helpful to understand the past cycle in order to prepare for the one we are now entering.
Spring of 2011 (May) was the start of the cycle we are now ending. Were we beginning a new relationship? Had we recently ended a significant one? Were we involved in a consideration of our gender expression? Are we aware of the need to more fully express a more masculine side of our personality? Or perhaps we need to work more deeply with our feminine side. Consider the yin/yang balance of our expression over the past few years.
 Was the most important issue, at that time, less about personal Relationship and more about our relationship to money, resources, or our own creativity?
It is easy to track these cycles if we keep a journal!
If we don’t keep a record of the ongoing trajectory of life we can go back and look at calendars, credit card statements, or other places that will give us clues about what we are up to at different times.
The first crisis point, or demand for action, in their cycle came at the first Square aspect between them in October of 2011. At that time we were faced with a struggle regarding the issue at hand. Action was necessary in order to reach our goal, we worked diligently.
February 2012 brought us to a full expression of the work/the issue we had been engaged in since the beginning of the cycle. This was the Opposition, a time of full illumination! It was clear at that time if the work of the cycle was a success or not.  At this time creative energy is powerfully released. At the Opposition we see the purpose we have been building toward throughout this cycle.
Between April and September 2012 we came to realize that the cycle we had been so engaged in was ready to be assimilated and released. It was clearly time to let go, to reconsider, to spend time alone or to simply contemplate our situation before attempting to rebuild our values or relationships.
And now we begin again!
One of the true values of Astrology is the ability to observe the planetary cycles and to work with them with awareness and objectivity.
All of our lives consist of cycles that begin, grow, release, let go, and ultimately die.
This is the way of life and can be worked with in a deeply conscious manner, leading to deep levels of growth and self understanding.
What are your bringing into life today? What seed of love or change are you planting?
Take the time to consider carefully what seeds are being planted. Honor them; plant them in fertile soil, care for them well and the cycle will progress with deep learning.