4 Simple Steps to Making the Most of Mercury Retrograde!

4 Simple Steps to Making the Most of Mercury Retrograde!

Here we are once again!
MERCURY turned Retrograde (23degrees CANCER) yesterday at 9:07 AM EDT!

Everywhere I turn these past few days someone is asking me (with trepidation and a touch of fear in their eyes) is Mercury turning retrograde AGAIN??
There is so much unnecessary fear and misinformation around Mercury’s retrograde cycles.

I am going to keep these instructions very simple!

#1.  Don’t be afraid, worried, or concerned!

I know that is easier said than done, but please forget all the terrible things you have ever heard about Mercury retrograde!
There are no astrological conditions that we need to block ourselves from in fear!  We simply need to learn how to make the best use of the planetary cycles as we encounter them!
I honestly LOVE Mercury’s retrograde cycle! I feel that during these times I can finally catch up with all the things that have been left undone since Mercury turned direct after the last retrograde cycle!
After years of watching and working with Mercury’s retrograde cycles, I have come to love these brief periods scattered throughout the year. I feel that they are a gift. We simply must know how to use them!

#2.  Get a notebook and a pen – Make a list of everything that you have begun but NOT completed since March 17, 2013

Start with a clean sheet of paper, quiet your mind and think back over these past few months. On March 17th Mercury turned direct at 5 degrees Pisces. Since then, s/he has zipped along through Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and into Cancer where s/he is now turning retrograde.
Think about what you have been doing since the middle of March. Look through your calendar, your notebooks, your bills, wherever you will find reminders of everything that you have been thinking about and working on since then. Now, carefully make a list of all the things that you have begun but not completed. Dig deep; there are probably more things than you are aware of.
What about that appointment you have been meaning to make? And how about the project that you finally tucked into a drawer because you couldn’t find the time to complete it?  I am certain that we all have communications that have fallen through the cracks!

#3.  Get to work! Accomplish what is on this list! Only what is on this list!

Once you have this list made up, it is easy to follow the perfect plan for the next three+ weeks (Mercury turns direct once again on July 20, 2013). Get to work, accomplish the things on this list. Nothing more, nothing less.
This is the whole trick of dealing with Mercury retrograde. Stick with this list!
Our lives are so busy; we zip from one project to another, from one communication to another. We never seem to have the time to slow down and carefully complete the tasks that we have begun.

Mercury retrograde brings us the gift of time to wrap up all those loose ends!

#4.  Don’t be tempted to start new projects, begin new commitments, new relationships, or new jobs!

This is the time for clean up only. Don’t move forward until Mercury turns direct on July 20th.
If you follow these simple steps, you will be amazed at how much you can accomplish during this 3 week period!
Good Luck and Get to Work!
PS.  Do remember that these are guidelines; not Rules.  There are things that can not be put off.  Please be practical and do what must be done.

The Healing Power of Love Expands – Jupiter Enters Cancer!

The Healing Power of Love Expands – Jupiter Enters Cancer!

Everyone wants to discuss MERCURY RETROGRADE!
But first let’s consider the GRAND TRINE forming today in the cosmos! 
THE SUN (CANCER), SATURN (SCORPIO), AND NEPTUNE (PISCES) are all in WATER SIGNS and making 120degree aspects (Trine) to each other.
Today we find ourselves in a flow of deep emotional energy.
CANCER brings us to thoughts of home, family, comfort, tenderness, and protective love. The deep energy of CANCER offers healing through love.

This creates a free flow of emotional energy. We are contained within this space of our own emotions and deepest feelings.
Between Mercury’s retrograde and the containment of this Water energy, today is not the day to attempt to express our emotions outwardly.
This is a solid time of internal processing.
We look to the past for comfort and security.  We want to understand the source of our emotional habits; the patterns that connect us to the past and to our ancestors.
In early Spring there were a number of personal planets in Gemini enabling us to stay pretty safely in our heads; no need to look at those, sometimes, messy feelings!
On May 31st Mercury entered Cancer, followed by Venus, the Sun and now, today, JUPITER!
The focus further expands from thinking to feeling; from our minds to our hearts.
JUPITER’S stay in CANCER will last a little over a year!
During this time there will be no mistaking the focus on family, home, comfort, and deep emotional connection.
During this influence we may notice how we comfort ourselves with food. Watch the tendency to over-eat as a way to feel safe and loved.
The last time Jupiter was in Cancer was between July 2001 – August 2002. If you can go back to a journal of that time it may be a good reminder of what Jupiter in Cancer brings to your personal emotional table.
Jupiter likes his/her time here, as the sign of Cancer provides the setting for expansion of love and caring.
During the coming weeks you may want to explore your old jewelry boxes, files of old letters, and those dusty cookbooks left behind from grandparents or other ancestors.
I will be sending out a separate post on Mercury Retrograde tomorrow!

Open to Simplicity & Deep Connection

Open to Simplicity & Deep Connection

As we come to the end of another deeply intense week, there is much to contemplate, much to consider as we chose our path forward.
As Sunday brings the FIRST QUARTER MOON we seek the appropriate step forward, the action that is necessary at this juncture.

The old is gone, the new continues to beckon.  We wait for clarity.
The bridge to our future vision seems unclear.  Although, it may be right in front of us; simply not as yet recognized or acknowledged!
Are we able to deeply trust our minds? Do we clearly perceive the reality of our situation?
Without a solid trust of our minds and our perceptions how can we choose our path forward?  How do we develop an unshakable trust in our minds?
The clouds that obscure our vision seem numerous.  This is the condition of our minds.  Beyond that veil is a clear blue sky; one that we know is simple and true.  How do we see beyond the veil of those constantly shifting forms?
It is interesting to watch as we attempt to accommodate, and understand, the new reality of the current WATER GRAND TRINE!
For so long we have been held tightly in the grip of the Square between URANUS AND PLUTO!  The tension between URANUS AND PLUTO is still very much with us, and is not ending anytime soon!  However, it is important to understand that the current GRAND TRINE gives us a way to work with the reality of where we find ourselves and a way to see beyond the clouds that obscure our vision and our clarity of mind.

When times are challenging it is easy to think that nothing will ever get better! Last Fall we may have had a glimpse of remembering that nothing stays the same, that these times of stress are changing, even as they continue to transform the fabric of our lives.  Last October Saturn first came into Trine aspect with Neptune.

Are we beginning to understand that it is now our choice to transcend the limitations we perceive; that we can rise above what has been holding us back?
The personal planets are now moving into, and through, CANCER, connecting with SATURN (SCORPIO) AND NEPTUNE (PISCES) forming a GRAND TRINE.
The opportunity to transcend the difficulties we have been immersed in (through a softening of our internal walls) is reflected and supported by this ongoing Grand Trine.

Look around! You may be amazed at the number of people who are moving in the direction of emotional healing and spiritual transcendence. As a collective we are opening our hearts deeply to an understanding of the profound interconnectedness of our world!

Each day I talk with amazing people. I hear incredible stories of love and of new found understanding of our interconnectedness. I witness people having breakthroughs, realizing that kindness, generosity, overwhelming compassion, and love are the most important things we have to offer to all of the world. 
The awareness that as we offer this love and compassion to the world, the cold places in our own hearts are healed as well. With this healing, this softening comes an amazing freedom to our souls!  In this freedom come the trust and openness of MIND. We understand that MIND and HEART are ONE.

Last week both MERCURY and VENUS took their place, forming the first of a full expression of this GRAND TRINE.  Mind and Heart open to transcendence of boundaries and stabilization of transcendence.

Throughout the next six weeks The Sun, Jupiter, and Mars will cycle through this space.
This reflects our availability to engage in deeply significant  levels of love and connection throughout our Summer season.
Stay tuned for more information as we move into the coming weeks ahead. For now, enjoy this weekend with the lovely MOON IN VIRGO.  Seek and deliver selfless kindness.

The Power of Water to Heal!

The Power of Water to Heal!

A powerful wave of WATER is upon us! 
Early in the week we may have been aware of our mental activity diving into open spaces of sensitivity and deep emotion.
A GRAND TRINE creates a free flow of energy that is overwhelmingly independent! A GRAND TRINE IN WATER brings us to a flow of emotion and sensitivity.
Today we move even deeper as VENUS, now in CANCER moves into place to join the WATER GRAND TRINE.

We have been aware of WATER (emotion) lapping at the edges of our minds, now that WATER (emotion) comes closer, enveloping us on yet another level.  Sensitivity now encompasses our deepest personal values; who and what we love.
Over the next few months Jupiter, the Sun, and finally Mars will bring us into a territory of unprecedented depth and emotion.
We may notice an increase in our need for privacy, we may feel the need to protect ourselves or those we love, but mostly we will experience an increase in our ability to touch upon profound levels of love, compassion, and deeply intuitive connections between ourselves and others.
Boundaries may dissolve and we find ourselves connecting deeply with others and yet we are equally independent and self-contained.
The line between heart and mind, between ourselves and others meld as we reach depths of connection that may surprise us after these past months, and possibly years, of internal coolness and restriction.

There is a space of healing that is opened  with this Water Grand Trine. A free flow of energy that we are welcome to float into.  Engage the flow of Water, allow spontaneous heart healing. Open mind and heart.
Engage all your emotions without judgement.

What emotional patterns have you been fighting for many years to release? At this time you may be surprised at how simply they are able to just slip away!

Deep healing does not always have to involve hard work and determination. Sometimes it is as simple as opening and releasing.
Allow the full power of love, vulnerability, sadness, suffering, healing, release, and compassion. Welcome tears of sadness just as much as the tears of joy!

We have talked so much in recent times of the difficulties and challenges of the ongoing Uranus Square Pluto.
I think we can take our eyes off that stress for a time and simply enjoy this amazing flow of heartfelt emotion and overwhelming love!

Allowing Upheaval, Riding the Wave! Uranus Meets Pluto

Allowing Upheaval, Riding the Wave! Uranus Meets Pluto

Here we are, once again, or still… heading into very intense waters. 
Actually if we open our eyes we may find we are already deeply submerged!
Perhaps it has happened very quickly! We knew this change was coming but we weren’t really expecting it yet!
This is a crucial juncture in our journey. It is time to take a REALLY clear look at the reality of our circumstances. 
After all, the idea that we could avoid or hide from reality is ludicrous!

I have been contemplating recently how I would live my life if I knew this were my last year to live in this body.  Consider this! How would YOU live if this were truly the last year of YOUR life?

What actions are necessary in order to move in the direction YOU know would bring YOU the deepest satisfaction?
What would enable you to take on the higher purpose of your life?
Do you know what that purpose is? Consider where in your life you feel a flow that makes you lose track of everything else. Consider what feeds your soul on the very deepest level and makes your heart sing!
These are important considerations and questions we need to be asking ourselves and each other.
Lets get clear enough with ourselves that we can live a life of great beauty, great love, great passion, and great service to others.
It is time that You find your passion, your flow!

Where are Uranus and Pluto transiting in your natal horoscope? Where in your life is empowerment being offered, and transformation being demanded? 

What are YOU doing to create the space for this change?  How are your decisions and personal transformation assisting in the transformation of the entire human race, in some profound or subtle way?
On Monday, May 20 (EDT) we reach the third of seven exact hits of this powerful life changing and culture altering transit!

Contact me for a consultation! These are wild times we are navigating! Together we can explore what these times are asking of you. 
An astrological consultation will reveal a larger perspective and will show where and how you are being impacted by theses changes.  We can help you to a deeper understanding of your place in the patterns of these Universal changes.
Sending love and gratitude to each and every one of you,