
Contemplation for the week:
 “Everything is material for the seed of happiness, if you look into it with inquisitiveness and curiosity. The future is completely open, and we are writing it moment to moment. There always is the potential to create an environment of blame — or one that is conducive to loving-kindness.” ~ Pema Chodron

Senol Karakaya by KingLeT via Wiki Commons

Senol Karakaya by KingLeT via Wiki Commons

We begin the week with the Moon VOC* in Libra. This is an active week!
Monday brings the opportunity of healing deep emotional wounds with a free flow of energy between the Sun in Scorpio and Chiron in Pisces.
On Tuesday, pay attention to opportunities presented as there are positive aspects of stabilization and the possibility of important structures being built to support our emotional growth.
On Wednesday, we have a New Moon at 19° Scorpio. This begins a cycle of intensity and deep emotional excavation.
On Thursday, Mars begrudgingly follows Venus into Libra. Venus is delighted to be in Libra, Mars is more than a little lost there. Your ability to take clear and direct action may be a bit compromised over the coming weeks.
Friday offers up more opportunities, possibilities, and excitement; a great start to the weekend.
The upcoming weekend is much divided.
Saturday looks like a great day for parties, gatherings, and enjoyments of all types. However, you may want to settle in for a quieter more serious evening. Get a good night’s sleep and spend Sunday getting focused on accomplishment. This will be a perfect day for house projects and further preparations for winter. Get done what needs to be done.
All in all a great week. Enjoy.
Are you concerned or unclear about your path ahead?
Let Astrolore help you see your life and your path forward from a perspective that will change everything. Allow more joy and love into your life.
Make your appointment today!
Together, we will work with your individual horoscope to explore your hopes, dreams, goals, your current path, and the reality of your life purpose. Our conversation will offer you a profoundly renewed perspective on your life and circumstances.
Monday, November 9, 2015:
The week begins with the Moon in Libra as we attempt to put our best foot forward into the week. Our attention may be drawn to issues of fairness and diplomacy.
I do not often talk about Chiron (an asteroid) but with Monday’s trine from the Scorpio Sun to Chiron in Pisces, it begs being paid attention to. Chiron represents a place within your life where you have been wounded and a place of healing. Being in Pisces, this represents a deeply sensitive emotional wound. This is a collective wound. I believe all of our pain is collective.
At any rate, as the Sun forms a trine aspect to Chiron there is a free flow of warmth and light shining on that damaged place. Where in your own mind and in the world around you do you see the possibility of healing? Where is simple light and warmth a cure for suffering and pain?
Shortly before midnight EST, the Moon enters Scorpio and our dreams go deep as we assimilate the healing we have received.
“Never give up on yourself, that way you will never give up on others.” ~ Pema Chodron
Tuesday, November 10, 2015:
Please take advantage of the energy we have available this week.
On Tuesday, we have two delightful sextile aspects to utilize. In the morning, Mercury sextiles Pluto giving us an opportunity to look forward and consider what area of deep study or contemplation you want to begin dabbling with. Full immersion in this study will come in mid-December. If you have something in mind that you want to study, or deeply understand, now is the time to begin exploring how you are going to go about this.
If the study of astrology calls to you; Astrolore has openings for new students!  Contact me to discuss this possibility!
Later in the day, the Sun is sextile Jupiter. Consider what came into your life, or expanded in late August of 2015. Did you begin a new health, dietary, or work regime at that time? Did you have a significant insight on how to better care for yourself or how to be of more service to others? Revisit that issue now. If you have fallen off the wagon, get back on. You will be surprised that you feel invigorated once again by this issue.
Expand your commitment to yourself or your service to others.
“Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.” ~ James M Barrie
Werschrummschloeff Labyrinth in Berdorf,Luxembourg by Dietmar Rabichvia-Wiki-Commons.

Werschrummschloeff Labyrinth in Berdorf,Luxembourg by Dietmar Rabichvia-Wiki-Commons.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015:
Wednesday’s Scorpio New Moon occurs at 12:48 PM EST.
New Moons bring us to the end of one lunar cycle (a 28 day cycle) and the beginning of another. Possibilities present themselves as we become aware of new ideas and new plans that will support our journey into the future.
The last few days before a New Moon we should try to release old habits and old beliefs. By Wednesday afternoon/evening, we can imagine ourselves in the future with inventive new opportunities. Consider carefully what you wish to begin.
Be prepared to make a fresh start. Begin something you want to see completed over the coming month. The time between the New Moon and the Full Moon (November 25th) is a time of building; the two weeks following the Full Moon bring clarity and release.
Any relationships begun or reinvigorated at this time will bring depth, intensity, and healing. Actually, anything begun at this time will bring depth and intensification.
Be aware of how much intensity you want and proceed with caution and awareness.
“The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The meaning of life is to give your gift away.” ~ David Viscott
Thursday, November 12, 2015:
Thursday bring a significant energetic shift as Mars enters Libra. Let’s not try to kid ourselves; Mars does not enjoy his time in Libra. Think about it. Mars is all about individual action. Mars thinks nothing of expressing anger and self-promotion directly and deliberately. Mars takes a second seat to no one.
Libra, on the other hand, is all about diplomacy, refinement, and grace. Mars feels restricted and uncomfortable here. In his frustration, he may resort to passive aggressive behavior here. Watch yourself for those tendencies!
If you notice yourself stuffing your anger or assertiveness down, consider how it can be expressed through Libra. Be diplomatic without being indecisive. Be clear about what you want even as you present your assertiveness gently! A tricky thing at best! It is important to work with full awareness.
Mars will happily move out of Libra and into Scorpio on January 3, 2016.
You may find yourself feeling that some situation or circumstance is not fair. Relax, let it go. Work diplomatically with awareness and clarity.
“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” ~ Carl Bard
Friday, November 13, 2015:
So many sextiles this week! Two on Friday offer a day of excitement and opportunity!
Venus sextile Saturn is a time that will support the stabilization of your values, financial situation, or love relationships. Sextiles do not make anything happen. They simply offer you the opportunity. It is up to you to take action on your desires.
In early January 2016, you will begin a new cycle of stabilizing your values, money, or love. Whatever you need to release of the last cycle should be done now to prepare you for a more responsible and mature approach to these important issues in your life.
Mercury sextile Jupiter offers a different kind of possibility. Think back to August 2015. At that time, you began expanding your thinking, communications, or some intellectual growth. Perhaps, you have nearly forgotten what seemed so important then.
Now, you have the opportunity to pick up the pieces and explore where that interest may still be calling you. No direct action needs to be taken now, simply an exploration of the possibilities. Find the place where this brings excitement and juiciness! A direct action toward this expansion of intellect or awareness will be required in early December at the square between Mercury and Jupiter.
For this Friday and through the weekend, enjoy the opportunities presented to explore some intellectual endeavor and to stabilize your values and love.
If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “Thank you,” that would suffice.” ~ Meister Eckhart
Herbstbild in Acrylic by Mikkonencommons via Wiki Commons

Herbstbild in Acrylic by Mikkonencommons via Wiki Commons

Saturday, November 14, 2015:
The Moon is VOC* in Sagittarius throughout the day until she enters Capricorn at 7:22 PM EST.
Enjoy a quiet, laid back day. Don’t expect much from others. Don’t demand much of yourself.
Visit with friends. Walk in the woods. Seek out the viewpoints of folks who have a very different perspective on the world. Go to a museum, open your mind to a new view.
Once the Moon enters Capricorn (7:22 PM EST), you will feel the shift. You may suddenly want to get to work and accomplish something significant. Don’t let yourself fall into the trap of feeling badly about the day slipping by without anything to show for it. It is just as it is supposed to be.
Sunday will allow for more focus and well directed effort.
“Life must be lived and curiosity kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
Sunday, November 15, 2015:
Sunday is a great day for work and accomplishment. Your happiness and sense of well being will be greatly increased if you focus on doing whatever gives you a sense of self respect and a feeling of being capable.
You may feel serious, reserved and long for time alone. You may feel lonely and yet you know that being alone is important.
A Sunday with a Capricorn Moon can be great for preparing for the week ahead. You are serious and responsible. Duty calls and you are ready to answer that call.
Enjoy accomplishment.
“Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.” ~ Golda Meir
* In these weekly reports, I am exploring the major aspects formed by transit between the planets. I do not consider every aspect that the Moon makes each day as they can be numerous and are often fleeting moods. I will consider the final major aspect formed by the Moon prior to its VOC* time, as that aspect holds its influence throughout the VOC*.
* The aspects under consideration: conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions.
* The planets I work with: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.